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Diff of /incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/am/DateTime.java

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--- incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/am/DateTime.java	2005/05/02 05:18:08	165584
+++ incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/am/DateTime.java	2005/05/02 06:25:59	165585
@@ -22,618 +22,595 @@ package org.apache.derby.client.am;
  * High performance converters from date/time byte encodings to JDBC Date, Time and Timestamp objects.
- * <p>
- * Using this class for direct date/time conversions from bytes offers
- * superior performance over the alternative method of first constructing
- * a Java String from the encoded bytes, and then using
- * {@link java.sql.Date#valueOf java.sql.Date.valueOf()},
- * {@link java.sql.Time#valueOf java.sql.Time.valueOf()} or
- * {@link java.sql.Timestamp#valueOf java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf()}.
- * <p>
+ * <p/>
+ * Using this class for direct date/time conversions from bytes offers superior performance over the alternative method
+ * of first constructing a Java String from the encoded bytes, and then using {@link java.sql.Date#valueOf
+ * java.sql.Date.valueOf()}, {@link java.sql.Time#valueOf java.sql.Time.valueOf()} or {@link java.sql.Timestamp#valueOf
+ * java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf()}.
+ * <p/>
-public class DateTime
+public class DateTime {
-  // Hide the default constructor
-  private DateTime () {}
+    // Hide the default constructor
+    private DateTime() {
+    }
+    private static final int dateRepresentationLength = 10;
+    private static final int timeRepresentationLength = 8;
+    private static final int timestampRepresentationLength = 26;
+    // *********************************************************
+    // ********** Output converters (byte[] -> class) **********
+    // *********************************************************
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a date, which is in one of the following
+     * format.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Date dateBytesToDate(byte[] buffer,
+                                                      int offset,
+                                                      java.sql.Date recyclableDate) {
+        int year, month, day;
+        String date = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
+        int yearIndx, monthIndx, dayIndx;
+        if (date.charAt(4) == '-') {
+            // JIS format: yyyy-mm-dd.
+            yearIndx = 0;
+            monthIndx = 5;
+            dayIndx = 8;
+        } else {
+            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported date format!");
+        }
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        // Character arithmetic is used rather than
+        // the less efficient Integer.parseInt (date.substring()).
+        year =
+                1000 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                100 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 1)) - zeroBase) +
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 2)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 3)) - zeroBase) -
+                1900;
+        month =
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(monthIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(monthIndx + 1)) - zeroBase) -
+                1;
+        day =
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(dayIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(dayIndx + 1)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableDate == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Date(year, month, day);
+        } else {
+            recyclableDate.setYear(year);
+            recyclableDate.setMonth(month);
+            recyclableDate.setDate(day);
+            return recyclableDate;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a time, which is in one of the following
+     * format: hh.mm.ss.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Time timeBytesToTime(byte[] buffer,
+                                                      int offset,
+                                                      java.sql.Time recyclableTime) {
+        int hour, minute, second;
+        String time = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        // compute hour.
+        hour =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(0)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(1)) - zeroBase);
+        // compute minute.
+        minute =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(3)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(4)) - zeroBase);
+        // compute second.
+        second =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(6)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(7)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableTime == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Time(hour, minute, second);
+        } else {
+            recyclableTime.setHours(hour);
+            recyclableTime.setMinutes(minute);
+            recyclableTime.setSeconds(second);
+            return recyclableTime;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Timestamp timestampBytesToTimestamp(byte[] buffer,
+                                                                     int offset,
+                                                                     java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp) {
+        int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction;
+        String timestamp = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        year =
+                1000 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(0)) - zeroBase) +
+                100 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(1)) - zeroBase) +
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(2)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(3)) - zeroBase) -
+                1900;
+        month =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(5)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(6)) - zeroBase) -
+                1;
+        day =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(8)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(9)) - zeroBase);
+        hour =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(11)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(12)) - zeroBase);
+        minute =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(14)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(15)) - zeroBase);
+        second =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(17)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(18)) - zeroBase);
+        fraction =
+                100000 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(20)) - zeroBase) +
+                10000 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(21)) - zeroBase) +
+                1000 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(22)) - zeroBase) +
+                100 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(23)) - zeroBase) +
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(24)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(25)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableTimestamp == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction * 1000);
+        } else {
+            recyclableTimestamp.setYear(year);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMonth(month);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setDate(day);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setHours(hour);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes(minute);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds(second);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setNanos(fraction * 1000);
+            return recyclableTimestamp;
+        }
+    }
+    // ********************************************************
+    // ********** Input converters (class -> byte[]) **********
+    // ********************************************************
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in JDBC date format: <code>yyyy-mm-dd</code> date format in DERBY string
+     * representation of a date.
