
This is a library of Ant tasks that support using .NET executables accross different platforms and in particular support using common .NET development tools like NAnt or NUnit from within Ant.

The original .NET support from Ant's core has also been moved to this library.


The current version requires Ant 1.7.0 (beta).

Where is it?

The source code for the library lives in Ant's SVN -, binary and source distributions are available available from the Ant website: source and binary.


Please use Ant's issue tracker for bug reports, choose "Ant" as the product and ".NET Antlib" as the category. The hints about reporting bugs certainly apply to this Ant library as well.

For questions about this Ant library use the user or dev mailing list of the Ant project. You must be subscribed to the list in order to post a question.


If you are building this from sources, run the antlib target and you'll get a file ant-dotnet.jar. If you've downloaded a binary release, you are already there.

There are several ways to use the tasks:
