Title: XBaya Main Menu Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The menus in XBaya will provide easy access to the required functionalities for authoring the workflows & other vital features. ![XBaya GUI](menu/xbaya_gui.png "XBaya GUI") ### XBaya Menu ![XBaya Menu 1](menu/xbaya_menu_1.png "XBaya Menu 1") *New*: Includes the options to create new artifacts. Currently you can create, + new workflows (opens up a new workflow tab in XBaya) + new descriptors (opens up a dialog box for defining a new descriptor which will be saved to a JCR registry) *Open*: If you have workflows saved in your file system then click on this menu to open it by browsing the file system. *Clear workflow*: Clears the content of the selected workflow tab. Note that this action cannot be undone. *Close*: Close the selected workflow tab & opens up a new workflow tab *Close all*: Close all the workflow tabs *Save*: Saves the workflow in the current workflow tab to a file. If the workflow was not saved before use will be asked to specify a name & a location to save the workflow in the file system. *Save as*: Saves the workflow in the current tab to a new location specified by the user. *Save all*: Saves all the workflows in all the workflow tabs in XBaya. ![XBaya Menu 2](menu/xbaya_menu_2.png "XBaya Menu 2") *Import*: You can import a copy of an existing workflow from the file system or registry. ![XBaya Menu 3](menu/xbaya_menu_3.png "XBaya Menu 3") *Export*: You can export/save the current workflow to the registry or to different types of scripts. You can also export it as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. ### Edit Menu ![Edit Menu](menu/edit_menu.png "Edit Menu") *Workflow Properties*: Users can update the properties of the current workflow *Parameter Properties*: Users can update the properties of the parameters in the current workflow Host Descriptions/Service Descriptions/Application Descriptions: Edit/Delete existing descriptors in the registry ### View Menu ![View Menu](menu/view_menu.png "View Menu") This will view/open/focus on different views in the XBaya GUI. ### Run Menu ![Run Menu](menu/run_menu.png "Run Menu") This menu is for working with the execution of a workflow. *Run workflow*: Submit the current workflow to a GFac server to be executed *Run workflow as Jython*: *Run on Interpreter Server*: Submit the current workflow for execution through another XBaya instance. *Run as GridChem Workflow*: *Run & Register in GridChem*: *Resume monitoring*: Resume the monitoring the execution of a workflow *Pause monitoring*: Pause the monitoring the execution of a workflow *Reset monitoring*: Reset/clear all retrieved/monitored data for the currently executing workflow *Configure Monitoring*: Change monitoring configuration, (e.g.: Change the message box url) ### Tools Menu ![Tools Menu](menu/tools_menu.png "Tools Menu") *Globus File Transfer*: Transfer a file from a remote globus host to another remote globus host. ### Registry Menu ![Registry Menu](menu/registry_menu.png "Registry Menu") *Setup JCR Registry*: You can configure to what JCR registry & from which user the XBaya is connected to currently.