Thrift module: airavataAPI

ModuleServicesData typesConstants


Airavata Interface Versions depend upon this Thrift Interface File. When Making changes, please edit the Version Constants according to Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer)

Note: The Airavata API version may be different from the Airavata software release versions.

The Airavata API version is composed as a dot delimited string with major, minor, and patch level components.

- Major: Incremented for backward incompatible changes. An example would be changes to interfaces. - Minor: Incremented for backward compatible changes. An example would be the addition of a new optional methods. - Patch: Incremented for bug fixes. The patch level should be increased for every edit that doesn't result in a change to major/minor version numbers.


Service: Airavata

Function: Airavata.getAPIVersion

string getAPIVersion()
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch Apache Airavata API version

Function: Airavata.createProject

string createProject(workspaceModel.Project project)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Create a Project

Function: Airavata.updateProject

void updateProject(string projectId,
                   workspaceModel.Project updatedProject)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException, airavataErrors.ProjectNotFoundException
Update a Project

Function: Airavata.getProject

workspaceModel.Project getProject(string projectId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException, airavataErrors.ProjectNotFoundException
Get a Project by ID

Function: Airavata.getAllUserProjects

list<workspaceModel.Project> getAllUserProjects(string userName)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Get all Project by user

Function: Airavata.searchProjectsByProjectName

list<workspaceModel.Project> searchProjectsByProjectName(string userName,
                                                         string projectName)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Get all Project for user by project name

Function: Airavata.searchProjectsByProjectDesc

list<workspaceModel.Project> searchProjectsByProjectDesc(string userName,
                                                         string description)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Get all Project for user by project description

Function: Airavata.searchExperimentsByName

list<experimentModel.ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByName(string userName,
                                                                string expName)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Search Experiments by experiment name

Function: Airavata.searchExperimentsByDesc

list<experimentModel.ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByDesc(string userName,
                                                                string description)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Search Experiments by experiment name

Function: Airavata.searchExperimentsByApplication

list<experimentModel.ExperimentSummary> searchExperimentsByApplication(string userName,
                                                                       string applicationId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Search Experiments by application id

Function: Airavata.getAllExperimentsInProject

list<experimentModel.Experiment> getAllExperimentsInProject(string projectId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException, airavataErrors.ProjectNotFoundException
Get all Experiments within a Project

Function: Airavata.getAllUserExperiments

list<experimentModel.Experiment> getAllUserExperiments(string userName)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Get all Experiments by user

Function: Airavata.createExperiment

string createExperiment(experimentModel.Experiment experiment)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Create an experiment for the specified user belonging to the gateway. The gateway identity is not explicitly passed but inferred from the authentication header. This experiment is just a persistent place holder. The client has to subsequently configure and launch the created experiment. No action is taken on Airavata Server except registering the experiment in a persistent store.

@param basicExperimentMetadata The create experiment will require the basic experiment metadata like the name and description, intended user, the gateway identifer and if the experiment should be shared public by defualt. During the creation of an experiment the ExperimentMetadata is a required field.

@return The server-side generated airavata experiment globally unique identifier.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve:

UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.getExperiment

experimentModel.Experiment getExperiment(string airavataExperimentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch previously created experiment metadata.

@param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.

@return experimentMetada This method will return the previously stored experiment metadata.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve: UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.updateExperiment

void updateExperiment(string airavataExperimentId,
                      experimentModel.Experiment experiment)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Configure a previously created experiment with required inputs, scheduling and other quality of service parameters. This method only updates the experiment object within the registry. The experiment has to be launched to make it actionable by the server.

@param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.

@param experimentConfigurationData The configuration information of the experiment with application input parameters, computational resource scheduling information, special input output handling and additional quality of service parameters.

