

Converts files from native encodings to ascii with escaped Unicode. A common usage is to convert source files maintained in a native operating system encoding, to ascii prior to compilation.

All matching files in the source directory are converted from a native encoding to ascii. If no encoding is specified, the default encoding for the JVM is used. If ext is specified, then output files are renamed to use it as a new extension. If dest and src point to the same directory, ext is required.

This is a directory based task, and supports includes, includesfile, excludes, excludesfile, and defaultexcludes along with its specific attributes.

Attribute Description                              Required
reverse   Reverse the sense of the conversion,     No
          i.e. convert from ascii to native 

encoding  The native encoding the files are in     No

src       The directory to find files in           No

dest      The directory to output file to          Yes

ext       File extension to use in renaming        No
          output files 


<native2ascii encoding="EUCJIS" src="srcdir" dest="srcdir"
   includes="**/*.eucjis" ext=".java" />

Converts all files in the directory srcdir ending in eucjis from the EUCJIS encoding to ascii and renames the to end in .java.

<native2ascii encoding='EUCJIS" src="native/japanese" dest="src"
   includes="**/*.java />

Converts all the files ending in .java in the directory native/japanese to ascii, placing the results in the directory src. The names of the files remain the same.