/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; using NUnit.Framework.Extensions; using Apache.NMS.Util; namespace Apache.NMS.Test { [TestFixture] public class MessageTest : NMSTestSupport { protected static string DESTINATION_NAME = "MessagePropsDestination"; protected static string TEST_CLIENT_ID = "MessagePropsClientId"; protected bool a = true; protected byte b = 123; protected char c = 'c'; protected short d = 0x1234; protected int e = 0x12345678; protected long f = 0x1234567812345678; protected string g = "Hello World!"; protected bool h = false; protected byte i = 0xFF; protected short j = -0x1234; protected int k = -0x12345678; protected long l = -0x1234567812345678; protected float m = 2.1F; protected double n = 2.3; #if !NET_1_1 [RowTest] [Row(true)] [Row(false)] #endif public void SendReceiveMessageProperties(bool persistent) { using(IConnection connection = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID)) { connection.Start(); using(ISession session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, DESTINATION_NAME); using(IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination)) using(IMessageProducer producer = session.CreateProducer(destination)) { producer.Persistent = persistent; producer.RequestTimeout = receiveTimeout; IMessage request = session.CreateMessage(); request.Properties["a"] = a; request.Properties["b"] = b; request.Properties["c"] = c; request.Properties["d"] = d; request.Properties["e"] = e; request.Properties["f"] = f; request.Properties["g"] = g; request.Properties["h"] = h; request.Properties["i"] = i; request.Properties["j"] = j; request.Properties["k"] = k; request.Properties["l"] = l; request.Properties["m"] = m; request.Properties["n"] = n; producer.Send(request); IMessage message = consumer.Receive(receiveTimeout); Assert.IsNotNull(message, "No message returned!"); Assert.AreEqual(request.Properties.Count, message.Properties.Count, "Invalid number of properties."); Assert.AreEqual(persistent, message.NMSPersistent, "NMSPersistent does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(ToHex(f), ToHex(message.Properties.GetLong("f")), "map entry: f as hex"); // use generic API to access entries Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Properties["a"], "generic map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Properties["b"], "generic map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Properties["c"], "generic map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Properties["d"], "generic map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Properties["e"], "generic map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Properties["f"], "generic map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Properties["g"], "generic map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Properties["h"], "generic map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Properties["i"], "generic map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Properties["j"], "generic map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Properties["k"], "generic map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Properties["l"], "generic map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Properties["m"], "generic map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Properties["n"], "generic map entry: n"); // use type safe APIs Assert.AreEqual(a, message.Properties.GetBool("a"), "map entry: a"); Assert.AreEqual(b, message.Properties.GetByte("b"), "map entry: b"); Assert.AreEqual(c, message.Properties.GetChar("c"), "map entry: c"); Assert.AreEqual(d, message.Properties.GetShort("d"), "map entry: d"); Assert.AreEqual(e, message.Properties.GetInt("e"), "map entry: e"); Assert.AreEqual(f, message.Properties.GetLong("f"), "map entry: f"); Assert.AreEqual(g, message.Properties.GetString("g"), "map entry: g"); Assert.AreEqual(h, message.Properties.GetBool("h"), "map entry: h"); Assert.AreEqual(i, message.Properties.GetByte("i"), "map entry: i"); Assert.AreEqual(j, message.Properties.GetShort("j"), "map entry: j"); Assert.AreEqual(k, message.Properties.GetInt("k"), "map entry: k"); Assert.AreEqual(l, message.Properties.GetLong("l"), "map entry: l"); Assert.AreEqual(m, message.Properties.GetFloat("m"), "map entry: m"); Assert.AreEqual(n, message.Properties.GetDouble("n"), "map entry: n"); } } } } } }