@return This method call does not have a return value.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve: UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.updateExperimentConfiguration

void updateExperimentConfiguration(string airavataExperimentId,
                                   experimentModel.UserConfigurationData userConfiguration)

Function: Airavata.updateResourceScheduleing

void updateResourceScheduleing(string airavataExperimentId,
                               experimentModel.ComputationalResourceScheduling resourceScheduling)

Function: Airavata.validateExperiment

bool validateExperiment(string airavataExperimentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
* * Validate experiment configuration. A true in general indicates, the experiment is ready to be launched. * * @param experimentID * @return sucess/failure * *

Function: Airavata.launchExperiment

void launchExperiment(string airavataExperimentId,
                      string airavataCredStoreToken)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException, airavataErrors.LaunchValidationException
Launch a previously created and configured experiment. Airavata Server will then start processing the request and appropriate notifications and intermediate and output data will be subsequently available for this experiment.

@param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.

@param airavataCredStoreToken: A requirement to execute experiments within Airavata is to first register the targeted remote computational account credentials with Airavata Credential Store. The administrative API (related to credential store) will return a generated token associated with the registered credentials. The client has to security posses this token id and is required to pass it to Airavata Server for all execution requests. Note: At this point only the credential store token is required so the string is directly passed here. In future if if more security credentials are enables, then the structure ExecutionSecurityParameters should be used. Note: This parameter is not persisted within Airavata Registry for security reasons.

@return This method call does not have a return value.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve: UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.getExperimentStatus

experimentModel.ExperimentStatus getExperimentStatus(string airavataExperimentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException

Function: Airavata.getExperimentOutputs

list<experimentModel.DataObjectType> getExperimentOutputs(string airavataExperimentId)

Function: Airavata.getJobStatuses

map<string, experimentModel.JobStatus> getJobStatuses(string airavataExperimentId)

Function: Airavata.cloneExperiment

string cloneExperiment(string existingExperimentID,
                       string newExperimentName)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Clone an specified experiment with a new name. A copy of the experiment configuration is made and is persisted with new metadata. The client has to subsequently update this configuration if needed and launch the cloned experiment.

@param newExperimentName experiment name that should be used in the cloned experiment

@param updatedExperiment Once an experiment is cloned, to disambiguate, the users are suggested to provide new metadata. This will again require the basic experiment metadata like the name and description, intended user, the gateway identifier and if the experiment should be shared public by default.

@return The server-side generated airavata experiment globally unique identifier for the newly cloned experiment.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve: UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.terminateExperiment

void terminateExperiment(string airavataExperimentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.ExperimentNotFoundException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Terminate a running experiment.

@param airavataExperimentId The identifier for the requested experiment. This is returned during the create experiment step.

@return This method call does not have a return value.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.InvalidRequestException For any incorrect forming of the request itself.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.ExperimentNotFoundException If the specified experiment is not previously created, then an Experiment Not Found Exception is thrown.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataClientException The following list of exceptions are thrown which Airavata Client can take corrective actions to resolve: UNKNOWN_GATEWAY_ID - If a Gateway is not registered with Airavata as a one time administrative step, then Airavata Registry will not have a provenance area setup. The client has to follow gateway registration steps and retry this request.

AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - How Authentication will be implemented is yet to be determined. For now this is a place holder.

INVALID_AUTHORIZATION - This will throw an authorization exception. When a more robust security hand-shake is implemented, the authorization will be more substantial.

@throws org.apache.airavata.model.error.AiravataSystemException This exception will be thrown for any Airavata Server side issues and if the problem cannot be corrected by the client rather an Airavata Administrator will be notified to take corrective action.

Function: Airavata.registerApplicationModule

string registerApplicationModule(applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationModule applicationModule)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Register a Application Module.

@param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.

@return appModuleId Returns a server-side generated airavata appModule globally unique identifier.

Function: Airavata.getApplicationModule

applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationModule getApplicationModule(string appModuleId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a Application Module.

@param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module

@return applicationModule Returns a application Module Object.

Function: Airavata.updateApplicationModule

bool updateApplicationModule(string appModuleId,
                             applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationModule applicationModule)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Application Module.

@param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module to be updated.

@param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.deleteApplicationModule

bool deleteApplicationModule(string appModuleId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a Application Module.

@param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module to be deleted.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.registerApplicationDeployment

string registerApplicationDeployment(applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationDeploymentDescription applicationDeployment)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Register a Application Deployment.

@param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.

@return appDeploymentId Returns a server-side generated airavata appDeployment globally unique identifier.

