Title: Projects Using Apache Airavata Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The strategy of the Airavata framework is a minimalist architectural design - a conceptually simple to understand modular, componentized software - which is easy to install, maintain and use. This service oriented architecture helps Apache Airavata to blend into diverse software systems. Early adopters of Apache Airavata includes Science Gateways which integrate applications, workflows, data collections with computational resources like Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). This page provides a sample set of projects using Apache Airavata. Please note that this list if not comprehensive by any means and only to give ideas on possibile integrations. If you are aware of such projects built over Airavata, we would appreciate if you could communite the same by posting the project details to Users of Dev [Mailing Lists](/community/mailing-lists.html). ## BioVLab The Biology Virtual Collaborative Labs (BioVLAB) provides reconfigurable cloud computing workbench built using Apache Airavata tools to execute workflows on Amazon EC2 resources. The BioVlab project developed workflows include: - Protein Sequence workflow - MicroArray Workflow - microRNA and mRNA Integrated Analysis (MMIA) - Methylation profiling of genomes containing methylated CpG sequences. Airavata helps BioVLab workbench lower the barriers of setting up and maintaining computational resources and building and configuring bioinformatics tools and databases. More details about the project can be found on [BioVLab Project Website][biovlab-web]. ## Computational Chemistry Grid The "Computational Chemistry Grid" (CCG) is a virtual organization that provides access to high performance computing resources for computational chemistry with distributed support and services, intuitive interfaces and measurable quality of service. The CCG client, GridChem, is a Java desktop application that provides an interface to integrate the hardware, software and middleware resources necessary to solve quantum chemistry problems using grid technologies. CCG uses Airavata workflow capabilities to execute couple computational workflows. More details about the project can be found on [GridChem Website][gc-web] ## DES-SimWG The simulation working group for the Dark Energy Survey Dark Energy Survey is using Airavata to develop High throughput workflow environment for cosmological simulations. The simulations provide support for analysis of systematics in the three methods associated with large-scale structure (LSS). The workflows devloped and executed using Airavata tools will assist the Simulation Working Group with coordinating a Blind Cosmology Challenge (BCC) process, in which a variety of sky realizations in dierent cosmologies are analyzed. Apache Airavata interfaces DES workflows with XSEDE resources to produce multiple syn- thetic sky surveys of galaxies and large-scale structure in support of science analysis for the Dark Energy Survey. The Airavata workflow infrastructure makes it possible to scale executions to level of fifty 1010-particle simulations. More details can be found of [DES Website][des-web]. ## LCCI The Leadership Class Configuration Interaction (LCCI) project targets to accurately predict properties of nuclei important for astrophysical and fusion energy processes. Many of these properties are inaccessible to laboratory experiments since either the nuclei are highly unstable or the required experimental precision cannot be obtained. Using computational resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), the project has obtained converged ground state energies and nearly-converged excited states of several light nuclei using realistic nuclear interactions, and the results compare favorably with experiment. LCCI is one of the DOE SciDAC UNEDF program’s collaboration effort and focuses on Ab Initio and Configuration Interaction computation for nuclear physics theory. The project unifies, preserves and disseminates and provides a user-friendly environment to enable calculations planned for extreme-scale computers and archive the results. The LCCI project uses Apache Airavata to develop workflow infrastructure to democratize the access to the nuclear physics simulations executing on remote supercomputing resources. More details about UNEDF can be found on the [Website][lcci-web]. ## ODI The One-Degree Imager is a gigapixel mosiac camera being built by WIYN Observatory with a pixel scale of 0.1 arcseconds for the 3.5-meter telescope. The ODI camera is an array of 32+2 separate CCD controller with Orthogonal Transfer Array CCD devices to do real time image correction based on guide star video streams. From a continuous stream of guide star images, telescope guiding and atmospheric image aberration can be reduced using real time image shifting via orthogonal charge transfer on the CCD. Apache Airavata enables the ODI's Pipeline, Portal, and Archive (PPA) system to executes the NOAO High Performance Pipeline System (NHPPS) pipelines on XSEDE resources. More details about ODI can be found on the [Website][odi-web]. ## OLAM The Ocean Land Atmosphere Model Science Gateway is a collaboration between