# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. $pkgver = "1.1.0" $configurations = "release", "debug" $frameworks = "mono-2.0", "net-1.1", "net-2.0", "net-3.5", "netcf-2.0" function package-legalfiles($zipfile) { zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\LICENSE.txt zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\NOTICE.txt } write-progress "Creating package directory." "Initializing..." if(!(test-path package)) { md package } pushd build $pkgdir = "..\package" write-progress "Packaging Application files." "Scanning..." foreach($configuration in $configurations) { $zipfile = "$pkgdir\Apache.NMS-$pkgver-bin-$configuration.zip" package-legalfiles $zipfile foreach($framework in $frameworks) { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.dll" } } write-progress "Packaging PDB files." "Scanning..." foreach($configuration in $configurations) { $zipfile = "$pkgdir\Apache.NMS-$pkgver-PDBs-$configuration.zip" package-legalfiles $zipfile foreach($framework in $frameworks) { if($framework -ieq "mono-2.0") { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.dll.mdb" } else { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.pdb" } } } write-progress "Packaging Unit test files." "Scanning..." foreach($configuration in $configurations) { $zipfile = "$pkgdir\Apache.NMS-$pkgver-UnitTests-$configuration.zip" package-legalfiles $zipfile foreach($framework in $frameworks) { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.Test.dll" if($framework -ieq "mono-2.0") { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.Test.dll.mdb" } else { zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\Apache.NMS.Test.pdb" } } } popd write-progress "Packaging Source code files." "Scanning..." $pkgdir = "package" $zipfile = "$pkgdir\Apache.NMS-$pkgver-src.zip" zip -9 -u "$zipfile" LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt nant-common.xml nant.build package.ps1 vs2008-nms-test.csproj vs2008-nms.csproj vs2008-nms.sln zip -9 -u -r "$zipfile" keyfile lib src write-progress "Packaging" "Complete."