

Runs the rmic compiler for a certain class.

Rmic can be run on a single class (as specified with the classname attribute) or a number of classes at once (all classes below base that are neither _Stub nor _Skel classes).

It is possible to refine the set of files that are being rmiced. This can be done with the includes, includesfile, excludes, excludesfile and defaultexcludes attributes. With the includes or includesfile attribute you specify the files you want to have included by using patterns. The exclude or excludesfile attribute is used to specify the files you want to have excluded. This is also done with patterns. And finally with the defaultexcludes attribute, you can specify whether you want to use default exclusions or not. See the section on directory based tasks, on how the inclusion/exclusion of files works, and how to write patterns.

This task forms an implicit FileSet and supports all attributes of <fileset> (dir becomes base) as well as the nested <include>, <exclude> and <patternset> elements.


Attribute Description Required
base the location to store the compiled files. Yes
classname the class for which to run rmic. No
filtering indicates whether token filtering should take place No
sourcebase Pass the "-keepgenerated" flag to rmic and move the generated source file to the base directory. No
stubversion Specify the JDK version for the generated stub code. Specify "1.1" to pass the "-v1.1" option to rmic. No
classpath The classpath to use during compilation No
classpathref The classpath to use during compilation, given as reference to a PATH defined elsewhere No
includes comma separated list of patterns of files that must be included. All files are included when omitted. No
includesfile the name of a file. Each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern No
excludes comma separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded. No files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted. No
excludesfile the name of a file. Each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern No
defaultexcludes indicates whether default excludes should be used or not ("yes"/"no"). Default excludes are used when omitted. No
verify check that classes implement Remote before handing them to rmic (default is false) No
iiop indicates that portable (RMI/IIOP) stubs should be generated No
iiopopts additional arguments for IIOP class generation No
idl indicates that IDL output files should be generated No
idlopts additional arguments for IDL file generation No
debug generate debug info (passes -g to rmic). Defaults to false. No

Parameters specified as nested elements


Rmic's classpath attribute is a PATH like structure and can also be set via a nested classpath elements.


  <rmic classname="com.xyz.FooBar" base="${build}/classes"/>

runs the rmic compiler for the class com.xyz.FooBar. The compiled files will be stored in the directory ${build}/classes.

  <rmic base="${build}/classes" includes="**/Remote*.class"/>

runs the rmic compiler for all classes with .class files below ${build}/classes whose classname starts with Remote. The compiled files will be stored in the directory ${build}/classes.

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