Apache Ant

Apache Ant



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Ant 1.5 Release To-Do List
Item Details Assigned
Bugzilla bugs under 30 or at least address most of them in some way All Committers
Selectors   Magesh
Document Path datatype It's documented, but more hidden than the other types Erik
Novell NetWare support   Jeff Tulley
XMLCatalog more integrated Several tasks could still use XMLCatalog integration  
Make default excludes customizable With the setting of an ant.default.excludes property? Erik
Fully functional on Java 1.4 Fix outstanding java1.4 defects, maybe add an assertions datatype for java and other tasks (junit?) which lets people turn on asserts. Steve + any other help he can get
Item Details Assigned
Extension utilities Port across task that prints out details of extensions for a certain library/jar, or all jars in a path. Port across task that generates a manifest (including dependencies and extension specification) based on a set of jars in path. Port across task that checks that the list of pre-req extensions are present in path. Peter
XmlLogger implements BuildLogger Its currently a BuildListener, lets remove the confusion Erik
Dotnet library tweaks update to release, add uptodateness, add a web service import (for Axis interop testing) Steve, in a really long meeting
compiler attribute for rmic   Stefan
PGP signing task if possible Not done, but deemed impossible - at least in the 1.5 time frame. Stefan
JUnit's System.err/.out handling showoutput attribute has been added - doesn't work in some cases yet (same reason as bug PR 7980) Stefan
Base compiler command line switches on the selected compiler, not the current JDK   Stefan
<input>   Stefan
Make javadoc a real directory based task   Stefan
Bug Reports Short-Cuts

Note: You can sort the report results by clicking on the column-headings.

New|Assigned|Reopened Bug Reports:
- minus Enhancements
New|Assigned|Reopened Bug Reports by Component:
Build Process
- minus Enhancements
- minus Enhancements
Core Tasks
- minus Enhancements
- minus Enhancements
Optional Tasks
- minus Enhancements
- minus Enhancements
Wrapper Scripts
- minus Enhancements

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