+     */
+    public static final int dateToDateBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                            int offset,
+                                            java.sql.Date date) throws ConversionException {
+        int year = date.getYear() + 1900;
+        if (year > 9999) {
+            throw new ConversionException("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
+        }
+        int month = date.getMonth() + 1;
+        int day = date.getDate();
+        char[] dateChars = new char[DateTime.dateRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        dateChars[0] = (char) (year / 1000 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[1] = (char) ((year % 1000) / 100 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[2] = (char) ((year % 100) / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[3] = (char) (year % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        dateChars[4] = '-';
+        dateChars[5] = (char) (month / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[6] = (char) (month % 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[7] = '-';
+        dateChars[8] = (char) (day / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[9] = (char) (day % 10 + zeroBase);
+        byte[] dateBytes = (new String(dateChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(dateBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.dateRepresentationLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in JDBC time escape format: <code>hh:mm:ss</code>, which is the same as
+     * JIS time format in DERBY string representation of a time.
+     */
+    public static final int timeToTimeBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                            int offset,
+                                            java.sql.Time time) {
+        int hour = time.getHours();
+        int minute = time.getMinutes();
+        int second = time.getSeconds();
+        char[] timeChars = new char[DateTime.timeRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        timeChars[0] = (char) (hour / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[1] = (char) (hour % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        timeChars[2] = ':';
+        timeChars[3] = (char) (minute / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[4] = (char) (minute % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[5] = ':';
+        timeChars[6] = (char) (second / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[7] = (char) (second % 10 + zeroBase);
+        byte[] timeBytes = (new String(timeChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(timeBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.timeRepresentationLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final int timestampToTimestampBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                                      int offset,
+                                                      java.sql.Timestamp timestamp) throws ConversionException {
+        int year = timestamp.getYear() + 1900;
+        if (year > 9999) {
+            throw new ConversionException("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
+        }
+        int month = timestamp.getMonth() + 1;
+        int day = timestamp.getDate();
+        int hour = timestamp.getHours();
+        int minute = timestamp.getMinutes();
+        int second = timestamp.getSeconds();
+        int microsecond = timestamp.getNanos() / 1000;
+        char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        timestampChars[0] = (char) (year / 1000 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[1] = (char) ((year % 1000) / 100 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[2] = (char) ((year % 100) / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[3] = (char) (year % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[4] = '-';
+        timestampChars[5] = (char) (month / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[6] = (char) (month % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[7] = '-';
+        timestampChars[8] = (char) (day / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[9] = (char) (day % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[10] = '-';
+        timestampChars[11] = (char) (hour / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[12] = (char) (hour % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[13] = '.';
+        timestampChars[14] = (char) (minute / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[15] = (char) (minute % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[16] = '.';
+        timestampChars[17] = (char) (second / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[18] = (char) (second % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[19] = '.';
+        timestampChars[20] = (char) (microsecond / 100000 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[21] = (char) ((microsecond % 100000) / 10000 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[22] = (char) ((microsecond % 10000) / 1000 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[23] = (char) ((microsecond % 1000) / 100 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[24] = (char) ((microsecond % 100) / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[25] = (char) (microsecond % 10 + zeroBase);
+        byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
+    }
+    // *********************************************************
+    // ******* CROSS output converters (byte[] -> class) *******
+    // *********************************************************
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a date, which is in one of the following
+     * format.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Timestamp dateBytesToTimestamp(byte[] buffer,
+                                                                int offset,
+                                                                java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp) {
+        int year, month, day;
+        String date = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
+        int yearIndx, monthIndx, dayIndx;
+        yearIndx = 0;
+        monthIndx = 5;
+        dayIndx = 8;
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        // Character arithmetic is used rather than
+        // the less efficient Integer.parseInt (date.substring()).
