To build ZooKeeper with Maven ============================= * download and install maven (say version 2.0.8 or later) * grab the code by typing svn co cd zookeeper * build the code & run the tests by typing mvn clean install To build without running the unit tests mvn -Dtest=false clean install To build the static website with javadoc run mvn site then the site is generated in each module in target/site/*.html To build just hte javadoc run mvn javadoc:javadoc to see the javadoc open target/site/apidocs/index.html Using an IDE ============ IDEs like IDEA 7.0 or later can just open the root pom.xml file directly and setup all of the source paths, class paths and dependencies. If you are using an IDE which does not have native support for maven you can type the following mvn eclipse:eclipse to create your IDE's project files