Getting Started

Downloading and Building the Source

Before you can use Abdera, you need to download and build the source. Instructions for bulding are available in the Builder's Guide.

Parsing Atom Feed and Entry Documents

The Abdera parser is capable of handling Atom Feed and Entry documents, Atom Publishing Protocol Introspection Documents, and any other arbitrary, well-formed XML document.

User's can either use the default org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser instance by calling Parser.INSTANCE, or they may create an new Parser instance.

Parser parser = Parser.INSTANCE;
// or
Parser parser = new FOMParser();
// or
Parser parser = new MyCustomParser();

The Parser will automatically detect the kind of document being parsed and will return an appropriate org.apache.abdera.model.Document.

Parsing an Atom Feed

URI uri = new URI("");
InputStream in = uri.toURL().openStream();
Document<Feed> doc = Parser.INSTANCE.parse(in, uri);

The uri parameter on the parse method establishes the Base URI for the parsed document and is used as the basis for relative URI resolution throughout the document.

Parsing an Atom Entry

URI uri = new URI("");
InputStream in = uri.toURL().openStream();
Document<Entry> doc = Parser.INSTANCE.parse(in, uri);

Configuring the Parser

URI uri = new URI("");
InputStream in = uri.toURL().openStream();
ParserOptions options = Parser.INSTANCE.getDefaultParserOptions();
//.. set other parser options
Document<Feed> doc = Parser.INSTANCE.parse(in, uri, options);

Creating Atom Feed and Entry Documents

Atom Feed and Entry documents are created using instances of the org.apache.abdera.factory.Factory interface. User's can either use the default configured Factory by calling Factory.INSTANCE, or may create their own Factory instance.
Factory factory = Factory.INSTANCE;
// or
Factory factory = new FOMFactory();
// or
Factory factory = new MyCustomFactory();

Creating Atom Feed Documents

Feed feed = Factory.INSTANCE.newFeed();
feed.setId(",2005:/myfeed", false);
feed.setTitle("My Example Feed");
// .. set other feed properties
Document<Feed> doc = feed.getDocument();
doc.writeTo(System.out); // serializes the feed document to System.out

Creating Atom Entry Documents

Entry entry = Factory.INSTANCE.newEntry();
entry.setId(",2005:/myentry", false);
entry.setTitle("My Example Entry");
// .. set other feed properties
Document<Entry> doc = entry.getDocument();
doc.writeTo(System.out); // serializes the entry document to System.out

The Feed Object Model

The Feed Object Model (FOM) is a set of interfaces designed around the Atom Syndication Format data model. The object model provides the API by which Atom documents are read and created.

URI uri = ...
InputStream inputStream = ...
Document<Feed> doc = Parser.INSTANCE.parse(inputStream, uri);
Feed feed = doc.getRoot();
URI id = feed.getId();
Text.Type titleType = feed.getTitleType();
String title = feed.getTitle();

List<Entry> entries = feed.getEntries();
for (Entry entry : entries) {
  URI entryId = entry.getId();
  Text.Type entryTitleType = entry.getTitleType();
  String entryTitle = entry.getTitle();

Using XPath

As an alternative to navigating the Feed Object Model manually, developer's may use XPath to query a parsed Document.

URI uri = ...
InputStream inputStream = ...
Document<Feed> doc = Parser.INSTANCE.parse(inputStream, uri);

// Select the id of the document
String id = XPath.INSTANCE.valueOf("/a:feed/a:id", doc);

// Select all entries from the document
List entries = XPath.INSTANCE.valueOf("//a:entry", doc);
for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
  Entry entry = (Entry);

// Determine if a feed contains a specific extension
boolean hasFoo = XPath.INSTANCE.isTrue("//x:foo", doc);

// The XPath support works on any element in the FOM
Entry entry = (Entry)XPath.INSTANCE.selectSingleNode("//a:entry", doc);
String id = XPath.INSTANCE.valueOf("a:id", entry);

Using Extensions

The Feed Object Model is designed to fully and dynamically support extensions to the Atom Feed format.

Feed feed = Factory.INSTANCE.newFeed();
// ... set other feed properties
  new QName("urn:foo", "myExtension", "a"), 
  "This is an extension"

Link link = feed.addLink("");
  new QName("urn:foo", "myAttribute", "a"), 
  "My Attribute");

This results in the following Atom feed:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<feed xmlns=''>
  <a:myExtension xmlns:a="urn:foo">This is an extension</a:myExtension>
  <link href="" 
        a:myAttribute="My Attribute" />

As an alternative to using the dynamic extensions support built into the Feed Object Model, developers may configure static extensions using the org.apache.abdera.factory.ExtensionFactory mechanism. Extension Factories are covered in detail in the Developer's Guide.

Signing and Encrypting Atom Documents

Atom Feed and Entry documents may be digitally signed and/or encrypted by using the optional Abdera Security module. The security module currently depends on the Apache Xerces, Apache XML Security Projects and the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography implementation.

Digitally Signing Atom Documents

Feed feed = Factory.INSTANCE.newFeed();
PrivateKey myPrivateKey = ...
X509Certificate myX509Cert = ...
Signature sig = Signature.INSTANCE;
SignatureOptions options = sig.getDefaultSignatureOptions();
feed = sig.sign(feed, options);
//any modifications to the feed after this point will break the signature

Encrypting Atom Documents

Feed feed = Factory.INSTANCE.newFeed();
Key kek = ... // Key encryption key
Key dek = ... // Data encryption key
Encryption enc = Encryption.INSTANCE;
EncryptionOptions options = enc.getDefaultEncryptionOptions();
Document doc = enc.encrypt(feed.getDocument(), options);
doc.writeTo(System.out); // outs the encrypted XML