+        year =
+                1000 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                100 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 1)) - zeroBase) +
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 2)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(yearIndx + 3)) - zeroBase) -
+                1900;
+        month =
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(monthIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(monthIndx + 1)) - zeroBase) -
+                1;
+        day =
+                10 * (((int) date.charAt(dayIndx)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) date.charAt(dayIndx + 1)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableTimestamp == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Timestamp(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        } else {
+            recyclableTimestamp.setYear(year);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMonth(month);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setDate(day);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setHours(0);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes(0);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds(0);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setNanos(0);
+            return recyclableTimestamp;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a time, which is in one of the following
+     * format.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Timestamp timeBytesToTimestamp(byte[] buffer,
+                                                                int offset,
+                                                                java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp) {
+        int hour, minute, second;
+        String time = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        // compute hour.
+        hour =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(0)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(1)) - zeroBase);
+        // compute minute.
+        minute =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(3)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(4)) - zeroBase);
+        // compute second   JIS format: hh:mm:ss.
+        second =
+                10 * (((int) time.charAt(6)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) time.charAt(7)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableTimestamp == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Timestamp(0, 0, 1, hour, minute, second, 0);
+        } else {
+            recyclableTimestamp.setYear(0);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMonth(0);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setDate(1);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setHours(hour);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes(minute);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds(second);
+            recyclableTimestamp.setNanos(0);
+            return recyclableTimestamp;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Date timestampBytesToDate(byte[] buffer,
+                                                           int offset,
+                                                           java.sql.Date recyclableDate) {
+        int year, month, day;
+        String timestamp = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        year =
+                1000 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(0)) - zeroBase) +
+                100 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(1)) - zeroBase) +
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(2)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(3)) - zeroBase) -
+                1900;
+        month =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(5)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(6)) - zeroBase) -
+                1;
+        day =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(8)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(9)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableDate == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Date(year, month, day);
+        } else {
+            recyclableDate.setYear(year);
+            recyclableDate.setMonth(month);
+            recyclableDate.setDate(day);
+            return recyclableDate;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final java.sql.Time timestampBytesToTime(byte[] buffer,
+                                                           int offset,
+                                                           java.sql.Time recyclableTime) {
+        int hour, minute, second;
+        String timestamp = new String(buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
+        hour =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(11)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(12)) - zeroBase);
+        minute =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(14)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(15)) - zeroBase);
+        second =
+                10 * (((int) timestamp.charAt(17)) - zeroBase) +
+                (((int) timestamp.charAt(18)) - zeroBase);
+        if (recyclableTime == null) {
+            return new java.sql.Time(hour, minute, second);
+        } else {
+            recyclableTime.setYear(hour);
+            recyclableTime.setMonth(minute);
+            recyclableTime.setDate(second);
+            return recyclableTime;
+        }
+    }
+    // *********************************************************
+    // ******* CROSS input converters (class -> byte[]) ********
+    // *********************************************************
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in JDBC date escape format: <code>yyyy-mm-dd</code>, which is the same
+     * as JIS date format in DERBY string representation of a date.
