default | the name of the default cache to use on all resolvers not defining the cache instance to use |
No, defaults to a default cache manager instance named 'default-cache' |
defaultCacheDir | a path to a directory to use as default basedir for both resolution and repository cache(s) |
No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in the user's home directory |
resolutionCacheDir | the path of the directory to use for all resolution cache data |
No, defaults to defaultCacheDir |
repositoryCacheDir | the path of the default directory to use for repository cache data. This should not point to a directory used as a repository! |
No, defaults to defaultCacheDir |
ivyPattern | default pattern used to indicate where ivy files should be put in the repository cache(s) |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml |
artifactPattern | default pattern used to indicate where artifact files should be put in the repository cache(s) |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext] |
checkUpToDate | Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache |
No, defaults to true |
useOrigin | the default value to use for useOrigin for caches in which it isn't specifically defined.
Use true to avoid the copy of local artifacts to the cache and use directly their original location. |
No, defaults to false |
lockStrategy | the name of the default [[settings/lock-strategies lock strategy]] to use when accessing repository cache(s) |
No, defaults to no-lock |