Changes from Ant 1.7.0RC1 to current SVN version ================================================== Changes that could break older environments: ------------------------------------------- Fixed bugs: ----------- Other changes: -------------- Changes from Ant 1.7.0Beta3 to Ant 1.7.0RC1 =========================================== Changes that could break older environments: ------------------------------------------- Fixed bugs: ----------- * OOM caused by IH holding on to classes and thus their classloaders. Bugzilla 28283 and 33061. * doesnt delete when defaultexcludes="false" and no includes is set fixed. Bugzilla 40313. * behavior change of DirectoryScanner/AbstractFileset when conditional include patterns are used. Bugzilla 40722. * fails with NPE when compiling with eclipse ecj 3.1.x. Bugzilla 40839. * JUnitTestRunner had a NPE when unable to create parser, the exception containing the error did not get reported. Bugzilla 36733. Other changes: -------------- * Upgraded XML API and parser to Xerces 2.8.1 * A code review of some threaded logic has tightened up the synchronization of Watchdog, ExecuteWatchdog and ExecuteJava, which could reduce the occurence of race conditions here, especially on Java1.5+. * Allow broken reference build files. The defer reference processing would break too many files - so allow them with a warning. * removed dependence on sun.misc.UUEncoder for UUMailer. * added regex attribute to the echoproperties task. Bugzilla 40019. * task now allows you to omit the web.xml file. as this is optional in the servlet 2.5 and Java EE 5 APIs. set needxmlfile="false" to avoid a missing web.xml file from halting the build. * Diagnostics catches and logs security exceptions when accessing system properties. * useexternalfile now applies to all command line arguments of javadoc. Bugzilla report 40852. * javadoc/tag@description is now set to the name if description is not specified. Bugzill report 32927. Changes from Ant 1.7.0Beta2 to Ant 1.7.0Beta3 ============================================= Changes that could break older environments: ------------------------------------------- * Removed launcher classes from nodeps jar. * filter reader uses ISO-8879-1 encoding to read the java class file. Bugzilla report 33604. * Defer reference process. Bugzilla 36955, 34458, 37688. This may break build files in which a reference was set in a target which was never executed. Historically, Ant would set the reference early on, during parse time, so the datatype would be defined. Now it requires the reference to have been in a bit of the build file which was actually executed. If you get an error about an undefined reference, locate the reference and move it somewhere where it is used, or fix the depends attribute of the target in question to depend on the target which defines the reference/datatype. Fixed bugs: ----------- * with file and todir option failed. Bugzilla report 37386. * was broken (Regression from beta1). Bugzilla report 40547. * nested fileset in did not work. Bugzilla report 39439. * the ant wrapper script should now correctly locate the java executable in more recent IBM JDKs for AIX as well. * URLResource did not close jar files, and also did not disconnect HTTPConnection (s). * error calling junitreport. Bugzilla 40595. * created junitvmwatcher*.properties files but did not close and delete them. * did not create properties for empty leaf elements. Bugzilla report 26286. * UnknownElement.maybeConfigure always configured. Bugzilla report 40641. * no check for refid when prefix attribute is set in zipfileset. Bugzilla report 30498. * fix for junit4 issue introducted since beta2. Bugzilla report 40682. * Error in duplicate project name with and . Bugzilla report 39920. * junit4 did not work with fork=no and junit4 in $ANT_HOME/lib. Bugzilla report 40697. * PathConvert on Windows should process forward and back slashes equivalently. Bugzilla report 32884. * ant.bat now looks in %USERPROFILE% and %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% in addition to %HOME% for pre/post batch files. Bugzilla report 39298. * The inheritance hierarchy of the legacy type was changed; code built against Ant 1.7 would therefore no longer execute on older versions of Ant. Since is historically heavily used this was undesirable, and since it is also avoidable, the change to 's taxonomy was reverted. Other changes: -------------- * Some performance improvements, including Bugzilla report 25778. * Add condition. Bugzilla report 28883. * Extending JAR-Task for SPI. Bugzilla report 31520. * Added resource collection for convenient creation of string resources from other resources' content. Inspired by Bugzilla 40504. * Added resource selector to select resources based on the results of their comparison to other resources. * Added outputtoformatters attribute to to allow suppression of noisey tests. Bugzilla report 12817. * Log level of message 'Overriding previous definition of reference to' set to Verbose. Bugzilla report 17240. Changes from Ant 1.7.0Beta1 to Ant 1.7.0Beta2 ============================================= Changes that could break older environments: ------------------------------------------- *