

Plays a sound-file at the end of the build, according to whether the build failed or succeeded. You can specify either a specific sound-file to play, or, if a directory is specified, the <sound> task will randomly select a file to play. Note: At this point, the random selection is based on all the files in the directory, not just those ending in appropriate suffixes for sound-files, so be sure you only have sound-files in the directory you specify.

Unless you are running on Java 1.3 or later, you need the Java Media Framework on the classpath (javax.sound).

Nested Elements


Specifies the sound to be played if the build succeeded.


Specifies the sound to be played if the build failed.

Nested Element Parameters

The following attributes may be used on the <success> and <fail> elements:

Attribute Description Required
source the path to a sound-file directory, or the name of a specific sound-file, to be played. Yes
loops the number of extra times to play the sound-file; default is 0. No
duration the amount of time (in milliseconds) to play the sound-file. No


<target name="fun" if="fun" unless="fun.done">
    <success source="${user.home}/sounds/bell.wav"/>
    <fail source="${user.home}/sounds/ohno.wav" loops="2"/>
  <property name="fun.done" value="true"/>
plays the bell.wav sound-file if the build succeeded, or the ohno.wav sound-file if the build failed, three times, if the fun property is set to true. If the target is a dependency of an "initialization" target that other targets depend on, the fun.done property prevents the target from being executed more than once.
<target name="fun" if="fun" unless="fun.done">
    <success source="//intranet/sounds/success"/>
    <fail source="//intranet/sounds/failure"/>
  <property name="fun.done" value="true"/>
randomly selects a sound-file to play when the build succeeds or fails.

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