Function: Airavata.getApplicationDeployment

applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationDeploymentDescription getApplicationDeployment(string appDeploymentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a Application Deployment.

@param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application module

@return applicationDeployment Returns a application Deployment Object.

Function: Airavata.updateApplicationDeployment

bool updateApplicationDeployment(string appDeploymentId,
                                 applicationDeploymentModel.ApplicationDeploymentDescription applicationDeployment)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Application Deployment.

@param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be updated.

@param appDeployment Application Deployment Object created from the datamodel.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.deleteApplicationDeployment

bool deleteApplicationDeployment(string appDeploymentId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a Application deployment.

@param appDeploymentId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be deleted.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.getAppModuleDeployedResources

list<string> getAppModuleDeployedResources(string appModuleId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a list of Deployed Compute Hosts.

@param appModuleId The identifier for the requested application module

@return list Returns a list of Deployed Resources.

Function: Airavata.registerApplicationInterface

string registerApplicationInterface(applicationInterfaceModel.ApplicationInterfaceDescription applicationInterface)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Register a Application Interface.

@param applicationModule Application Module Object created from the datamodel.

@return appInterfaceId Returns a server-side generated airavata application interface globally unique identifier.

Function: Airavata.getApplicationInterface

applicationInterfaceModel.ApplicationInterfaceDescription getApplicationInterface(string appInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a Application Interface.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application module

@return applicationInterface Returns a application Interface Object.

Function: Airavata.updateApplicationInterface

bool updateApplicationInterface(string appInterfaceId,
                                applicationInterfaceModel.ApplicationInterfaceDescription applicationInterface)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Application Interface.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application deployment to be updated.

@param appInterface Application Interface Object created from the datamodel.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.deleteApplicationInterface

bool deleteApplicationInterface(string appInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a Application Interface.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface to be deleted.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.getAllApplicationInterfaceNames

map<string, string> getAllApplicationInterfaceNames()
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch name and id of Application Interface documents.

@return map Returns a list of application interfaces with corresponsing id's

Function: Airavata.getAllApplicationInterfaces

list<applicationInterfaceModel.ApplicationInterfaceDescription> getAllApplicationInterfaces()
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch all Application Interface documents.

@return map Returns a list of application interfaces documents

Function: Airavata.getApplicationInputs

list<applicationInterfaceModel.InputDataObjectType> getApplicationInputs(string appInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch the list of Application Inputs.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface

@return list Returns a list of application inputs.

Function: Airavata.getApplicationOutputs

list<applicationInterfaceModel.OutputDataObjectType> getApplicationOutputs(string appInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch the list of Application Outputs.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface

@return list Returns a list of application outputs.

Function: Airavata.getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources

map<string, string> getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources(string appInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a list of all deployed Compute Hosts for a given application interfaces.

@param appInterfaceId The identifier for the requested application interface

@return map A map of registered compute resource id's and their corresponding hostnames. Deployments of each modules listed within the interfaces will be listed.

Function: Airavata.registerComputeResource

string registerComputeResource(computeResourceModel.ComputeResourceDescription computeResourceDescription)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Register a Compute Resource.

@param computeResourceDescription Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel.

@return computeResourceId Returns a server-side generated airavata compute resource globally unique identifier.

Function: Airavata.getComputeResource

computeResourceModel.ComputeResourceDescription getComputeResource(string computeResourceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch the given Compute Resource.

@param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource

@return computeResourceDescription Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel..

Function: Airavata.getAllComputeResourceNames

map<string, string> getAllComputeResourceNames()
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch all registered Compute Resources.

@return A map of registered compute resource id's and thier corresponding hostnames. Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel..

Function: Airavata.updateComputeResource

bool updateComputeResource(string computeResourceId,
                           computeResourceModel.ComputeResourceDescription computeResourceDescription)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Compute Resource.

@param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource to be updated.

@param computeResourceDescription Compute Resource Object created from the datamodel.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.deleteComputeResource

bool deleteComputeResource(string computeResourceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a Compute Resource.

