~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more ~~ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with ~~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. ~~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ~~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with ~~ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ~~ limitations under the License. ~~ Ambari Example Scenarios These are examples scenarios of typical usage cases. * Installing Ambari On controller: ------- $ rpm -i ambari-0.1.0-1.rpm $ ambari configure -agent-password my.pw $ ambari add-user -user sue -kerberos $ ambari -autostart true controller ------- If you have password-less ssh and pdsh installed, you can install the agents directly on node00 to node99 using: ------- $ pdsh -w node00-99 \ 'rpm -i ambari-0.1.0-1.rpm; \ ambari configure -controller controller.my.domain.com \ -agent-password my.pw ; \ ambari -autostart true agent' ------- * Creating a simple cluster using CLI Create file cluster1.json with the specific configuration alterations for cluster1. ------- {"@parentName":"hadoop-security", "configuration": { "category": [ {"@name": "ambari", "property": [ {"@name": "data.dirs", "@value": "/data/*"}, {"@name": "user.realm", "@value": "MY.DOMAIN.COM"}]}]}} ------- Run the following commands using the CLI. The first command creates the stack and the second creates a cluster based on that stack using the machines host00-99. ------- $ ambari cluster create -name cluster1 -stack-file cluster1.json \ -nodes host00-99 -goalstate active -role namenode=host00 \ -role jobtracker=host01 -role client=host98-99 -wait ------- * Upgrading a cluster using CLI Create file cluster1-update.json that updates the version of the Hadoop component to a new version. ------- {"components": {"@name":"hadoop", "@version":""} } ------- Run the command to update the stack and cluster to the new version and wait for the command to complete. ------- $ ambari cluster update -name cluster1 -stack-file cluster1-update.json -wait ------- * Creating a more complicated cluster using CLI If you want to bump up the memory for the clients' JVM to 256MB and the NameNode to 512MB, you can define a cluster like the below: ------ {"@parentName":"hadoop-security", "configuration": { "category": [ {"@name": "ambari", "property": [ {"@name": "data.dirs", "@value": "/data/*"}, {"@name": "keytab.dir", "@value": " /etc/security/keytab"}, {"@name": "user.realm", "@value": "MY.DOMAIN.COM"}]}, {"@name": "hadoop-env", "property": [ {"@name": "HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS", "-Xmx256m"}]}]}, "components": [ {"@name":"hdfs", "configuration": { "category": [ {"@name": "hadoop-env", property: [ {"@name": "HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS", "@value": "-Xmx512m -Dsecurity.audit.logger=INFO,DRFAS -Dhdfs.audit.logger=INFO,DRFAAUDIT"}]}]}}]} ------ And run the command to create the new cluster: ------- $ ambari cluster create -name cluster2 -stack-file cluster2.json \ -nodes host00-99 -goalstate active -role namenode=host00 \ -role jobtracker=host01 -role client=host98-99 -wait ------- * Creating a cluster using REST ------- $ curl --negotiate -X PUT -T cluster1.json -H 'ContentType: application/json' \ http://ambari.my.domain.com:4080/rest/stack/cluster1 $ curl --negotiate -X PUT -T - -H 'ContentType: application/json' \ http://ambari.my.domain.com:4080/rest/cluster/cluster1 << EOF {"@stackName": "cluster1", "@goalState": "active", "@nodes": "host00-99" "roleToNodes": [{"@role": "namenode", "@nodes": "host00"}, {"@role": "jobtracker", "@nodes": "host01"}, {"@role": "client", "@nodes": "host98,host99"}] } EOF ------- * Upgrade a cluster using REST ------- $ curl --negotiate -X PUT -T - -H 'ContentType: application/json' \ http://ambari.my.domain.com:4080/rest/stack/cluster1 << EOF {"components": {"@name":"hadoop", "@version":""}} EOF $ curl --negotiate -X PUT -T - -H 'ContentType: application/json' \ http://ambari.my.domain.com:4080/rest/cluster/cluster1 << EOF {"@stackName": "cluster1"} EOF -------