Apache > Hadoop > ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper 3.2.0 Release Notes

These release notes include new developer and user facing incompatibilities, features, and major improvements.

Note that there is a user visible semantic change to an existing API in this release: ZOOKEEPER-444 "perms definition for PERMS_ALL differ in C and java", a bug fix which required a change to the JAVA definition of ALL to include ADMIN.

See 3.0 release notes and migration instructions if you are upgrading from version 2 of ZooKeeper (SourceForge) to version 3 or later.

Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.1

Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.1
Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.1
Issue Notes
ZOOKEEPER-444perms definition for PERMS_ALL differ in C and java
New Feature
ZOOKEEPER-29Flexible quorums
ZOOKEEPER-36REST access to ZooKeeper
ZOOKEEPER-78added a high level protocol/feature - for easy Leader Election or exclusive Write Lock creation
ZOOKEEPER-237Add a Chroot request
ZOOKEEPER-361integrate cppunit testing as part of hudson patch process.
ZOOKEEPER-378contribution of Net::ZooKeeper Perl module
ZOOKEEPER-383Asynchronous version of createLedger()
ZOOKEEPER-395Python bindings
ZOOKEEPER-440update the performance documentation in forrest
ZOOKEEPER-94JMX tests are needed to verify that the JMX MBeans work properly
ZOOKEEPER-192trailing whitespace in config file can cause number format exceptions
ZOOKEEPER-196doxygen comment for state argument of watcher_fn typedef and implementation differ ("...one of the *_STATE constants, otherwise -1")
ZOOKEEPER-244AsyncOpsTest fails when running consecutively
ZOOKEEPER-273Zookeeper c client build should not depend on CPPUNIT
ZOOKEEPER-281autoreconf fails for /zookeeper-3.0.1/src/c/
ZOOKEEPER-298some excecutables (scripts typ.) are not marked as such in tar generated by "ant tar"
ZOOKEEPER-299server startup scripts fail on a mac.
ZOOKEEPER-300zk jmx code is calling printStackTrace when creating bean name (should not be)
ZOOKEEPER-303Bin scripts don't work on Mac
ZOOKEEPER-309core dump using zoo_get_acl()
ZOOKEEPER-318remove locking in zk_hashtable.c or add locking in collect_keys()
ZOOKEEPER-319add locking around auth info in zhandle_t
ZOOKEEPER-320call auth completion in free_completions()
ZOOKEEPER-325FLENewEpoch test fails.
ZOOKEEPER-326standalone server ignores tickTime configuration
ZOOKEEPER-330zookeeper standalone server does not startup with just a port and datadir.
ZOOKEEPER-332c client issues (memory leaks) reported by valgrind
ZOOKEEPER-333helgrind thread issues identified in mt c client code
ZOOKEEPER-334bookkeeper benchmark (testclient.java) has compiling errros.
ZOOKEEPER-340binaryinputarchive throws out runtimeexceptions for unreasonable length datastructures.
ZOOKEEPER-341regression in QuorumPeerMain, tickTime from config is lost, cannot start quorum
ZOOKEEPER-344doIO in NioServerCnxn: Exception causing close of session : cause is "read error"
ZOOKEEPER-346remove the kill command fro mthe client port.
ZOOKEEPER-347zkfuse uses non-standard String
ZOOKEEPER-348Creating node with path ending in "/" with sequence flag set
ZOOKEEPER-355make validatePath non public in Zookeeper client api.
ZOOKEEPER-360WeakHashMap in Bookie.java causes NPE
ZOOKEEPER-362Issues with FLENewEpochTest
ZOOKEEPER-363NPE when recovering ledger with no hint
ZOOKEEPER-365javadoc is wrong for setLast in LedgerHandle
ZOOKEEPER-367RecoveryTest failure - "unreasonable length" IOException
ZOOKEEPER-370Fix critical problems reported by findbugs
ZOOKEEPER-374Uninitialized struct variable in C causes warning which is treated as an error
ZOOKEEPER-375zoo_add_auth only retains most recent auth on re-sync
ZOOKEEPER-376ant test target re-compiles cppunit code every time
ZOOKEEPER-377running ant cppunit tests, a failure still results in BUILD SUCCESSFUL
ZOOKEEPER-379cppunit tests failed during hudson patch tests
ZOOKEEPER-382zookeeper cpp tests fails on 64 bit machines with gcc 4.1.2
ZOOKEEPER-384keeper exceptions missing path
ZOOKEEPER-385crctest failed on hudson patch test
ZOOKEEPER-391bookeeper mainline code should not be calling printStackTrace
ZOOKEEPER-396race condition in zookeeper client library between zookeeper_close and zoo_synchronous api
ZOOKEEPER-400Issues with procedure to close ledger
