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Diff of /incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/ClientBaseDataSource.java

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--- incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/ClientBaseDataSource.java	2005/05/02 05:18:08	165584
+++ incubator/derby/code/trunk/java/client/org/apache/derby/client/ClientBaseDataSource.java	2005/05/02 06:25:59	165585
@@ -20,760 +20,768 @@
 package org.apache.derby.client;
+import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.derby.client.am.Configuration;
-import org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
 import org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter;
+import org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
 import org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConfiguration;
-import java.util.Properties;
+public abstract class ClientBaseDataSource implements java.io.Serializable {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7660172643035173692L;
-public abstract class ClientBaseDataSource implements java.io.Serializable
-  private static final long serialVersionUID = -7660172643035173692L;
-  // The loginTimeout jdbc 2 data source property is not supported as a jdbc 1 connection property,
-  // because loginTimeout is set by the jdbc 1 api via java.sql.DriverManager.setLoginTimeout().
-  // The databaseName, serverName, and portNumber data source properties are also not supported as connection properties
-  // because they are extracted from the jdbc 1 database url passed on the connection request.
-  // However, all other data source properties should probably also be supported as connection properties.
-  //---------------------contructors/finalizers---------------------------------
-  // This class is abstract, hide the default constructor
-  protected ClientBaseDataSource () {}
-  // ---------------------------- loginTimeout -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // was serialized in 1.0 release
-  /**
-   * The time in seconds to wait for a connection request on this data source.
-   * The default value of zero indicates that either the system time out be used or no timeout limit.
-   *
-   * @serial
-   **/
-  protected int loginTimeout = propertyDefault_loginTimeout;
-  public final static String propertyKey_loginTimeout = "loginTimeout";
-  public static final int propertyDefault_loginTimeout = 0;
-  public synchronized void setLoginTimeout (int seconds) { this.loginTimeout = seconds; }
-  public int getLoginTimeout () { return this.loginTimeout; }
-  // ---------------------------- logWriter -----------------------------------
-  //
-  /**
-   * The log writer is declared transient, and is not serialized or stored under JNDI.
-   *
-   * @see #traceLevel
-   */
-  protected transient java.io.PrintWriter logWriter = null;
-  public synchronized void setLogWriter (java.io.PrintWriter logWriter) { this.logWriter = logWriter; }
-  public java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter() { return this.logWriter; }
-  // ---------------------------- databaseName -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // Stores the relational database name, RDBNAME.
-  // The length of the database name may be limited to 18 bytes
-  // and therefore may throw an SQLException.
-  //
-  //
-  protected String databaseName = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_databaseName = "databaseName";
-  // databaseName is not permitted in a properties object
-  // ---------------------------- description ------------------------------
-  // A description of this data source.
-  protected String description = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_description = "description";
-  // ---------------------------- dataSourceName -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // A data source name;
-  // used to name an underlying XADataSource,
-  // or ConnectionPoolDataSource when pooling of connections is done.
-  //
-  protected String dataSourceName = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_dataSourceName = "dataSourceName";
-  // ---------------------------- portNumber -----------------------------------
-  //
-  protected int portNumber = propertyDefault_portNumber;
-  public final static int propertyDefault_portNumber = 1527;
-  public final static String propertyKey_portNumber = "portNumber";
-  // ---------------------------- serverName -----------------------------------
-  //
-  //
-  protected String serverName = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_serverName = "serverName";
-  // serverName is not permitted in a properties object
-  // ---------------------------- user -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // This property can be overwritten by specifing the
-  // username parameter on the DataSource.getConnection() method
-  // call.  If user is specified, then password must also be
-  // specified, either in the data source object or provided on
-  // the DataSource.getConnection() call.
-  //
-  // Each data source implementation subclass will maintain it's own <code>password</code> property.
-  // This password property may or may not be declared transient, and therefore may be serialized
-  // to a file in clear-text, care must taken by the user to prevent security breaches.
-  protected String user = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_user = "user";
-  public final static String propertyDefault_user = "APP";
-  public static String getUser (java.util.Properties properties) { 
-	String userString= properties.getProperty (propertyKey_user);
-	return parseString(userString,propertyDefault_user); 
-  }
-  /**
-   * To Derby, the default is HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT
-   */
-  protected int resultSetHoldability = propertyNotSet_resultSetHoldability; // 0 means not set.
-  public final static int HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT = 1; // this matches jdbc 3 ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT
-  public final static int CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT = 2;  // this matches jdbc 3 ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
-  public final static int propertyNotSet_resultSetHoldability = 0;
-  synchronized public void setResultSetHoldability (int resultSetHoldability) { this.resultSetHoldability = resultSetHoldability; }
-  public int getResultSetHoldability () { return this.resultSetHoldability; }
-   public final static int NOT_SET = 0; // 0 means not set.
-   public final static int YES = 1; // ="yes" as property string
-   public final static int NO = 2;  // ="no" as property string
-  // ---------------------------- securityMechanism -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // The source security mechanism to use when connecting to this data source.
-  // <p>
-  // Security mechanism options are:
-  // <ul>
-  // <li> ENCRYPTED_USER_AND_PASSWORD_SECURITY - both password and user are encrypted
-  // </ul>
-  // The default security mechanism is USER_ONLY_SECURITY.
-  // <p>
-  // If the application specifies a security
-  // mechanism then it will be the only one attempted.
-  // If the specified security mechanism is not supported by the conversation
-  // then an exception will be thrown and there will be no additional retries.
-  // <p>
-  // This property is currently only available for the  DNC driver.
-  // <p>
-  // Both user and password need to be set for all security mechanism except USER_ONLY_SECURITY 
-  // When using USER_ONLY_SECURITY, only the user property needs to be specified.
-  //
-  protected short securityMechanism = propertyDefault_securityMechanism;
-  // TODO default  should be  USER_ONLY_SECURITY. Change when working on 
-  // Network Server
-  //  public final static short propertyDefault_securityMechanism = (short)
-  //  org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL;
-  public final static short propertyDefault_securityMechanism = (short)
-  org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL;
-  public final static String propertyKey_securityMechanism = "securityMechanism";
-  // We use the NET layer constants to avoid a mapping for the NET driver.
