

Sets a token filter for this project or read multiple token filter from an input file and sets these as filters. Token filters are used by all tasks that perform file copying operations through the Project commodity methods.

Note 1: the token string must not contain the separators chars (@).
Note 2: Either token and value attributes must be provided, or only the filtersfile attribute.


Attribute Description Required
token the token string without @ Yes*
value the string that should be put to replace the token when the file is copied Yes*
filtersfile The file from which the filters must be read. This file must be a formatted as a property file. Yes*

* see notes 1 and 2 above parameters table.


  <filter token="year" value="2000"/>
  <copy todir="${dest.dir}" filtering="true">
    <fileset dir="${src.dir}"/>

will copy recursively all the files from the src.dir directory into the dest.dir directory replacing all the occurrences of the string @year@ with 2000.

  <filter filtersfile=""/>
will read all property entries from the file and set these as filters.

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