ZOOKEEPER-402zookeeper c library segfaults on data for a node in zookeeper being null.
ZOOKEEPER-404nightly build failed on hudson.
ZOOKEEPER-405nullpointer exception in zookeeper java shell.
ZOOKEEPER-411Building zookeeper fails on RHEL 5 64 bit during test-cppunit
ZOOKEEPER-415zookeeper c tests hang.
ZOOKEEPER-416BookKeeper jar includes unnecessary files
ZOOKEEPER-417stray message problem when changing servers
ZOOKEEPER-419Reference counting bug in Python bindings causes abort errors
ZOOKEEPER-421zkpython run_tests.sh is missing #!
ZOOKEEPER-427ZooKeeper server unexpectedly high CPU utilisation
ZOOKEEPER-433getacl on root znode (/) fails
ZOOKEEPER-435allow "super" admin digest based auth to be configurable
ZOOKEEPER-438addauth fails to register auth on new client that's not yet connected
ZOOKEEPER-446some traces of the host auth scheme left
ZOOKEEPER-448png files do nto work with forrest.
ZOOKEEPER-449sesssionmoved in java code and ZCLOSING in C have the same value.
ZOOKEEPER-450emphemeral cleanup not happening with session timeout
ZOOKEEPER-452zookeeper performance graph should have percentage of reads rather than percentage of writes - zkperfRW-3.2.jpg
ZOOKEEPER-453Worker is not removed in QuorumCnxManager upon crash
ZOOKEEPER-454allow compilation with jdk1.5
ZOOKEEPER-455zookeeper c client crashes with chroot specified in the string.
ZOOKEEPER-60Get cppunit tests running as part of Hudson CI
ZOOKEEPER-148add jdiff support to zookeeper release process
ZOOKEEPER-264docs should include a state transition diagram for client state
ZOOKEEPER-274Document options to connect Jconsole remotely
ZOOKEEPER-279Allow specialization of quorum config parsing (e.g. variable expansion in zoo.cfg)
ZOOKEEPER-288Cleanup and fixes to BookKeeper
ZOOKEEPER-292commit configure scripts (autotools) to svn for c projects and include in release
ZOOKEEPER-305Replace timers with semaphores in FLENewEpochTest
ZOOKEEPER-306Add BookKeeper documentation
ZOOKEEPER-307Log exception stack traces
ZOOKEEPER-314add wiki docs for bookeeper.
ZOOKEEPER-315add forrest docs for bookkeeper.
ZOOKEEPER-327document effects (latency) of storing large amounts of data in znodes
ZOOKEEPER-329document how to integrate 3rd party authentication into ZK server ACLs
ZOOKEEPER-336single bad client can cause server to stop accepting connections
ZOOKEEPER-337improve logging in leader election lookForLeader method when address resolution fails
ZOOKEEPER-342improve configuration code - remove static config and use java properties
ZOOKEEPER-343add tests that specifically verify the zkmain and qpmain classes
ZOOKEEPER-345the CLIs should allow addAuth to be invoked
ZOOKEEPER-349to automate patch testing
ZOOKEEPER-356Masking bookie failure during writes to a ledger
ZOOKEEPER-358Throw exception when ledger does not exist
ZOOKEEPER-371to implement jdiff
ZOOKEEPER-373One thread per bookie
ZOOKEEPER-380bookkeeper should have a streaming api so that its easier to store checpoints/snapshots in bookkeeper.
ZOOKEEPER-381The ZooKeeper front page tells us nothing about what ZooKeeper does
ZOOKEEPER-386improve java cli shell
ZOOKEEPER-389add help/usage to the c shell cli.c
ZOOKEEPER-392Change log4j properties
ZOOKEEPER-403cleanup javac compiler warnings
ZOOKEEPER-406address all findbugs warnings in mainline java code
ZOOKEEPER-422Java CLI should support ephemeral and sequential node creation
ZOOKEEPER-428logging should be makred as warn rathen than error in NIOServerCnxn.
ZOOKEEPER-431Expose methods to ease ZK integration
ZOOKEEPER-432Various improvements to zkpython bindings
ZOOKEEPER-434the java shell should indicate connection status on command prompt
ZOOKEEPER-437Variety of Documentation Updates
ZOOKEEPER-443trace logging in watch notification not wrapped with istraceneabled - inefficient
ZOOKEEPER-350to run rats for releaseaudit
ZOOKEEPER-351to run checkstyle
ZOOKEEPER-352to add standard ant targets required by test-patch.sh script
ZOOKEEPER-353javadoc warnings needs to be fixed
ZOOKEEPER-354to fix javadoc warning in the source files
ZOOKEEPER-407address all findbugs warnings in org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.** packages
ZOOKEEPER-408address all findbugs warnings in persistence classes
ZOOKEEPER-409address all findbugs warnings in jute related classes
ZOOKEEPER-410address all findbugs warnings in client/server classes