-  public static short getSecurityMechanism (java.util.Properties properties)
-  {
-    String securityMechanismString = properties.getProperty (propertyKey_securityMechanism);
-    String passwordString = properties.getProperty (propertyKey_password);
-    short setSecurityMechanism = parseShort (securityMechanismString, propertyDefault_securityMechanism);
-	return getUpgradedSecurityMechanism(setSecurityMechanism,passwordString);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Upgrade the security mechansim to USRIDPWD if it is set to USRIDONL but 
-   * we have a password.
-   */
-  public static short getUpgradedSecurityMechanism(short securityMechanism, 
-												   String password)
-  {
-	  // if securityMechanism is USER_ONLY (the default) we may need
-	  // to change it to CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD in order to send the password.
-	  if ((password != null)  && 		  
-		  (securityMechanism == NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL))
-		  return (short) NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDPWD;
-	  else
-		  return securityMechanism;
-  }
-  // ---------------------------- getServerMessageTextOnGetMessage -----------------------------------
-  //
-  protected boolean retrieveMessageText = propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText;
-  public final static boolean propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText = true;
-  public final static String propertyKey_retrieveMessageText = "retrieveMessageText";
-	public static boolean getRetrieveMessageText (java.util.Properties properties)
-	{
-		String retrieveMessageTextString = properties.getProperty (propertyKey_retrieveMessageText);
-		return parseBoolean (retrieveMessageTextString, propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText);
-	}
-  // ---------------------------- traceLevel -----------------------------------
-  //
-	public final static int TRACE_NONE = 0x0;
-	public final static int TRACE_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-	public final static int propertyDefault_traceLevel = TRACE_ALL;
-	public final static String propertyKey_traceLevel = "traceLevel";
-	protected int traceLevel = propertyDefault_traceLevel;
-	public static int getTraceLevel (java.util.Properties properties)
-  {
-    String traceLevelString = properties.getProperty (propertyKey_traceLevel);
-    return parseInt (traceLevelString, propertyDefault_traceLevel);
-  }
-  // ---------------------------- traceFile -----------------------------------
-  //
-  protected String traceFile = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_traceFile = "traceFile";
-  public static String getTraceFile (java.util.Properties properties)
-  { return properties.getProperty (propertyKey_traceFile); }
-  // ---------------------------- traceDirectory -----------------------------------
-  // For the suffix of the trace file when traceDirectory is enabled.
-  private transient int traceFileSuffixIndex_ = 0;
-  //
-  protected String traceDirectory = null;
-  public final static String propertyKey_traceDirectory = "traceDirectory";
-  public static String getTraceDirectory (java.util.Properties properties)
-  { return properties.getProperty (propertyKey_traceDirectory); }
-  // ---------------------------- traceFileAppend -----------------------------------
-  //
-  protected boolean traceFileAppend = propertyDefault_traceFileAppend;
-  public final static boolean propertyDefault_traceFileAppend = false;
-  public final static String propertyKey_traceFileAppend = "traceFileAppend";
-  public static boolean getTraceFileAppend (java.util.Properties properties)
-  {
-    String traceFileAppendString = properties.getProperty (propertyKey_traceFileAppend);
-    return parseBoolean (traceFileAppendString, propertyDefault_traceFileAppend);
-  }
-  // ---------------------------- password -----------------------------------
-  //
-  // The password property is defined in subclasses, but the method
-  // getPassword (java.util.Properties properties) is in this class to eliminate
-  // dependencies on j2ee for connections that go thru the driver manager.
-  public final static String propertyKey_password = "password";
-  public static String getPassword (java.util.Properties properties) { return properties.getProperty ("password"); }
-  //------------------------ interface methods ---------------------------------
-  public javax.naming.Reference getReference () throws javax.naming.NamingException
-  {
-    // This method creates a new Reference object to represent this data source.
-    // The class name of the data source object is saved in the Reference,
-    // so that an object factory will know that it should create an instance
-    // of that class when a lookup operation is performed. The class
-    // name of the object factory, org.apache.derby.client.ClientBaseDataSourceFactory,
-    // is also stored in the reference.
-    // This is not required by JNDI, but is recommend in practice.
-    // JNDI will always use the object factory class specified in the reference when
-    // reconstructing an object, if a class name has been specified.
-    // See the JNDI SPI documentation
-    // for further details on this topic, and for a complete description of the Reference
-    // and StringRefAddr classes.
-    //
-    // This ClientBaseDataSource class provides several standard JDBC properties.
-    // The names and values of the data source properties are also stored
-    // in the reference using the StringRefAddr class.
-    // This is all the information needed to reconstruct a ClientBaseDataSource object.
-    javax.naming.Reference ref =
-      new javax.naming.Reference (this.getClass().getName(),
-                                  ClientDataSourceFactory.className__,
-                                  null);
-    Class clz = getClass();
-    java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
-    for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
-      String name = fields[i].getName();
-      if (name.startsWith ("propertyKey_")) {
-        if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (fields[i].getModifiers()))
-          continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
-        try {
-          String propertyKey = fields[i].get (this).toString();
-          // search for property field.
-          java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
-          clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
-          while (true) {
-            try {
-              propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField (name.substring (12));
-              break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
+    // The loginTimeout jdbc 2 data source property is not supported as a jdbc 1 connection property,
+    // because loginTimeout is set by the jdbc 1 api via java.sql.DriverManager.setLoginTimeout().
+    // The databaseName, serverName, and portNumber data source properties are also not supported as connection properties
+    // because they are extracted from the jdbc 1 database url passed on the connection request.
+    // However, all other data source properties should probably also be supported as connection properties.
+    //---------------------contructors/finalizers---------------------------------
+    // This class is abstract, hide the default constructor
+    protected ClientBaseDataSource() {
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- loginTimeout -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // was serialized in 1.0 release
+    /**
+     * The time in seconds to wait for a connection request on this data source. The default value of zero indicates
+     * that either the system time out be used or no timeout limit.
