WS-Messenger 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --------------- New Features In This Release ---------------------------- Key Features ------------ Issues Fixed in This Release ---------------------------- Installation & Running ---------------------- 1. extract the downloaded zip file 2. Run the or axis2server.bat file in the bin directory 3. Once the server starts, point your Web browser to https://localhost:8280/axis2/services 4. You can see the deployed services in simple Axis2 server, run the samples in client-api/samples directory. For more details, see the Installation Guide System Requirements ------------------- Known Issues in This Release ---------------------------- Including External Dependencies -------------------------------- WS-Messenger Binary Distribution Directory Structure -------------------------------------------- WS-MESSENGER_HOME |-- gui |-- standalone-server | |-- lib | |-- conf | |-- repository | -- services | |-- bin |-- database_scripts |-- client-api | |-- lib | |-- samples |-- LICENSE.txt |-- README.txt |-- INSTALL.txt - gui Contains the scripts to run WS Notification Listener GUI tool - standalone-server This contains all the artifacts required during axis2Server runtime with required axis2 service archives - standalone-server - lib Contains all the libraries required for Axis2 runtime - standalone-server - conf Contains all the configuration files for Axis2 Rutime and messenger services (messagebroker and messagebox) - standalone-server - repository - services Contains deployed services in Axis2 runtime. - standalone-server - bin Commandline scripts to use to start the SimpleAxis2Server and other Axis2 related scripts. - standalone-server - bin - database_scripts Contains the database scripts which are used to create tables for messagebox and messagebroker services - client-api Contains all the client side artifacts, which contains client samples and required libraries. - client-api - lib Required libraries for client side usage. - client-api - samples Contains set of samples which demostrate the funcationality of messagebroker and messagebox. - README.txt This document. - INSTALL.txt This document will contain information on installing Airavata-WS-Messenger.