

Handles packages/modules retrieved from a CVS repository.

When doing automated builds, the get task should be preferred over the checkout command, because of speed.


Attribute Description Required
command the CVS command to execute. No, default "checkout"
cvsRoot the CVSROOT variable. No
dest the directory where the checked out files should be placed. No, default is project's basedir.
package the package/module to check out. No
tag the tag of the package/module to check out. No
date Use the most recent revision no later than the given date No
quiet suppress informational messages. No, default "false"
noexec report only, don't change any files. No, default "false"
output the file to direct standard output from the command. No, default output to ANT Log as MSG_INFO.
error the file to direct standard error from the command. No, default error to ANT Log as MSG_WARN.


  <cvs cvsRoot=""

checks out the package/module "jakarta-tools" from the CVS repository pointed to by the cvsRoot attribute, and stores the files in "${ws.dir}".

  <cvs dest="${ws.dir}" command="update"/>

updates the package/module that has previously been checked out into "${ws.dir}".

  <cvs command="-q diff -u -N" output="patch.txt"/>

silently (-q) creates a file called patch.txt which contains a unified (-u) diff which includes new files added via "cvs add" (-N) and can be used as input to patch.

  <cvs command="update -A -d"/>

Updates from the head of repository ignoring sticky bits (-A) and creating any new directories as necessary (-d).

Note: the text of the command is passed to cvs "as-is" so any cvs options should appear before the command, and any command options should appear after the command as in the diff example above. See the cvs manual for details, specifically the Guide to CVS commands

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