+     *
+     * @serial
+     */
+    protected int loginTimeout = propertyDefault_loginTimeout;
+    public final static String propertyKey_loginTimeout = "loginTimeout";
+    public static final int propertyDefault_loginTimeout = 0;
+    public synchronized void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) {
+        this.loginTimeout = seconds;
+    }
+    public int getLoginTimeout() {
+        return this.loginTimeout;
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- logWriter -----------------------------------
+    //
+    /**
+     * The log writer is declared transient, and is not serialized or stored under JNDI.
+     *
+     * @see #traceLevel
+     */
+    protected transient java.io.PrintWriter logWriter = null;
+    public synchronized void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter logWriter) {
+        this.logWriter = logWriter;
+    }
+    public java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter() {
+        return this.logWriter;
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- databaseName -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // Stores the relational database name, RDBNAME.
+    // The length of the database name may be limited to 18 bytes
+    // and therefore may throw an SQLException.
+    //
+    //
+    protected String databaseName = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_databaseName = "databaseName";
+    // databaseName is not permitted in a properties object
+    // ---------------------------- description ------------------------------
+    // A description of this data source.
+    protected String description = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_description = "description";
+    // ---------------------------- dataSourceName -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // A data source name;
+    // used to name an underlying XADataSource,
+    // or ConnectionPoolDataSource when pooling of connections is done.
+    //
+    protected String dataSourceName = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_dataSourceName = "dataSourceName";
+    // ---------------------------- portNumber -----------------------------------
+    //
+    protected int portNumber = propertyDefault_portNumber;
+    public final static int propertyDefault_portNumber = 1527;
+    public final static String propertyKey_portNumber = "portNumber";
+    // ---------------------------- serverName -----------------------------------
+    //
+    //
+    protected String serverName = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_serverName = "serverName";
+    // serverName is not permitted in a properties object
+    // ---------------------------- user -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // This property can be overwritten by specifing the
+    // username parameter on the DataSource.getConnection() method
+    // call.  If user is specified, then password must also be
+    // specified, either in the data source object or provided on
+    // the DataSource.getConnection() call.
+    //
+    // Each data source implementation subclass will maintain it's own <code>password</code> property.
+    // This password property may or may not be declared transient, and therefore may be serialized
+    // to a file in clear-text, care must taken by the user to prevent security breaches.
+    protected String user = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_user = "user";
+    public final static String propertyDefault_user = "APP";
+    public static String getUser(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        String userString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_user);
+        return parseString(userString, propertyDefault_user);
+    }
+    /**
+     * To Derby, the default is HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT
+     */
+    protected int resultSetHoldability = propertyNotSet_resultSetHoldability; // 0 means not set.
+    public final static int HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT = 1; // this matches jdbc 3 ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT
+    public final static int CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT = 2;  // this matches jdbc 3 ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
+    public final static int propertyNotSet_resultSetHoldability = 0;
+    synchronized public void setResultSetHoldability(int resultSetHoldability) {
+        this.resultSetHoldability = resultSetHoldability;
+    }
+    public int getResultSetHoldability() {
+        return this.resultSetHoldability;
+    }
+    public final static int NOT_SET = 0; // 0 means not set.
+    public final static int YES = 1; // ="yes" as property string
+    public final static int NO = 2;  // ="no" as property string
+    // ---------------------------- securityMechanism -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // The source security mechanism to use when connecting to this data source.
+    // <p>
+    // Security mechanism options are:
+    // <ul>
+    // <li> ENCRYPTED_USER_AND_PASSWORD_SECURITY - both password and user are encrypted
+    // </ul>
+    // The default security mechanism is USER_ONLY_SECURITY.
+    // <p>
+    // If the application specifies a security
+    // mechanism then it will be the only one attempted.
+    // If the specified security mechanism is not supported by the conversation
+    // then an exception will be thrown and there will be no additional retries.
+    // <p>
+    // This property is currently only available for the  DNC driver.
+    // <p>
+    // Both user and password need to be set for all security mechanism except USER_ONLY_SECURITY
+    // When using USER_ONLY_SECURITY, only the user property needs to be specified.
+    //
+    protected short securityMechanism = propertyDefault_securityMechanism;
+    // TODO default  should be  USER_ONLY_SECURITY. Change when working on
+    // Network Server
+    //  public final static short propertyDefault_securityMechanism = (short)
+    //  org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL;
+    public final static short propertyDefault_securityMechanism = (short)
+            org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL;
+    public final static String propertyKey_securityMechanism = "securityMechanism";
+    // We use the NET layer constants to avoid a mapping for the NET driver.
+    public static short getSecurityMechanism(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        String securityMechanismString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_securityMechanism);
+        String passwordString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_password);
+        short setSecurityMechanism = parseShort(securityMechanismString, propertyDefault_securityMechanism);
+        return getUpgradedSecurityMechanism(setSecurityMechanism, passwordString);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Upgrade the security mechansim to USRIDPWD if it is set to USRIDONL but we have a password.
+     */
+    public static short getUpgradedSecurityMechanism(short securityMechanism,
+                                                     String password) {
+        // if securityMechanism is USER_ONLY (the default) we may need
+        // to change it to CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD in order to send the password.
+        if ((password != null) &&
+                (securityMechanism == NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDONL)) {
+            return (short) NetConfiguration.SECMEC_USRIDPWD;
+        } else {
+            return securityMechanism;
+        }
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- getServerMessageTextOnGetMessage -----------------------------------
+    //
+    protected boolean retrieveMessageText = propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText;
+    public final static boolean propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText = true;
+    public final static String propertyKey_retrieveMessageText = "retrieveMessageText";
+    public static boolean getRetrieveMessageText(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        String retrieveMessageTextString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_retrieveMessageText);
+        return parseBoolean(retrieveMessageTextString, propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText);
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- traceLevel -----------------------------------
+    //
+    public final static int TRACE_NONE = 0x0;
+    public final static int TRACE_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    public final static int propertyDefault_traceLevel = TRACE_ALL;
+    public final static String propertyKey_traceLevel = "traceLevel";
+    protected int traceLevel = propertyDefault_traceLevel;
+    public static int getTraceLevel(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        String traceLevelString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_traceLevel);
+        return parseInt(traceLevelString, propertyDefault_traceLevel);
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- traceFile -----------------------------------
+    //
+    protected String traceFile = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_traceFile = "traceFile";
+    public static String getTraceFile(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        return properties.getProperty(propertyKey_traceFile);
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- traceDirectory -----------------------------------
+    // For the suffix of the trace file when traceDirectory is enabled.
