What's this? ============ This library doesn't strive to replace NAnt or MSBuild, its main purpose is to help those of us who work on projects crossing platform boundaries. With this library you can use Ant to build and test the Java as well as the .NET parts of your project. Learn more ========== The documentation is included in the docs subdirectory of this distribution. The home of this library is . Building ======== This Ant Library requires Ant 1.7.0 to build, some of the test use JUnit 3 (3.8.2 recommended), others use the sister Antlib AntUnit (see ). It should work with any Java(TM) Runtime (and compile with any Java(TM) Developer Kit) starting with version 1.2. It should support the Microsoft .NET framework in versions 1.1 and 2.0 and Mono in various versions on various platforms. Using ===== You use this Ant library like any other Ant library 8-) In short you can make it available to Ant in a variety of ways, please see the Ant manual or the index.html file in the docs subdirectory of this distribtion for details.