
A file-like entity can be abstracted to the concept of a resource. In addition to providing access to file-like attributes, a resource implementation should, when possible, provide the means to read content from and/or write content to the underlying entity. Although the resource concept was introduced in Ant 1.5.2, resources are available for explicit use beginning in Ant 1.7.

The built-in resource types are:


A basic resource. Other resource types derive from this basic type; as such all its attributes are available, though in most cases irrelevant attributes will be ignored. This and all resource implementations are also usable as single-element Resource Collections.

Attribute Description Required
name The name of this resource No
exists Whether this resource exists No, default true
lastmodified The last modification time of this resource No
directory Whether this resource is directory-like No, default false
size The size of this resource No


Represents a file accessible via local filesystem conventions.

Attribute Description Required
file The file represented by this resource Yes
basedir The base directory of this resource. When this attribute is set, attempts to access the name of the resource will yield a path relative to this location. No


Represents a resource loadable via a Java classloader.

Attribute Description Required
name The name of the resource. Yes
classpath the classpath to use when looking up a resource. No
classpathref the classpath to use when looking up a resource, given as reference to a <path> defined elsewhere.. No
loaderRef the name of the loader that is used to load the resource, constructed from the specified classpath. No

The classpath can also be specified as nested classpath element, where <classpath> is a path-like structure.


Represents an entry in a ZIP archive. The archive can be specified using the archive attribute or a nested single-element resource collection. zipentry only supports file system resources as nested elements.

Attribute Description Required
zipfile or its alias name archive The zip file containing this resource Yes, unless a nested resource collection has been specified.
name The name of the archived resource Yes
encoding The encoding of the zipfile No; platform default used if unspecified


Represents an entry in a TAR archive. The archive can be specified using the archive attribute or a nested single-element resource collection.

Attribute Description Required
archive The tar archive containing this resource Yes, unless a nested resource collection has been specified.
name The name of the archived resource Yes


This is not a stand-alone resource, but a wrapper around another resource providing compression of the resource's contents on the fly. A single element resource collection must be specified as a nested element.


This is not a stand-alone resource, but a wrapper around another resource providing compression of the resource's contents on the fly. A single element resource collection must be specified as a nested element.


Represents a URL.

Attribute Description Required
url The url to expose Exactly one of these
file The file to expose as a file: url


Represents a Java String. As such a string is readable but not writable.

Attribute Description Required
value The value of this resource Yes


Represents an Ant property.

Attribute Description Required
name The property name Yes

Resource Collections

A Resource Collection is an abstraction of an entity that groups together a number of resources. Several of Ant's "legacy" datatypes have been modified to behave as Resource Collections:

The additional built-in resource collections are:


A generic resource collection, designed for use with references. For example, if a third-party Ant task generates a Resource Collection of an unknown type, it can still be accessed via a <resources> collection. The secondary use of this collection type is as a container of other resource collections, preserving the order of nested collections as well as duplicate resources (contrast with union).


A group of files. These files are matched by absolute patterns taken from a number of PatternSets. These can be specified as nested <patternset> elements. In addition, <files> holds an implicit PatternSet and supports the nested <include>, <includesfile>, <exclude> and <excludesfile> elements of PatternSet directly, as well as PatternSet's attributes.

File Selectors are available as nested elements. A file must be selected by all selectors in order to be included; <files> is thus equivalent to an <and> file selector container.

More simply put, this type is equivalent to a fileset with no base directory. Please note that without a base directory, filesystem scanning is based entirely on include and exclude patterns. A filename (or any) selector can only influence the scanning process after the file has been included based on pattern-based selection.

Attribute Description Required
includes comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included At least one of these
includesfile the name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern.
excludes comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded No, default none (except default excludes when true)
excludesfile the name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.
defaultexcludes Whether default excludes should be used No, default true
casesensitive Whether patterns are case-sensitive No, default true
followsymlinks Whether to follow symbolic links (see note below) No, default true

Note: All files/directories for which the canonical path is different from its path are considered symbolic links. On Unix systems this usually means the file really is a symbolic link but it may lead to false results on other platforms.


Restricts another nested resource collection using resource selectors:

Attribute Description Required
cache Whether to cache results; disabling may seriously impact performance No, default true

Parameters specified as nested elements

A single resource collection is required.

Nested resource selectors are used to "narrow down" the included resources. These are patterned after file selectors but are, unsurprisingly, targeted to resources. Several built-in resource selectors are available in the internal antlib


Selects resources by name.

Attribute Description Required
name The name pattern to test Yes
casesensitive Whether name comparisons are case-sensitive No, default true


Selects existing resources.


Selects resources by date.

Attribute Description Required
millis The comparison date/time in ms since January 1, 1970 One of these
datetime The formatted comparison date/time
pattern SimpleDateFormat-compatible pattern for use with the datetime attribute No, default is "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM_or_PM"
granularity The number of milliseconds leeway to use when comparing file modification times. This is needed because not every file system supports tracking the last modified time to the millisecond level. No; default varies by platform: FAT filesystems = 2 sec; Unix = 1 sec; NTFS = 1 ms.
when One of "before", "after", "equal" No, default "equal"


Selects resources by type (file or directory).

Attribute Description Required
type One of "file", "dir" Yes


Selects resources by size.

Attribute Description Required
size The size to compare Yes
when One of "equal", "eq", "greater", "gt", "less", "lt", "ge" (greater or equal), "ne" (not equal), "le" (less or equal) No, default "equal"


Selects resources by type.

Attribute Description Required
class The class of which the resource must be an instance One of these
type The Ant type that must be assignable from the resource
uri The uri in which type must be defined No


Selects a resource if it is selected by all nested resource selectors.


Selects a resource if it is selected by at least one nested resource selector.


Negates the selection result of the single nested resource selector allowed.


Selects a resource if it is selected by no nested resource selectors.


Selects a resource if it is selected by the majority of nested resource selectors.

Attribute Description Required
allowtie Whether a tie (when there is an even number of nested resource selectors) is considered a majority No, default true


Sorts another nested resource collection according to the resources' natural order, or by one or more nested resource comparators:

Attribute Description Required
cache Whether to cache results; disabling may seriously impact performance No, default true

Parameters specified as nested elements

A single resource collection is required.

The sort can be controlled and customized by specifying one or more resource comparators. Resources can be sorted according to multiple criteria; the first specified is the "outermost", while the last specified is the "innermost". Several built-in resource comparators are available in the internal antlib


Sort resources by name.


Sort resources by existence. Not existing is considered "less than" existing.


Sort resources by date.


Sort resources by type (file or directory). Because directories contain files, they are considered "greater".


Sort resources by size.


Sort resources by content.

Attribute Description Required
binary Whether content should be compared in binary mode. If false, content will be compared without regard to platform-specific line-ending conventions. No, default true


Reverse the natural sort order, or that of a single nested comparator.


Includes the first count resources from a nested resource collection. This can be used in conjunction with the sort collection, for example, to select the first few oldest, largest, etc. resources from a larger collection.

Attribute Description Required
count The number of resources to include No, default 1
cache Whether to cache results; disabling may seriously impact performance No, default true

Parameters specified as nested elements

A single resource collection is required.

Set operations

The following resource collections implement set operations:


Union of nested resource collections.


Intersection of nested resource collections.


Difference of nested resource collections.

The following attributes apply to all set-operation resource collections:

Attribute Description Required
cache Whether to cache results; disabling may seriously impact performance No, default true