+    private transient int traceFileSuffixIndex_ = 0;
+    //
+    protected String traceDirectory = null;
+    public final static String propertyKey_traceDirectory = "traceDirectory";
+    public static String getTraceDirectory(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        return properties.getProperty(propertyKey_traceDirectory);
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- traceFileAppend -----------------------------------
+    //
+    protected boolean traceFileAppend = propertyDefault_traceFileAppend;
+    public final static boolean propertyDefault_traceFileAppend = false;
+    public final static String propertyKey_traceFileAppend = "traceFileAppend";
+    public static boolean getTraceFileAppend(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        String traceFileAppendString = properties.getProperty(propertyKey_traceFileAppend);
+        return parseBoolean(traceFileAppendString, propertyDefault_traceFileAppend);
+    }
+    // ---------------------------- password -----------------------------------
+    //
+    // The password property is defined in subclasses, but the method
+    // getPassword (java.util.Properties properties) is in this class to eliminate
+    // dependencies on j2ee for connections that go thru the driver manager.
+    public final static String propertyKey_password = "password";
+    public static String getPassword(java.util.Properties properties) {
+        return properties.getProperty("password");
+    }
+    //------------------------ interface methods ---------------------------------
+    public javax.naming.Reference getReference() throws javax.naming.NamingException {
+        // This method creates a new Reference object to represent this data source.
+        // The class name of the data source object is saved in the Reference,
+        // so that an object factory will know that it should create an instance
+        // of that class when a lookup operation is performed. The class
+        // name of the object factory, org.apache.derby.client.ClientBaseDataSourceFactory,
+        // is also stored in the reference.
+        // This is not required by JNDI, but is recommend in practice.
+        // JNDI will always use the object factory class specified in the reference when
+        // reconstructing an object, if a class name has been specified.
+        // See the JNDI SPI documentation
+        // for further details on this topic, and for a complete description of the Reference
+        // and StringRefAddr classes.
+        //
+        // This ClientBaseDataSource class provides several standard JDBC properties.
+        // The names and values of the data source properties are also stored
+        // in the reference using the StringRefAddr class.
+        // This is all the information needed to reconstruct a ClientBaseDataSource object.
+        javax.naming.Reference ref =
+                new javax.naming.Reference(this.getClass().getName(),
+                        ClientDataSourceFactory.className__,
+                        null);
+        Class clz = getClass();
+        java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
+        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+            String name = fields[i].getName();
+            if (name.startsWith("propertyKey_")) {
+                if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(fields[i].getModifiers())) {
+                    continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
+                }
+                try {
+                    String propertyKey = fields[i].get(this).toString();
+                    // search for property field.
+                    java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
+                    clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
+                    while (true) {
+                        try {
+                            propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField(name.substring(12));
+                            break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
+                        } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
+                            // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
+                            clz = clz.getSuperclass();
+                            if (clz == Object.class) {
+                                throw new javax.naming.NamingException("bug check: corresponding property field does not exist");
+                            }
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(propertyField.getModifiers())) {
+                        // if the property is not transient:
+                        // get the property.
+                        java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(new org.apache.derby.client.am.SetAccessibleAction(propertyField, true));
+                        //propertyField.setAccessible (true);
+                        Object propertyObj = propertyField.get(this);
+                        String property = (propertyObj == null) ? null : String.valueOf(propertyObj);
+                        // add into reference.
+                        ref.add(new javax.naming.StringRefAddr(propertyKey, property));
+                    }
+                } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
+                    throw new javax.naming.NamingException("bug check: property cannot be accessed");
+                } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException e) {
+                    throw new javax.naming.NamingException("Privileged action exception occurred.");
+                }
-            catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
-              // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
-              clz = clz.getSuperclass();
-              if (clz == Object.class)
-                throw new javax.naming.NamingException ("bug check: corresponding property field does not exist");
-              continue;
+        }
+        return ref;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Not an external.  Do not document in pubs. Populates member data for this data source given a JNDI reference.
+     */
+    public void hydrateFromReference(javax.naming.Reference ref) throws java.sql.SQLException {
+        javax.naming.RefAddr address;
+        Class clz = getClass();
+        java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
+        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+            String name = fields[i].getName();
+            if (name.startsWith("propertyKey_")) {
+                if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(fields[i].getModifiers())) {
+                    continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
+                }
+                try {
+                    String propertyKey = fields[i].get(this).toString();
+                    // search for property field.
+                    java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
+                    clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
+                    while (true) {
+                        try {
+                            propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField(name.substring(12));
+                            break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
+                        } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
+                            // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
+                            clz = clz.getSuperclass();
+                            if (clz == Object.class) {
+                                throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException(new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter(this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
+                                        "bug check: corresponding property field does not exist");
+                            }
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(propertyField.getModifiers())) {
+                        // if the property is not transient:
+                        // set the property.
+                        address = ref.get(propertyKey);
+                        if (address != null) {
+                            propertyField.setAccessible(true);
+                            String type = propertyField.getType().toString();
+                            if (type.equals("boolean")) {
+                                boolean value = ((String) address.getContent()).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
+                                propertyField.setBoolean(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("byte")) {
+                                byte value = Byte.parseByte((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setByte(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("short")) {
+                                short value = Short.parseShort((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setShort(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("int")) {
+                                int value = Integer.parseInt((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setInt(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("long")) {
+                                long value = Long.parseLong((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setLong(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("float")) {
+                                float value = Float.parseFloat((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setFloat(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("double")) {
+                                double value = Double.parseDouble((String) address.getContent());
+                                propertyField.setDouble(this, value);
+                            } else if (type.equals("char")) {
+                                char value = ((String) address.getContent()).charAt(0);
+                                propertyField.setChar(this, value);
+                            } else {
+                                propertyField.set(this, address.getContent());
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
+                    throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException(new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter(this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
+                            "bug check: property cannot be accessed");
+                }
-          }
+        }
+    }
-          if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (propertyField.getModifiers())) {
-            // if the property is not transient:
-            // get the property.