@param computeResourceId The identifier for the requested compute resource to be deleted.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.addLocalSubmissionDetails

bool addLocalSubmissionDetails(string computeResourceId,
                               i32 priorityOrder,
                               computeResourceModel.LOCALSubmission localSubmission)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a Local Job Submission details to a compute resource App catalog will return a jobSubmissionInterfaceId which will be added to the jobSubmissionInterfaces.

@param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added

@param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.

@param localSubmission The LOCALSubmission object to be added to the resource.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.updateLocalSubmissionDetails

bool updateLocalSubmissionDetails(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                  computeResourceModel.LOCALSubmission localSubmission)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update the given Local Job Submission details

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.

@param localSubmission The LOCALSubmission object to be updated.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.addSSHJobSubmissionDetails

bool addSSHJobSubmissionDetails(string computeResourceId,
                                i32 priorityOrder,
                                computeResourceModel.SSHJobSubmission sshJobSubmission)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a SSH Job Submission details to a compute resource App catalog will return a jobSubmissionInterfaceId which will be added to the jobSubmissionInterfaces.

@param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added

@param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.

@param sshJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be added to the resource.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.updateSSHJobSubmissionDetails

bool updateSSHJobSubmissionDetails(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                   computeResourceModel.SSHJobSubmission sshJobSubmission)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update the given SSH Job Submission details

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.

@param sshJobSubmission The SSHJobSubmission object to be updated.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.addLocalDataMovementDetails

bool addLocalDataMovementDetails(string computeResourceId,
                                 i32 priorityOrder,
                                 computeResourceModel.LOCALDataMovement localDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a Local data movement details to a compute resource App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.

@param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added

@param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.

@param localDataMovement The LOCALDataMovement object to be added to the resource.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the addition.

Function: Airavata.updateLocalDataMovementDetails

bool updateLocalDataMovementDetails(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                    computeResourceModel.LOCALDataMovement localDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update the given Local data movement details

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.

@param localDataMovement The LOCALDataMovement object to be updated.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.addSCPDataMovementDetails

bool addSCPDataMovementDetails(string computeResourceId,
                               i32 priorityOrder,
                               computeResourceModel.SCPDataMovement scpDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a SCP data movement details to a compute resource App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.

@param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added

@param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.

@param scpDataMovement The SCPDataMovement object to be added to the resource.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.updateSCPDataMovementDetails

bool updateSCPDataMovementDetails(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                  computeResourceModel.SCPDataMovement scpDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update the given scp data movement details App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.

@param scpDataMovement The SCPDataMovement object to be updated.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.addGridFTPDataMovementDetails

bool addGridFTPDataMovementDetails(string computeResourceId,
                                   i32 priorityOrder,
                                   computeResourceModel.GridFTPDataMovement gridFTPDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a GridFTP data movement details to a compute resource App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.

@param computeResourceId The identifier of the compute resource to which JobSubmission protocol to be added

@param priorityOrder Specify the priority of this job manager. If this is the only jobmanager, the priority can be zero.

@param gridFTPDataMovement The GridFTPDataMovement object to be added to the resource.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.updateGridFTPDataMovementDetails

bool updateGridFTPDataMovementDetails(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                      computeResourceModel.GridFTPDataMovement gridFTPDataMovement)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update the given GridFTP data movement details to a compute resource App catalog will return a dataMovementInterfaceId which will be added to the dataMovementInterfaces.

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be updated.

@param gridFTPDataMovement The GridFTPDataMovement object to be updated.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the updation.

Function: Airavata.changeJobSubmissionPriority

bool changeJobSubmissionPriority(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId,
                                 i32 newPriorityOrder)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Change the priority of a given job submisison interface

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be changed

@param priorityOrder The new priority of the job manager interface.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the change.

Function: Airavata.changeDataMovementPriority

bool changeDataMovementPriority(string dataMovementInterfaceId,
                                i32 newPriorityOrder)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Change the priority of a given data movement interface

@param dataMovementInterfaceId The identifier of the DataMovement Interface to be changed

@param priorityOrder The new priority of the data movement interface.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the change.

Function: Airavata.changeJobSubmissionPriorities

bool changeJobSubmissionPriorities(map<string, i32> jobSubmissionPriorityMap)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Change the priorities of a given set of job submission interfaces

@param jobSubmissionPriorityMap A Map of identifiers of the JobSubmission Interfaces and thier associated priorities to be set.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the changes.