a consortium of professors, research scientists and students from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Science Gateways Group at the Pervasive Technology Institute, Indiana University, hydrology modelers and water resource managers from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and government scientists from NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. The project is currently in development and OLAM’s unique, flexible mesh refinement capability, combined with local high-resolution land surface characteristics databases and XSEDE computing resources, will make it possible to generate unrivaled regional climate change projections that can be used to guide water management decisions in South Florida. More details about OLAM model can be found on [Website][olam-web]. ## OREChem The Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) integrates the information from compound, journals containing the compound and also molecular properties of the compound. ORE proposed by the digital libraries community aggregate resources on the web. OREChem is a research project funded by Microsoft External Research that aims to apply and extend ORE to enable the integration of experimental, bibliographical and molecular properties data. OREChem targets crystallography as its primary application domain. This effort has focused on designing a prototypical, semantic-based eScience infrastructure for chemistry and chemical informatics. This project has used Airavata tools to create web services and orchestrate them as workflows integrating chemistry scholarship with web architectures, grid Computing and semantic Web. The project has published results but is not currently active. For more details about on the project [Website][orechem-web] ## ParamChem ParamChem project is creating cyberenvironments to automate the process of parameterization for classical molecular mechanics (MM) and semi-empirical (SE) Hamiltonians and allow for wide dissemination of the developed parameters. The Project is developing an extensible cyberenvironment for the rapid and systematic parameterization of novel Hamiltonians; the systematic extension of currently available models, with the resulting parameters sets from both. ParamChem integrates with Apache Airavata Workflow framework to generate QM reference data, monitoring parameter optimization and analysis. The Architecture of ParamChem integration with Airavata and more details are on [Wiki][pc-airavata-wiki] Airavata is pleased to leviate ParamChem from Cyberinfrastructure details and rather focus on developing more accurate descriptions of the static and dynamic properties of a wide range of material, pharmacological and biological systems using theoretical methods by simplifying the task of parameter optimization. This will allow for the generation of high quality parameters for a wide variety of molecular systems. Improvements in the accuracy of modeling as well as the range of accessible chemical systems will benefit such fields as chemistry, nanotechnology, medicine and biology, among others. In addition, analytical models used in engineering fields such as structural mechanics and fluid dynamics will become accessible to molecular level treatments. For more details about the project can be found on [ParamChem website][pc-web]. ## SciGaP Science Gateway Platform as a Service (SciGaP) will provide RESTful application programmer interfaces (APIs) to hosted generic infrastructure services that can be used by domain science communities to create Science Gateways. The hosted services will support access to core infrastructure services required by Science Gateways, including: user identity, accounts, authorization, and access to multiple computational resources from campus, national, and international Grid and cloud efforts. Domain Gateway developers will be able to access these services via community-created interfaces. The SciGaP website provides further details [SciGaP website][scigap-web]. ## UltraScan The Ultrascan Laboratory Information Management System provides a user friendly web inter- face for evaluation of experimental analytical ultracentrifuge data using the UltraScan modeling software. The UltraScan Laboratory Information Management System, uses Airavata to execute analytical ultracentrifugation analysis experiments on XSEDE. These experiments provide information about biological or synthetic molecules for experimental biochemists, biophysicists, and material scientists. For more details about the project can be found on [UltraScan Website][us-web] [biovlab-web]: http://biohealth.snu.ac.kr/wiki/index.php/BioVLab_:_Biology_Virtual_Collaborative_Lab [des-web]: https://des.fnal.gov/ [gc-web]: https://www.gridchem.org/ [lcci-web]: http://www.unedf.org/ [odi-web]: http://www.noao.edu/wiyn/ODI/ [olam-web]: http://olam-model.sourceforge.net/ [orechem-web]: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/orechem/ [pc-web]: https://www.paramchem.org/ [pc-airavata-wiki]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRAVATA/Param+Chem [scigap-web]: http://scigap.org/ [us-web]: http://www.ultrascan.uthscsa.edu/ [us-airavata-wiki]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRAVATA/Ultrascan