-            java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged (new org.apache.derby.client.am.SetAccessibleAction (
-              propertyField, true));
-            //propertyField.setAccessible (true);
-            Object propertyObj = propertyField.get (this);
-            String property = (propertyObj == null) ? null : String.valueOf (propertyObj);
-            // add into reference.
-            ref.add (new javax.naming.StringRefAddr (propertyKey, property));
-          }
-        }
-        catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
-          throw new javax.naming.NamingException ("bug check: property cannot be accessed");
-        }
-        catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException e) {
-          throw new javax.naming.NamingException ("Privileged action exception occurred.");
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return ref;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Not an external.  Do not document in pubs.
-   * Populates member data for this data source given a JNDI reference.
-   */
-  public void hydrateFromReference (javax.naming.Reference ref) throws java.sql.SQLException
-  {
-    javax.naming.RefAddr address;
-    Class clz = getClass();
-    java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
-    for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
-      String name = fields[i].getName();
-      if (name.startsWith ("propertyKey_")) {
-        if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (fields[i].getModifiers()))
-          continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
-        try {
-          String propertyKey = fields[i].get (this).toString();
-          // search for property field.
-          java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
-          clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
-          while (true) {
-            try {
-              propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField (name.substring (12));
-              break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
+    // ----------------------supplemental methods---------------------------------
+    /**
+     * Not an external.  Do not document in pubs. Returns all non-transient properties of a ClientBaseDataSource.
+     */
+    public java.util.Properties getProperties() throws java.sql.SQLException {
+        java.util.Properties properties = new java.util.Properties();
+        Class clz = getClass();
+        java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
+        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+            String name = fields[i].getName();
+            if (name.startsWith("propertyKey_")) {
+                if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(fields[i].getModifiers())) {
+                    continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
+                }
+                try {
+                    String propertyKey = fields[i].get(this).toString();
+                    // search for property field.
+                    java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
+                    clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
+                    while (true) {
+                        try {
+                            propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField(name.substring(12));
+                            break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
+                        } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
+                            // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
+                            clz = clz.getSuperclass();
+                            if (clz == Object.class) {
+                                throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException(new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter(this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
+                                        "bug check: corresponding property field does not exist");
+                            }
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient(propertyField.getModifiers())) {
+                        // if the property is not transient:
+                        // get the property.
+                        propertyField.setAccessible(true);
+                        Object propertyObj = propertyField.get(this);
+                        String property = String.valueOf(propertyObj); // don't use toString becuase it may be null.
+                        if ("password".equals(propertyKey)) {
+                            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(property);
+                            for (int j = 0; j < property.length(); j++) {
+                                sb.setCharAt(j, '*');
+                            }
+                            property = sb.toString();
+                        }
+                        // add into prperties.
+                        properties.setProperty(propertyKey, property);
+                    }
+                } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
+                    throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException(new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter(this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
+                            "bug check: property cannot be accessed");
+                }
-            catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
-              // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
-              clz = clz.getSuperclass();
-              if (clz == Object.class)
-                throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException (
-                  new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter (this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
-                  "bug check: corresponding property field does not exist"
-                );
-              continue;
+        }
+        return properties;
+    }
+    //---------------------- helper methods --------------------------------------
+    // The java.io.PrintWriter overrides the traceFile setting.
+    // If neither traceFile nor jdbc logWriter are set, then null is returned.
+    public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection(String logWriterInUseSuffix) // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
+            // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config, reset.
+            throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException {
+        return computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection(this.logWriter,
+                this.traceDirectory,
+                this.traceFile,
+                this.traceFileAppend,
+                this.traceLevel,
+                logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                this.traceFileSuffixIndex_++);
+    }
+    // Called on for connection requests.
+    // The java.io.PrintWriter overrides the traceFile setting.
+    // If neither traceFile, nor logWriter, nor traceDirectory are set, then null is returned.
+    static public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection(java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
+                                                                                           String traceDirectory,
+                                                                                           String traceFile,
+                                                                                           boolean traceFileAppend,
+                                                                                           int traceLevel,
+                                                                                           String logWriterInUseSuffix, // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
+                                                                                           // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config.
+                                                                                           int traceFileSuffixIndex) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException {
+        int globaltraceFileSuffixIndex = Configuration.traceFileSuffixIndex__++;
+        org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter;
+        // compute regular dnc log writer if there is any
+        dncLogWriter =
+                computeDncLogWriter(logWriter,
+                        traceDirectory,
+                        traceFile,
+                        traceFileAppend,
+                        logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                        traceFileSuffixIndex,
+                        traceLevel);
+        if (dncLogWriter != null) {
+            return dncLogWriter;
+        }
+        // compute global default dnc log writer if there is any
+        dncLogWriter =
+                computeDncLogWriter(null,
+                        Configuration.traceDirectory__,
+                        Configuration.traceFile__,
+                        Configuration.traceFileAppend__,
+                        "_global",
+                        globaltraceFileSuffixIndex,
+                        Configuration.traceLevel__);
+        return dncLogWriter;
+    }
+    // Compute a DNC log writer before a connection is created.
+    static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
+                                                                    String traceDirectory,
+                                                                    String traceFile,
+                                                                    boolean traceFileAppend,
+                                                                    String logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                                                                    int traceFileSuffixIndex,
+                                                                    int traceLevel) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException {
+        // Otherwise, the trace file will still be created even TRACE_NONE.
+        if (traceLevel == TRACE_NONE) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        java.io.PrintWriter printWriter =
+                computePrintWriter(logWriter,
+                        traceDirectory,
+                        traceFile,
+                        traceFileAppend,
+                        logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                        traceFileSuffixIndex);
+        if (printWriter == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter;
+        dncLogWriter = new org.apache.derby.client.net.NetLogWriter(printWriter, traceLevel);
+        if (printWriter != logWriter && traceDirectory != null)
+        // When printWriter is an internal trace file and
+        // traceDirectory is not null, each connection has
+        // its own trace file and the trace file is not cached,
+        // so we can close it when DNC log writer is closed.
