Apache Ivy (TM) 2.3.0-rc2 Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. What is Apache Ivy? 2. Status of this release 3. How to Get Involved 4. How to Report Issues 5. Committers and Contributors for this release 6. List of Changes in this Release 1. What is Apache Ivy? Apache Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies. It is characterized by the following: 1. flexibility and configurability Apache Ivy is essentially process agnostic and is not tied to any methodology or structure. Instead it provides the necessary flexibility and configurability to be adapted to a broad range of dependency management and build processes. 2. tight integration with Apache Ant while available as a standalone tool, Apache Ivy works particularly well with Apache Ant providing a number of powerful Ant tasks ranging from dependency resolution to dependency reporting and publication. 2. Status of this release This is the second release candidate of Ivy targetting 2.3.0. As a release candidate version, we strongly encourage the use of this version for testing and validation. From now on, features are frozen until final 2.3.0 version, only bug fixes may be applied before 2.3.0. If no outstanding bugs are reported with this release candidate, it will promoted to 2.3.0 about three weeks after this release candidate. 3. How to Get Involved The Apache Ivy project really needs and appreciates any contributions, including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested in contributing, please visit http://ant.apache.org/ivy/get-involved.html. 4. How to Report Issues The Apache Ivy project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any issues you find at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IVY 5. Committers and Contributors for this Release Here is the list of people who have contributed source code and documentation to this release. Many thanks to all of them, and also to the whole Ivy community contributing ideas and feedback, and promoting the use of Ivy. The list would be too long, but Ivy couldn't be what it is without you! Committers Matt Benson Maarten Coene Xavier Hanin Nicolas Lalevee Jon Schneider Gilles Scokart Contributors Jean-Louis Boudart Ed Burcher Robin Fernandes Wolfgang Frank Mitch Gitman Thomas Kurpick Ales Nosek Carl Quinn For the list of people who have contributed since Ivy inception, see CHANGES.txt file. 6. List of Changes in this Release For a full release history of Ivy see the file CHANGES.txt For details about the following changes, check our JIRA install at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ivy List of changes since Ivy 2.3.0-rc1: - DOCUMENTATION: Documentation and Implementation mismatch of makepom (IVY-1383) (thanks to Thomas Kurpick) - DOCUMENTATION: added link to extra beginners guide (IVY-1381) - FIX: Ivy default cache path with non-ASCII character lets it crash (IVY-1378) - FIX: latest.integration isn't resolved against a Maven snapshot repository (when uniqueVersion = true) (IVY-1036) - FIX: Resolve does not deliver all dependent artifacts (IVY-1366) (thanks to Wolfgang Frank) - FIX: Ivy descriptors are merged incorrectly when there is an element (IVY-1356) - FIX: SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe (IVY-1373) - FIX: Maven 'hk2-jar' packaging is now supported (IVY-1357) - FIX: Maven 'orbit' and 'pear' packaging is now supported (IVY-899) - FIX: Memory leak and infinite loop in ModuleId.java (IVY-1362) - FIX: Unnecessary warning when parent ivy.xml is not found (IVY-1346) - FIX: StackOverflowError when using and ../ivy.xml is not the parent ivy.xml (IVY-1437) - FIX: NullPointerExeption in AbstractOSGiResolver (IVY-1343) (thanks to Thomas Kurpick) - FIX: Delivered ivy descriptor inconsistent with resolve report / retrieve and other post-resolve actions (IVY-1300) (thanks to Ed Burcher) - FIX: The Updatesite resolver is downloading Eclipse features instead of Eclipse bundle/plugin - FIX: ivy:buildlist task confused by extends feature using two parents (IVY-1363) (thanks to Mitch Gitman and Jean-Louis Boudart) - FIX: ivy.xml extends feature complains about Windows filesystem path (IVY-1359) (thanks to Mitch Gitman and Jean-Louis Boudart) - FIX: buildlist task chokes on absolute path to parent Ivy module (IVY-1364) (thanks to Mitch Gitman and Jean-Louis Boudart) - FIX: The ignore circular dependency strategy is clobbering the warn strategy (IVY-1353) (Thanks to Carl Quinn) - FIX: Buildnumber and IvyFindRevision Ant tasks should honour defaultBranch setting (IVY-1344) (Thanks to Ales Nosek) - FIX: ApacheURLLister.retrieveListing() fails if the encoding of the URL list is different from the default encoding (IVY-1060) (Thanks to Robin Fernandes) - FIX: global exclude rules is not applying to root ivy files