Title: Airavata Team Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Apache Airavata is a community developed project. The list below is a partial list of contributors to the project, for a complete list you'd have to look at all contributors to our issue tracker, mailing list and version control. All project management committee members are also committers of the Airavata project but not vise versa. Please see [ASF Roles][asfroles] for explanation of these. **Project Management Committee:** * [Aleksander Slominski][alekweb] * [Amila Jayasekara][amilaweb] * [Ate Douma][ateweb] * [Chathura Herath][chathuraweb] * [Chathuri Wimalasena][chathuriweb] * [Chris A. Mattmann][chrisweb] * [Eran Chinthaka][eranweb] * [Heshan Suriyaarachchi][heshanweb] * [Lahiru Gunathilake][lahiruweb] * [Marlon Pierce][marlonweb] * [Milinda Pathirage][milindaweb] * [Patanachai Tangchaisin][patanachaiweb] * [Raminder Singh][raminderweb] * [Saminda Wijeratne][samindaweb] * [Shahani Markus Weerawarana][shahaniweb] * [Shameera Rathnayaka][shameeraweb] * [Srinath Perera][srinathweb] * [Supun Nakandala][supunweb] * [Suresh Marru][sureshweb] (Chair) * [Thilina Gunarathne][thilinaweb] **Committers:** * [Danushka Menikkumbura][danushkablog] * David Reagan * Eroma Abeysinghe * [Hasini Gunasinghe][hasiniblog] * Nipurn Doshi * [Sachith Withana][sachithblog] * [Viknes Balasubramanee][viknesweb] * Yu Ma **Contributors:** * [Barbara Hallock][barbaraweb] * [Bhathiya Jayasekara][bhathiyaweb] * [Hasitha Aravinda][hasithaweb] * [Pedro da Silveira][pedroweb] * [Ye Fan][yeweb] Apache Airavata underwent incubation at Apache Software Foundation from May 2011 through September 2012. The project greatly appreciates the elite incubation champion and mentors for hand holding the community and teaching the Apache Way and for guiding the project into a Top Level Project at the foundation. **Incubation Champion:** * [Ross Gardler][rossweb] **Incubation Mentors:** * [Ate Douma][ateweb] * [Paul Fremantle][paulweb] * [Ross Gardler][rossweb] * [Chris A. Mattmann][chrisweb] * [Aleksander Slominski][alekweb] * [Sanjiva Weerawarna][sanjivaweb] [asfroles]: https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#roles [alekweb]: http://people.apache.org/~aslom [amilaweb]: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/thejaka-amila-jayasekara/5/aba/374 [ateweb]: http://people.apache.org/~ate/ [barbaraweb]: http://about.me/demented_pants [bhathiyaweb]: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/bhathiya-jayasekara/46/749/195 [chathuraweb]: http://chathurah.blogspot.com/ [chathuriweb]: http://chathuriwimalasena.blogspot.com/ [chrisweb]: http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/ [danushkablog]: http://danushka-menikkumbura.blogspot.com/ [eranweb]: http://www.chinthaka.org/ [hasithaweb]: http://tryitnw.blogspot.com/ [hasiniblog]: http://hasini-gunasinghe.blogspot.com/ [heshanweb]: http://heshans.blogspot.com/ [lahiruweb]: http://lahiru.org [marlonweb]: http://communitygrids.blogspot.com/ [milindaweb]: http://milinda.pathirage.org/ [patanachaiweb]: http://www.patanachai.com [paulweb]: http://wso2.com/about/leadership/paul_fremantle/ [pedroweb]: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/pedro-da-silveira/44/ba7/326 [raminderweb]: http://communitygrids-raman.blogspot.com/ [rossweb]: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rossgardler] [sachithblog]: http://sachithdhanushka.blogspot.com/ [samindaweb]: http://samindaw.wordpress.com/ [sanjivaweb]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjiva_Weerawarana [shahaniweb]: http://shahani-w.blogspot.com/ [shameeraweb]: http://wso2.com/about/team/shameera-rathnayaka/ [srinathweb]: http://people.apache.org/~hemapani/ [supunweb]: http://people.apache.org/~scnakandala/ [sureshweb]: http://people.apache.org/~smarru [thilinaweb]: http://cs.indiana.edu/~tgunarat [viknesweb]: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/viknes-balasubramanee/36/5a7/635 [yeweb]: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ye-fan/19/b86/a6