+        {
+            dncLogWriter.printWriterNeedsToBeClosed_ = true;
+        }
+        return dncLogWriter;
+    }
+    // Compute a DNC log writer after a connection is created.
+    // Declared public for use by am.Connection.  Not a public external.
+    public static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriter(org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection connection,
+                                                                           java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
+                                                                           String traceDirectory,
+                                                                           String traceFile,
+                                                                           boolean traceFileAppend,
+                                                                           String logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                                                                           int traceFileSuffixIndex,
+                                                                           int traceLevel) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException {
+        // Otherwise, the trace file will still be created even TRACE_NONE.
+        if (traceLevel == TRACE_NONE) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        java.io.PrintWriter printWriter =
+                computePrintWriter(logWriter,
+                        traceDirectory,
+                        traceFile,
+                        traceFileAppend,
+                        logWriterInUseSuffix,
+                        traceFileSuffixIndex);
+        if (printWriter == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter =
+                connection.agent_.newLogWriter_(printWriter, traceLevel);
+        if (printWriter != logWriter && traceDirectory != null)
+        // When printWriter is an internal trace file and
+        // traceDirectory is not null, each connection has
+        // its own trace file and the trace file is not cached,
+        // so we can close it when DNC log writer is closed.
+        {
+            dncLogWriter.printWriterNeedsToBeClosed_ = true;
+        }
+        return dncLogWriter;
+    }
+    // This method handles all the override semantics.
+    // The logWriter overrides the traceFile, and traceDirectory settings.
+    // If neither traceFile, nor logWriter, nor traceDirectory are set, then null is returned.
+    static java.io.PrintWriter computePrintWriter(java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
+                                                  String traceDirectory,
+                                                  String traceFile,
+                                                  boolean traceFileAppend,
+                                                  String logWriterInUseSuffix, // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
+                                                  // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config.
+                                                  int traceFileSuffixIndex) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException {
+        if (logWriter != null)  // java.io.PrintWriter is specified
+        {
+            return logWriter;
+        } else { // check trace file setting.
+            if (traceDirectory != null) {
+                String fileName;
+                if (traceFile == null) {
+                    fileName = traceDirectory + "/" + logWriterInUseSuffix + "_" + traceFileSuffixIndex;
+                } else {
+                    fileName = traceDirectory + "/" + traceFile + logWriterInUseSuffix + "_" + traceFileSuffixIndex;
+                }
+                return LogWriter.getPrintWriter(fileName, true); // no file append and not enable caching.
+            } else if (traceFile != null) {
+                return LogWriter.getPrintWriter(traceFile, traceFileAppend);
-          }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    private static boolean parseBoolean(String boolString, boolean defaultBool) {
+        if (boolString != null) {
+            return (boolString.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || boolString.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"));
+        }
+        return defaultBool;
+    }
-          if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (propertyField.getModifiers())) {
-            // if the property is not transient:
-            // set the property.
-            address = ref.get (propertyKey);
-            if (address != null) {
-              propertyField.setAccessible (true);
-              String type = propertyField.getType().toString();
-              if (type.equals ("boolean")) {
-                boolean value = ((String) address.getContent()).equalsIgnoreCase("true");
-                propertyField.setBoolean (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("byte")) {
-                byte value = Byte.parseByte ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setByte (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("short")) {
-                short value = Short.parseShort ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setShort (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("int")) {
-                int value = Integer.parseInt ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setInt (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("long")) {
-                long value = Long.parseLong ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setLong (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("float")) {
-                float value = Float.parseFloat ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setFloat (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("double")) {
-                double value = Double.parseDouble ((String)address.getContent());
-                propertyField.setDouble (this, value);
-              }
-              else if (type.equals ("char")) {
-                char value = ((String)address.getContent()).charAt(0);
-                propertyField.setChar (this, value);
-              }
-              else {
-                propertyField.set (this, address.getContent());
-              }
+    private static String parseString(String string, String defaultString) {
+        if (string != null) {
+            return string;
+        }
+        return defaultString;
+    }
+    private static short parseShort(String shortString, short defaultShort) {
+        if (shortString != null) {
+            return Short.parseShort(shortString);
+        }
+        return defaultShort;
+    }
+    private static int parseInt(String intString, int defaultInt) {
+        if (intString != null) {
+            return Integer.parseInt(intString);
+        }
+        return defaultInt;
+    }
+    private static long parseLong(String longString, long defaultLong) {
+        if (longString != null) {
+            return Long.parseLong(longString);
+        }
+        return defaultLong;
+    }
+    private static int parseTernaryValue(String valueString, int defaultValue) {
+        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(valueString) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(valueString)) {
+            return YES;
+        }
+        if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(valueString) || "no".equalsIgnoreCase(valueString)) {
+            return NO;
+        }
+        if (valueString != null) {
+            int value = Integer.parseInt(valueString);
+            if (value < 0 || value > 2) {
+                throw new java.lang.NumberFormatException(valueString);
-          }
+            return value;
+        }
+        return defaultValue;
+    }
+    // tokenize "property=value;property=value..." and returns new properties object
+    //This method is used both by ClientDriver to parse the url and
+    // ClientDataSource.setConnectionAttributes
+    public static java.util.Properties tokenizeAttributes(String attributeString,
+                                                          java.util.Properties properties) throws SqlException {
+        java.util.Properties augmentedProperties;
+        if (attributeString == null) {
+            return properties;
+        }
+        if (properties != null) {
+            augmentedProperties = (java.util.Properties) properties.clone();
+        } else {
+            augmentedProperties = new Properties();
-        catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
-          throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException (
-            new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter (this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
-            "bug check: property cannot be accessed"
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------supplemental methods---------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Not an external.  Do not document in pubs.
-   * Returns all non-transient properties of a ClientBaseDataSource.