+     */
+    public static final int timestampToDateBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                                 int offset,
+                                                 java.sql.Timestamp timestamp) throws ConversionException {
+        int year = timestamp.getYear() + 1900;
+        if (year > 9999) {
+            throw new ConversionException("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
+        }
+        int month = timestamp.getMonth() + 1;
+        int day = timestamp.getDate();
+        char[] dateChars = new char[DateTime.dateRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        dateChars[0] = (char) (year / 1000 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[1] = (char) ((year % 1000) / 100 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[2] = (char) ((year % 100) / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[3] = (char) (year % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        dateChars[4] = '-';
+        dateChars[5] = (char) (month / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[6] = (char) (month % 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[7] = '-';
+        dateChars[8] = (char) (day / 10 + zeroBase);
+        dateChars[9] = (char) (day % 10 + zeroBase);
+        byte[] dateBytes = (new String(dateChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(dateBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.dateRepresentationLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in JDBC time escape format: <code>hh:mm:ss</code>, which is the same as
+     * JIS time format in DERBY string representation of a time.
+     */
+    public static final int timestampToTimeBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                                 int offset,
+                                                 java.sql.Timestamp timestamp) {
+        int hour = timestamp.getHours();
+        int minute = timestamp.getMinutes();
+        int second = timestamp.getSeconds();
+        char[] timeChars = new char[DateTime.timeRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        timeChars[0] = (char) (hour / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[1] = (char) (hour % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        timeChars[2] = ':';
+        timeChars[3] = (char) (minute / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[4] = (char) (minute % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[5] = ':';
+        timeChars[6] = (char) (second / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timeChars[7] = (char) (second % 10 + zeroBase);
+        byte[] timeBytes = (new String(timeChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(timeBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
-  private static final int dateRepresentationLength = 10;
-  private static final int timeRepresentationLength = 8;
-  private static final int timestampRepresentationLength = 26;
-  // *********************************************************
-  // ********** Output converters (byte[] -> class) **********
-  // *********************************************************
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a date, which is in one of the following format.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Date dateBytesToDate (byte[] buffer,
-                                               int offset,
-                                               java.sql.Date recyclableDate)
-  {
-    int year, month, day;
-    String date = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
-    int yearIndx, monthIndx, dayIndx;
-    if (date.charAt (4) == '-') {
-      // JIS format: yyyy-mm-dd.
-      yearIndx = 0;
-      monthIndx = 5;
-      dayIndx = 8;
-    }
-    else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ("Unsupported date format!");
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    // Character arithmetic is used rather than
-    // the less efficient Integer.parseInt (date.substring()).
-    year =
-      1000*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      100*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+1)) - zeroBase) +
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+2)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+3)) - zeroBase) -
-      1900;
-    month =
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (monthIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (monthIndx+1)) - zeroBase) -
-      1;
-    day =
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (dayIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (dayIndx+1)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableDate == null)
-      return new java.sql.Date (year, month, day);
-    else {
-      recyclableDate.setYear (year);
-      recyclableDate.setMonth (month);
-      recyclableDate.setDate (day);
-      return recyclableDate;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a time, which is in one of the following format: hh.mm.ss.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Time timeBytesToTime (byte[] buffer,
-                                               int offset,
-                                               java.sql.Time recyclableTime)
-  {
-    int hour, minute, second;
-    String time = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    // compute hour.
-    hour =
-      10*(((int) time.charAt (0)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) time.charAt (1)) - zeroBase);
-    // compute minute.
-    minute =
-      10*(((int) time.charAt (3)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) time.charAt (4)) - zeroBase);
-    // compute second.
