Title: Submit Patches * Identify an issue or documentation that you want to fix or improve * Search [JIRA] [jira] and the mailing list to see if it’s already been discussed * If it’s a bug or a feature request, open a JIRA issue * Create a sample that you can use for prototyping the feature or demonstrating the bug. If creating a sample is time consuming, write steps to reproduce the issue. * Attach this sample to the JIRA issue if it’s representing a bug report. * Setup a svn client in your system. * [Checkout] [checkout] the source code. * Make your changes * Create the patch: - svn add any_files_you_added - svn diff > /tmp/fix-AIRAVATA-NNNN.patch * Attach that file (/tmp/fix-AIRAVATA-NNNN.patch) to the JIRA [jira]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/airavata [checkout]: source.html