-   */
-  public java.util.Properties getProperties () throws java.sql.SQLException
-  {
-    java.util.Properties properties = new java.util.Properties();
-    Class clz = getClass();
-    java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = clz.getFields();
-    for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
-      String name = fields[i].getName();
-      if (name.startsWith ("propertyKey_")) {
-        if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (fields[i].getModifiers()))
-          continue; // if it is transient, then skip this propertyKey.
         try {
-          String propertyKey = fields[i].get (this).toString();
-          // search for property field.
-          java.lang.reflect.Field propertyField;
-          clz = getClass(); // start from current class.
-          while (true) {
-            try {
-              propertyField = clz.getDeclaredField (name.substring (12));
-              break; // found the property field, so break the while loop.
-            }
-            catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
-              // property field is not found at current level of class, so continue to super class.
-              clz = clz.getSuperclass();
-              if (clz == Object.class)
-                throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException (
-                  new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter (this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
-                  "bug check: corresponding property field does not exist"
-                );
-              continue;
-            }
-          }
+            java.util.StringTokenizer attrTokenizer =
+                    new java.util.StringTokenizer(attributeString, ";");
+            while (attrTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
+                String v = attrTokenizer.nextToken();
+                int eqPos = v.indexOf('=');
+                if (eqPos == -1) {
+                    throw new SqlException(null, "Invalid attribute syntax: " + attributeString);
+                }
-          if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isTransient (propertyField.getModifiers())) {
-            // if the property is not transient:
-            // get the property.
-            propertyField.setAccessible (true);
-            Object propertyObj = propertyField.get (this);
-            String property = String.valueOf (propertyObj); // don't use toString becuase it may be null.
-            if ("password".equals(propertyKey)) {
-              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (property);
-              for (int j = 0; j< property.length(); j++) {
-                sb.setCharAt(j,'*');
-              }
-              property = sb.toString();
+                augmentedProperties.setProperty((v.substring(0, eqPos)).trim(),
+                        (v.substring(eqPos + 1)).trim());
-            // add into prperties.
-            properties.setProperty (propertyKey, property);
-          }
-        }
-        catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
-          throw new org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException (
-            new org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter (this.logWriter, this.traceLevel),
-            "bug check: property cannot be accessed"
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return properties;
-  }
-  //---------------------- helper methods --------------------------------------
-  // The java.io.PrintWriter overrides the traceFile setting.
-  // If neither traceFile nor jdbc logWriter are set, then null is returned.
-  public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection (
-    String logWriterInUseSuffix) // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
-                                 // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config, reset.
-    throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException
-  {
-    return computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection (
-                                this.logWriter,
-                                this.traceDirectory,
-                                this.traceFile,
-                                this.traceFileAppend,
-                                this.traceLevel,
-                                logWriterInUseSuffix,
-                                this.traceFileSuffixIndex_++);
-  }
-  // Called on for connection requests.
-  // The java.io.PrintWriter overrides the traceFile setting.
-  // If neither traceFile, nor logWriter, nor traceDirectory are set, then null is returned.
-  static public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection (
-    java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
-    String traceDirectory,
-    String traceFile,
-    boolean traceFileAppend,
-    int traceLevel,
-    String logWriterInUseSuffix, // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
-                                 // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config.
-    int traceFileSuffixIndex) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException
-  {
-    int globaltraceFileSuffixIndex = Configuration.traceFileSuffixIndex__++;
-    org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter;
-    // compute regular dnc log writer if there is any
-    dncLogWriter =
-      computeDncLogWriter (
-        logWriter,
-                                        traceDirectory,
-                                        traceFile,
-                                        traceFileAppend,
-                                        logWriterInUseSuffix,
-        traceFileSuffixIndex,
-        traceLevel);
-    if (dncLogWriter != null) return dncLogWriter;
-    // compute global default dnc log writer if there is any
-    dncLogWriter =
-      computeDncLogWriter (
-        null,
-        Configuration.traceDirectory__,
-        Configuration.traceFile__,
-        Configuration.traceFileAppend__,
-        "_global",
-        globaltraceFileSuffixIndex,
-        Configuration.traceLevel__);
-    return dncLogWriter;
-    }
-  // Compute a DNC log writer before a connection is created.
-  static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriter (
-    java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
-    String traceDirectory,
-    String traceFile,
-    boolean traceFileAppend,
-    String logWriterInUseSuffix,
-    int traceFileSuffixIndex,
-    int traceLevel) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException
-  {
-    // Otherwise, the trace file will still be created even TRACE_NONE.
-    if (traceLevel == TRACE_NONE) return null;
-    java.io.PrintWriter printWriter =
-      computePrintWriter (
-        logWriter,
-        traceDirectory,
-        traceFile,
-        traceFileAppend,
-        logWriterInUseSuffix,
-        traceFileSuffixIndex);
-    if (printWriter == null) return null;
-    org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter;
-    dncLogWriter = new org.apache.derby.client.net.NetLogWriter (printWriter, traceLevel);
-    if (printWriter != logWriter && traceDirectory != null)
-      // When printWriter is an internal trace file and
-      // traceDirectory is not null, each connection has
-      // its own trace file and the trace file is not cached,
-      // so we can close it when DNC log writer is closed.
-      dncLogWriter.printWriterNeedsToBeClosed_ = true;
-    return dncLogWriter;
-  }
-  // Compute a DNC log writer after a connection is created.
-  // Declared public for use by am.Connection.  Not a public external.
-  public static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriter (
-    org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection connection,
-    java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
-    String traceDirectory,
-    String traceFile,
-    boolean traceFileAppend,
-    String logWriterInUseSuffix,
-    int traceFileSuffixIndex,
-    int traceLevel) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException
-  {
-    // Otherwise, the trace file will still be created even TRACE_NONE.
-    if (traceLevel == TRACE_NONE) return null;
-    java.io.PrintWriter printWriter =
-      computePrintWriter (
-        logWriter,
-        traceDirectory,
-        traceFile,
-        traceFileAppend,
-        logWriterInUseSuffix,
-        traceFileSuffixIndex);
-    if (printWriter == null) return null;
-    org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter dncLogWriter =
-      connection.agent_.newLogWriter_ (printWriter, traceLevel);
-    if (printWriter != logWriter && traceDirectory != null)
-      // When printWriter is an internal trace file and
-      // traceDirectory is not null, each connection has
-      // its own trace file and the trace file is not cached,
-      // so we can close it when DNC log writer is closed.