-    second =
-        10*(((int) time.charAt (6)) - zeroBase) +
-        (((int) time.charAt (7)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableTime == null)
-      return new java.sql.Time (hour, minute, second);
-    else {
-      recyclableTime.setHours (hour);
-      recyclableTime.setMinutes (minute);
-      recyclableTime.setSeconds (second);
-      return recyclableTime;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Timestamp timestampBytesToTimestamp (byte[] buffer,
-                                                              int offset,
-                                                              java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp)
-  {
-    int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction;
-    String timestamp = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    year =
-      1000*(((int) timestamp.charAt (0)) - zeroBase) +
-      100*(((int) timestamp.charAt (1)) - zeroBase) +
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (2)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (3)) - zeroBase) -
-      1900;
-    month =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (5)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (6)) - zeroBase) -
-      1;
-    day =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (8)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (9)) - zeroBase);
-    hour =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (11)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (12)) - zeroBase);
-    minute =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (14)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (15)) - zeroBase);
-    second =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (17)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (18)) - zeroBase);
-    fraction =
-      100000*(((int) timestamp.charAt (20)) - zeroBase) +
-      10000*(((int) timestamp.charAt (21)) - zeroBase) +
-      1000*(((int) timestamp.charAt (22)) - zeroBase) +
-      100*(((int) timestamp.charAt (23)) - zeroBase) +
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (24)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (25)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableTimestamp == null)
-      return new java.sql.Timestamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction*1000);
-    else {
-      recyclableTimestamp.setYear (year);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMonth (month);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setDate (day);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setHours (hour);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes (minute);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds (second);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setNanos (fraction*1000);
-      return recyclableTimestamp;
-    }
-  }
-  // ********************************************************
-  // ********** Input converters (class -> byte[]) **********
-  // ********************************************************
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in JDBC date format:
-   * <code>yyyy-mm-dd</code> date format in
-   * DERBY string representation of a date.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int dateToDateBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                     int offset,
-                                     java.sql.Date date
-                                     ) throws ConversionException
-  {
-    int year = date.getYear () + 1900;
-    if (year > 9999) throw new ConversionException ("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
-    int month = date.getMonth () + 1;
-    int day = date.getDate ();
-    char[] dateChars = new char[DateTime.dateRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    dateChars[0] = (char) (year/1000 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[1] = (char) ((year%1000)/100 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[2] = (char) ((year%100)/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[3] = (char) (year%10 + + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[4] = '-';
-    dateChars[5] = (char) (month/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[6] = (char) (month%10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[7] = '-';
-    dateChars[8] = (char) (day/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[9] = (char) (day%10 + zeroBase);
-    byte[] dateBytes = (new String(dateChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(dateBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.dateRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in JDBC time escape format:
-   * <code>hh:mm:ss</code>, which is the same as JIS time format in
-   * DERBY string representation of a time.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int timeToTimeBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                     int offset,
-                                     java.sql.Time time)
-  {
-    int hour = time.getHours();
-    int minute = time.getMinutes();
-    int second = time.getSeconds();
-    char[] timeChars = new char[DateTime.timeRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    timeChars[0] = (char) (hour/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[1] = (char) (hour%10 + + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[2] = ':';
-    timeChars[3] = (char) (minute/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[4] = (char) (minute%10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[5] = ':';
-    timeChars[6] = (char) (second/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[7] = (char) (second%10 + zeroBase);
-    byte[] timeBytes = (new String(timeChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(timeBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.timeRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of
-   * a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   */
-  public static final int timestampToTimestampBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                               int offset,
-                                               java.sql.Timestamp timestamp
-                                               ) throws ConversionException
-  {
-    int year = timestamp.getYear () + 1900;
-    if (year > 9999) throw new ConversionException ("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
-    int month = timestamp.getMonth () + 1;
-    int day = timestamp.getDate ();
-    int hour = timestamp.getHours();
-    int minute = timestamp.getMinutes();
-    int second = timestamp.getSeconds();
-    int microsecond = timestamp.getNanos()/1000;
-    char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    timestampChars[0]  = (char) (year/1000 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[1]  = (char) ((year%1000)/100 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[2]  = (char) ((year%100)/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[3]  = (char) (year%10 + + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[4]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[5]  = (char) (month/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[6]  = (char) (month%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[7]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[8]  = (char) (day/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[9]  = (char) (day%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[10] = '-';
-    timestampChars[11] = (char) (hour/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[12] = (char) (hour%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[13] = '.';
-    timestampChars[14] = (char) (minute/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[15] = (char) (minute%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[16] = '.';
-    timestampChars[17] = (char) (second/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[18] = (char) (second%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[19] = '.';
-    timestampChars[20] = (char) (microsecond/100000 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[21] = (char) ((microsecond%100000)/10000 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[22] = (char) ((microsecond%10000)/1000 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[23] = (char) ((microsecond%1000)/100 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[24] = (char) ((microsecond%100)/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[25] = (char) (microsecond%10 + zeroBase);
-    byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  // *********************************************************
-  // ******* CROSS output converters (byte[] -> class) *******
-  // *********************************************************
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a date, which is in one of the following format.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Timestamp dateBytesToTimestamp (byte[] buffer,
-                                                         int offset,
-                                                         java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp)
-  {
-    int year, month, day;
-    String date = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
-    int yearIndx, monthIndx, dayIndx;
-    yearIndx = 0;
-    monthIndx = 5;
-    dayIndx = 8;
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    // Character arithmetic is used rather than
-    // the less efficient Integer.parseInt (date.substring()).
