Apache Accumulo Random Walk Tests The randomwalk framework needs to be configured for your Accumulo instance by doing the following steps: 1. Make sure you have both ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME set in your $ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/accumulo-env.sh. 2. Create 'randomwalk.conf' file in the conf directory containing settings needed by walkers to connect to Accumulo. 3. Create a 'walkers' file in the conf directory containing the hostnames of the machines where you want random walkers to run. 3. Create a 'logger.xml' file in the conf directory from logger.xml.example The command below starts random walkers on all machines listed in 'walkers'. The argument Image.xml indicates the module to use (which is located at conf/modules/Image.xml): ./bin/start-all.sh Image.xml All modules must be in conf/modules and can be referenced without this prefix. For example, a module located at conf/modules/foo/bar.xml is started as the following: ./bin/start-all.sh foo/bar.xml This command will load all configuration in the conf directory to HDFS and start identical random walkers on each node. These random walkers will download the current configuration from HDFS and place them in the tmp/ directory. Random walkers will drop their logs in the logs/ directory. If you are running multiple walkers and want error/warns dropped to a NFS hosted logs, please set NFS_LOGPATH to a NFS-mounted directory and uncomment the NFS appender in logger.xml You can kill all walkers on the machines listed in the 'walkers' file using the following command: ./bin/kill-all.sh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other useful commands: copy-config.sh Copies configuration in conf/ to HDFS start-local.sh All.xml Copies configuration from HDFS into tmp/ and and starts only one local random walker. pkill -f randomwalk.Framework Stops all local random walkers