-      dncLogWriter.printWriterNeedsToBeClosed_ = true;
-    return dncLogWriter;
-  }
-  // This method handles all the override semantics.
-  // The logWriter overrides the traceFile, and traceDirectory settings.
-  // If neither traceFile, nor logWriter, nor traceDirectory are set, then null is returned.
-  static java.io.PrintWriter computePrintWriter (
-    java.io.PrintWriter logWriter,
-    String traceDirectory,
-    String traceFile,
-    boolean traceFileAppend,
-    String logWriterInUseSuffix, // used only for trace directories to indicate whether
-                                 // log writer is use is from xads, cpds, sds, ds, driver, config.
-    int traceFileSuffixIndex) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException
-  {
-    if (logWriter != null)  // java.io.PrintWriter is specified
-      return logWriter;
-    else { // check trace file setting.
-      if (traceDirectory != null) {
-        String fileName;
-        if (traceFile == null) fileName = traceDirectory + "/" + logWriterInUseSuffix + "_" + traceFileSuffixIndex;
-        else fileName = traceDirectory + "/" + traceFile + logWriterInUseSuffix + "_" + traceFileSuffixIndex;
-        return LogWriter.getPrintWriter (fileName, true); // no file append and not enable caching.
-      } else if (traceFile != null) {
-        return LogWriter.getPrintWriter (traceFile, traceFileAppend);
-      }
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  private static boolean parseBoolean (String boolString, boolean defaultBool)
-  {
-    if (boolString != null) return (boolString.equalsIgnoreCase ("true") || boolString.equalsIgnoreCase ("yes"));
-    return defaultBool;
-  }
-  private static String parseString (String string, String defaultString)
-  {
-    if (string != null) return string;
-    return defaultString;
-  }
-  private static short parseShort (String shortString, short defaultShort)
-  {
-    if (shortString != null)  return Short.parseShort (shortString);
-    return defaultShort;
-  }
-  private static int parseInt (String intString, int defaultInt)
-  {
-    if (intString != null) return Integer.parseInt (intString);
-    return defaultInt;
-  }
-  private static long parseLong (String longString, long defaultLong)
-  {
-    if (longString != null) return Long.parseLong (longString);
-    return defaultLong;
-  }
-  private static int parseTernaryValue (String valueString, int defaultValue)
-  {
-    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase (valueString) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase (valueString)) return YES;
-    if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase (valueString) || "no".equalsIgnoreCase (valueString)) return NO;
-    if (valueString != null) {
-      int value = Integer.parseInt (valueString);
-      if (value < 0 || value > 2) throw new java.lang.NumberFormatException (valueString);
-      return value;
-    }
-    return defaultValue;
-  }
- // tokenize "property=value;property=value..." and returns new properties object
-  //This method is used both by ClientDriver to parse the url and 
-  // ClientDataSource.setConnectionAttributes
-	public static java.util.Properties tokenizeAttributes (String attributeString,
-                                               java.util.Properties properties) throws SqlException
-	java.util.Properties augmentedProperties;
-	if (attributeString == null)
-		return properties;
-	if (properties != null)
-		augmentedProperties = (java.util.Properties) properties.clone();
-	else
-		augmentedProperties = new Properties();
-    try {
-		java.util.StringTokenizer attrTokenizer = 
-			new java.util.StringTokenizer(attributeString,";");
-      while (attrTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
-		  String v = attrTokenizer.nextToken();
-			int eqPos = v.indexOf('=');
-			if (eqPos == -1)
-				throw new SqlException (null, "Invalid attribute syntax: " + attributeString);
-			augmentedProperties.setProperty((v.substring(0, eqPos)).trim(),
-									(v.substring(eqPos + 1)).trim()
-									);
-		}
-    }
-    catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
-      // A null log writer is passed, because jdbc 1 sqlexceptions are automatically traced
-      throw new SqlException (null, e, "Invalid attribute syntax: " + attributeString);
-    }
-	checkBoolean(augmentedProperties,propertyKey_retrieveMessageText);
-    return augmentedProperties;
-  }
+        } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
+            // A null log writer is passed, because jdbc 1 sqlexceptions are automatically traced
+            throw new SqlException(null, e, "Invalid attribute syntax: " + attributeString);
+        }
+        checkBoolean(augmentedProperties, propertyKey_retrieveMessageText);
+        return augmentedProperties;
-	private static void checkBoolean(Properties set, String attribute) throws SqlException
-    {
+    }
+    private static void checkBoolean(Properties set, String attribute) throws SqlException {
         final String[] booleanChoices = {"true", "false"};
-        checkEnumeration( set, attribute, booleanChoices);
-	}
+        checkEnumeration(set, attribute, booleanChoices);
+    }
-	private static void checkEnumeration(Properties set, String attribute, String[] choices) throws SqlException
-    {
-		String value = set.getProperty(attribute);
-		if (value == null)
-			return;
+    private static void checkEnumeration(Properties set, String attribute, String[] choices) throws SqlException {
+        String value = set.getProperty(attribute);
+        if (value == null) {
+            return;
+        }
-        for( int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++)
-        {
-            if( value.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals( choices[i].toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)))
+        for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
+            if (value.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(choices[i].toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH))) {
+            }
-        // The attribute value is invalid. Construct a string giving the choices for
-        // display in the error message.
+// The attribute value is invalid. Construct a string giving the choices for
+// display in the error message.
         String choicesStr = "{";
-        for( int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++)
-        {
-            if( i > 0)
+        for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
+            if (i > 0) {
                 choicesStr += "|";
+            }
             choicesStr += choices[i];
-		throw new SqlException (null, "JDBC attribute " + attribute +
-								"has an invalid value " + value + 
-								" Valid values are " + choicesStr);
-	}
+        throw new SqlException(null, "JDBC attribute " + attribute +
+                "has an invalid value " + value +
+                " Valid values are " + choicesStr);
+    }


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