-    year =
-      1000*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      100*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+1)) - zeroBase) +
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+2)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (yearIndx+3)) - zeroBase) -
-      1900;
-    month =
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (monthIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (monthIndx+1)) - zeroBase) -
-      1;
-    day =
-      10*(((int) date.charAt (dayIndx)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) date.charAt (dayIndx+1)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableTimestamp == null)
-      return new java.sql.Timestamp (year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    else {
-      recyclableTimestamp.setYear (year);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMonth (month);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setDate (day);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setHours (0);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes (0);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds (0);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setNanos (0);
-      return recyclableTimestamp;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a time, which is in one of the following format.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Timestamp timeBytesToTimestamp (byte[] buffer,
-                                                         int offset,
-                                                         java.sql.Timestamp recyclableTimestamp)
-  {
-    int hour, minute, second;
-    String time = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    // compute hour.
-    hour =
-      10*(((int) time.charAt (0)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) time.charAt (1)) - zeroBase);
-    // compute minute.
-    minute =
-      10*(((int) time.charAt (3)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) time.charAt (4)) - zeroBase);
-    // compute second   JIS format: hh:mm:ss.
-    second =
-        10*(((int) time.charAt (6)) - zeroBase) +
-        (((int) time.charAt (7)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableTimestamp == null)
-      return new java.sql.Timestamp (0, 0, 1, hour, minute, second, 0);
-    else {
-      recyclableTimestamp.setYear (0);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMonth (0);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setDate (1);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setHours (hour);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setMinutes (minute);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setSeconds (second);
-      recyclableTimestamp.setNanos (0);
-      return recyclableTimestamp;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Date timestampBytesToDate (byte[] buffer,
-                                                    int offset,
-                                                    java.sql.Date recyclableDate)
-  {
-    int year, month, day;
-    String timestamp = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    year =
-      1000*(((int) timestamp.charAt (0)) - zeroBase) +
-      100*(((int) timestamp.charAt (1)) - zeroBase) +
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (2)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (3)) - zeroBase) -
-      1900;
-    month =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (5)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (6)) - zeroBase) -
-      1;
-    day =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (8)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (9)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableDate == null)
-      return new java.sql.Date (year, month, day);
-    else {
-      recyclableDate.setYear (year);
-      recyclableDate.setMonth (month);
-      recyclableDate.setDate (day);
-      return recyclableDate;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Expected character representation is DERBY string representation
-   * of a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   */
-  public static final java.sql.Time timestampBytesToTime (byte[] buffer,
-                                                    int offset,
-                                                    java.sql.Time recyclableTime)
-  {
-    int hour, minute, second;
-    String timestamp = new String (buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
-    int zeroBase = ((int) '0');
-    hour =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (11)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (12)) - zeroBase);
-    minute =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (14)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (15)) - zeroBase);
-    second =
-      10*(((int) timestamp.charAt (17)) - zeroBase) +
-      (((int) timestamp.charAt (18)) - zeroBase);
-    if (recyclableTime == null)
-      return new java.sql.Time (hour, minute, second);
-    else {
-      recyclableTime.setYear (hour);
-      recyclableTime.setMonth (minute);
-      recyclableTime.setDate (second);
-      return recyclableTime;
-    }
-  }
-  // *********************************************************
-  // ******* CROSS input converters (class -> byte[]) ********
-  // *********************************************************
