/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using Apache.NMS.Util; using NUnit.Framework; using NUnit.Framework.Extensions; using System.Threading; namespace Apache.NMS.Test { [TestFixture] [Explicit] public class MessageSelectorTest : NMSTestSupport { protected const string QUEUE_DESTINATION_NAME = "queue://MessageSelectorQueue"; protected const string TOPIC_DESTINATION_NAME = "topic://MessageSelectorTopic"; protected const string TEST_CLIENT_ID = "MessageSelectorClientId"; protected const string TEST_CLIENT_ID2 = "MessageSelectorClientId2"; protected const string TEST_CLIENT_ID3 = "MessageSelectorClientId3"; private int receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount = 0; private int receivedIgnoredMsgCount = 0; #if !NET_1_1 [RowTest] [Row(true, QUEUE_DESTINATION_NAME)] [Row(false, QUEUE_DESTINATION_NAME)] [Row(true, TOPIC_DESTINATION_NAME)] [Row(false, TOPIC_DESTINATION_NAME)] #endif public void FilterIgnoredMessagesTest(bool persistent, string destinationName) { using(IConnection connection1 = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID)) using(IConnection connection2 = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID2)) using(IConnection connection3 = CreateConnection(TEST_CLIENT_ID3)) { connection1.Start(); connection2.Start(); connection3.Start(); using(ISession session1 = connection1.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) using(ISession session2 = connection2.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) using(ISession session3 = connection3.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge)) { IDestination destination1 = CreateDestination(session1, destinationName); IDestination destination2 = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session2, destinationName); IDestination destination3 = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session2, destinationName); using(IMessageProducer producer = session1.CreateProducer(destination1)) using(IMessageConsumer consumer1 = session2.CreateConsumer(destination2, "JMSType NOT LIKE '%IGNORE'")) { const int MaxNumRequests = 100000; int numNonIgnoredMsgsSent = 0; int numIgnoredMsgsSent = 0; producer.Persistent = persistent; // producer.RequestTimeout = receiveTimeout; receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount = 0; receivedIgnoredMsgCount = 0; consumer1.Listener += new MessageListener(OnNonIgnoredMessage); IMessageConsumer consumer2 = null; for(int index = 1; index <= MaxNumRequests; index++) { IMessage request = session1.CreateTextMessage(String.Format("Hello World! [{0} of {1}]", index, MaxNumRequests)); // request.NMSTimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); if(0 == (index % 2)) { request.NMSType = "ACTIVE"; numNonIgnoredMsgsSent++; } else { request.NMSType = "ACTIVE.IGNORE"; numIgnoredMsgsSent++; } producer.Send(request); if(20000 == index) { // Start the second consumer consumer2 = session3.CreateConsumer(destination2, "JMSType LIKE '%IGNORE'"); consumer2.Listener += new MessageListener(OnIgnoredMessage); } } int waitCount = 0; int lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount = receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount; int lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount = receivedIgnoredMsgCount; while(receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount < numNonIgnoredMsgsSent || receivedIgnoredMsgCount < numIgnoredMsgsSent) { if(lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount != receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount || lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount != receivedIgnoredMsgCount) { // Reset the wait count. waitCount = 0; Console.WriteLine("Reset the wait count while we are still receiving msgs."); Thread.Sleep(2000); continue; } lastReceivedINongnoredMsgCount = receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount; lastReceivedIgnoredMsgCount = receivedIgnoredMsgCount; if(waitCount > 60) { Assert.Fail(String.Format("Timeout waiting for all messages to be delivered. Only {0} of {1} non-ignored messages delivered. Only {2} of {3} ignored messages delivered.", receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount, numNonIgnoredMsgsSent, receivedIgnoredMsgCount, numIgnoredMsgsSent)); } Console.WriteLine("Waiting to receive all non-ignored messages..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); waitCount++; } consumer2.Dispose(); } } } } protected void OnNonIgnoredMessage(IMessage message) { receivedNonIgnoredMsgCount++; Assert.AreEqual(message.NMSType, "ACTIVE"); } protected void OnIgnoredMessage(IMessage message) { receivedIgnoredMsgCount++; Assert.AreEqual(message.NMSType, "ACTIVE.IGNORE"); Thread.Sleep(100); } } }