Function: Airavata.changeDataMovementPriorities

bool changeDataMovementPriorities(map<string, i32> dataMovementPriorityMap)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Change the priorities of a given set of data movement interfaces

@param dataMovementPriorityMap A Map of identifiers of the DataMovement Interfaces and thier associated priorities to be set.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the changes.

Function: Airavata.deleteJobSubmissionInterface

bool deleteJobSubmissionInterface(string jobSubmissionInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a given job submisison interface

@param jobSubmissionInterfaceId The identifier of the JobSubmission Interface to be changed

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.deleteDataMovementInterface

bool deleteDataMovementInterface(string dataMovementInterfaceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete a given data movement interface

@param dataMovementInterfaceId The identifier of the DataMovement Interface to be changed

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.registerGatewayResourceProfile

string registerGatewayResourceProfile(gatewayResourceProfileModel.GatewayResourceProfile gatewayResourceProfile)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Register a Gateway Resource Profile.

@param gatewayResourceProfile Gateway Resource Profile Object. The GatewayID should be obtained from Airavata gateway registration and passed to register a corresponding resource profile.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.getGatewayResourceProfile

gatewayResourceProfileModel.GatewayResourceProfile getGatewayResourceProfile(string gatewayID)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch the given Gateway Resource Profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource

@return gatewayResourceProfile Gateway Resource Profile Object.

Function: Airavata.updateGatewayResourceProfile

bool updateGatewayResourceProfile(string gatewayID,
                                  gatewayResourceProfileModel.GatewayResourceProfile gatewayResourceProfile)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Gateway Resource Profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource to be updated.

@param gatewayResourceProfile Gateway Resource Profile Object.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the update.

Function: Airavata.deleteGatewayResourceProfile

bool deleteGatewayResourceProfile(string gatewayID)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete the given Gateway Resource Profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the requested gateway resource to be deleted.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.

Function: Airavata.addGatewayComputeResourcePreference

bool addGatewayComputeResourcePreference(string gatewayID,
                                         string computeResourceId,
                                         gatewayResourceProfileModel.ComputeResourcePreference computeResourcePreference)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Add a Compute Resource Preference to a registered gateway profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be added.

@param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource

@param computeResourcePreference The ComputeResourcePreference object to be added to the resource profile.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the addition. If a profile already exists, this operation will fail. Instead an update should be used.

Function: Airavata.getGatewayComputeResourcePreference

gatewayResourceProfileModel.ComputeResourcePreference getGatewayComputeResourcePreference(string gatewayID,
                                                                                          string computeResourceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch a Compute Resource Preference of a registered gateway profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be requested

@param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource

@return computeResourcePreference Returns the ComputeResourcePreference object.

Function: Airavata.getAllGatewayComputeResourcePreferences

list<gatewayResourceProfileModel.ComputeResourcePreference> getAllGatewayComputeResourcePreferences(string gatewayID)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Fetch all Compute Resource Preferences of a registered gateway profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be requested

@return computeResourcePreference Returns the ComputeResourcePreference object.

Function: Airavata.updateGatewayComputeResourcePreference

bool updateGatewayComputeResourcePreference(string gatewayID,
                                            string computeResourceId,
                                            gatewayResourceProfileModel.ComputeResourcePreference computeResourcePreference)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Update a Compute Resource Preference to a registered gateway profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be updated.

@param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource

@param computeResourcePreference The ComputeResourcePreference object to be updated to the resource profile.

@return status Returns a success/failure of the updation.

Function: Airavata.deleteGatewayComputeResourcePreference

bool deleteGatewayComputeResourcePreference(string gatewayID,
                                            string computeResourceId)
    throws airavataErrors.InvalidRequestException, airavataErrors.AiravataClientException, airavataErrors.AiravataSystemException
Delete the Compute Resource Preference of a registered gateway profile.

@param gatewayID The identifier for the gateway profile to be deleted.

@param computeResourceId Preferences related to a particular compute resource

@return status Returns a success/failure of the deletion.