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in JDBC date escape format:
-   * <code>yyyy-mm-dd</code>, which is the same as JIS date format in
-   * DERBY string representation of a date.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int timestampToDateBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                          int offset,
-                                          java.sql.Timestamp timestamp
-                                          ) throws ConversionException
-  {
-    int year = timestamp.getYear () + 1900;
-    if (year > 9999) throw new ConversionException ("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
-    int month = timestamp.getMonth () + 1;
-    int day = timestamp.getDate ();
-    char[] dateChars = new char[DateTime.dateRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    dateChars[0] = (char) (year/1000 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[1] = (char) ((year%1000)/100 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[2] = (char) ((year%100)/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[3] = (char) (year%10 + + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[4] = '-';
-    dateChars[5] = (char) (month/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[6] = (char) (month%10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[7] = '-';
-    dateChars[8] = (char) (day/10 + zeroBase);
-    dateChars[9] = (char) (day%10 + zeroBase);
-    byte[] dateBytes = (new String(dateChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(dateBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.dateRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.dateRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in JDBC time escape format:
-   * <code>hh:mm:ss</code>, which is the same as JIS time format in
-   * DERBY string representation of a time.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int timestampToTimeBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                          int offset,
-                                          java.sql.Timestamp timestamp)
-  {
-    int hour = timestamp.getHours();
-    int minute = timestamp.getMinutes();
-    int second = timestamp.getSeconds();
-    char[] timeChars = new char[DateTime.timeRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    timeChars[0] = (char) (hour/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[1] = (char) (hour%10 + + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[2] = ':';
-    timeChars[3] = (char) (minute/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[4] = (char) (minute%10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[5] = ':';
-    timeChars[6] = (char) (second/10 + zeroBase);
-    timeChars[7] = (char) (second%10 + zeroBase);
-    byte[] timeBytes = (new String(timeChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(timeBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timeRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.timeRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of
-   * a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int dateToTimestampBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                          int offset,
-                                          java.sql.Date date
-                                          ) throws ConversionException
-  {
-    int year = date.getYear () + 1900;
-    if (year > 9999) throw new ConversionException ("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
-    int month = date.getMonth () + 1;
-    int day = date.getDate ();
-    char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    timestampChars[0]  = (char) (year/1000 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[1]  = (char) ((year%1000)/100 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[2]  = (char) ((year%100)/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[3]  = (char) (year%10 + + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[4]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[5]  = (char) (month/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[6]  = (char) (month%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[7]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[8]  = (char) (day/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[9]  = (char) (day%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[10] = '-';
-    timestampChars[11] = '0';
-    timestampChars[12] = '0';
-    timestampChars[13] = '.';
-    timestampChars[14] = '0';
-    timestampChars[15] = '0';
-    timestampChars[16] = '.';
-    timestampChars[17] = '0';
-    timestampChars[18] = '0';
-    timestampChars[19] = '.';
-    timestampChars[20] = '0';
-    timestampChars[21] = '0';
-    timestampChars[22] = '0';
-    timestampChars[23] = '0';
-    timestampChars[24] = '0';
-    timestampChars[25] = '0';
-    byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
-    return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of
-   * a timestamp: <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
-   *
-   */
-  public static final int timeToTimestampBytes (byte[] buffer,
-                                          int offset,
-                                          java.sql.Time time
-                                          )
-  {
-    int hour = time.getHours();
-    int minute = time.getMinutes();
-    int second = time.getSeconds();
-    char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
-    int zeroBase = (int) '0';
-    timestampChars[0]  = '1';
-    timestampChars[1]  = '9';
-    timestampChars[2]  = '0';
-    timestampChars[3]  = '0';
-    timestampChars[4]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[5]  = '0';
-    timestampChars[6]  = '1';
-    timestampChars[7]  = '-';
-    timestampChars[8]  = '0';
-    timestampChars[9]  = '1';
-    timestampChars[10] = '-';
-    timestampChars[11] = (char) (hour/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[12] = (char) (hour%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[13] = '.';
-    timestampChars[14] = (char) (minute/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[15] = (char) (minute%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[16] = '.';
-    timestampChars[17] = (char) (second/10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[18] = (char) (second%10 + zeroBase);
-    timestampChars[19] = '.';
-    timestampChars[20] = '0';
-    timestampChars[21] = '0';
-    timestampChars[22] = '0';
-    timestampChars[23] = '0';
-    timestampChars[24] = '0';
-    timestampChars[25] = '0';
+        return DateTime.timeRepresentationLength;
+    }
-    byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes ();
-    System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final int dateToTimestampBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                                 int offset,
+                                                 java.sql.Date date) throws ConversionException {
+        int year = date.getYear() + 1900;
+        if (year > 9999) {
+            throw new ConversionException("Year exceeds the maximum \"9999\".");
+        }
+        int month = date.getMonth() + 1;
+        int day = date.getDate();
+        char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        timestampChars[0] = (char) (year / 1000 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[1] = (char) ((year % 1000) / 100 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[2] = (char) ((year % 100) / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[3] = (char) (year % 10 + +zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[4] = '-';
+        timestampChars[5] = (char) (month / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[6] = (char) (month % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[7] = '-';
+        timestampChars[8] = (char) (day / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[9] = (char) (day % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[10] = '-';
+        timestampChars[11] = '0';
+        timestampChars[12] = '0';
+        timestampChars[13] = '.';
+        timestampChars[14] = '0';
+        timestampChars[15] = '0';
+        timestampChars[16] = '.';
+        timestampChars[17] = '0';
+        timestampChars[18] = '0';
+        timestampChars[19] = '.';
+        timestampChars[20] = '0';
+        timestampChars[21] = '0';
+        timestampChars[22] = '0';
+        timestampChars[23] = '0';
+        timestampChars[24] = '0';
+        timestampChars[25] = '0';
-    return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
-  }
+        byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * The returned character representation is in DERBY string representation of a timestamp:
+     * <code>yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.ffffff</code>.
+     */
+    public static final int timeToTimestampBytes(byte[] buffer,
+                                                 int offset,
+                                                 java.sql.Time time) {
+        int hour = time.getHours();
+        int minute = time.getMinutes();
+        int second = time.getSeconds();
+        char[] timestampChars = new char[DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength];
+        int zeroBase = (int) '0';
+        timestampChars[0] = '1';
+        timestampChars[1] = '9';
+        timestampChars[2] = '0';
+        timestampChars[3] = '0';
+        timestampChars[4] = '-';
+        timestampChars[5] = '0';
+        timestampChars[6] = '1';
+        timestampChars[7] = '-';
+        timestampChars[8] = '0';
+        timestampChars[9] = '1';
+        timestampChars[10] = '-';
+        timestampChars[11] = (char) (hour / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[12] = (char) (hour % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[13] = '.';
+        timestampChars[14] = (char) (minute / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[15] = (char) (minute % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[16] = '.';
+        timestampChars[17] = (char) (second / 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[18] = (char) (second % 10 + zeroBase);
+        timestampChars[19] = '.';
+        timestampChars[20] = '0';
+        timestampChars[21] = '0';
+        timestampChars[22] = '0';
+        timestampChars[23] = '0';
+        timestampChars[24] = '0';
+        timestampChars[25] = '0';
+        byte[] timestampBytes = (new String(timestampChars)).getBytes();
+        System.arraycopy(timestampBytes, 0, buffer, offset, DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength);
+        return DateTime.timestampRepresentationLength;
+    }


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