Apache > Hadoop > ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper 3.1.0 Release Notes

These release notes include new developer and user facing incompatibilities, features, and major improvements.

See 3.0 release notes and migration instructions if you are upgrading from version 2 of ZooKeeper (SourceForge) to version 3 or later.

Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.0.1

Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.0.1
Changes Since ZooKeeper 3.0.1
Issue Notes
ZOOKEEPER-246 review error code definition in both source and docs
New Feature
ZOOKEEPER-135 Fat jar build target
ZOOKEEPER-215 expand system test environment
ZOOKEEPER-231 Quotas in zookeeper
ZOOKEEPER-256 support use of JMX to manage log4j configuration at runtime
ZOOKEEPER-276 Bookkeeper contribution
ZOOKEEPER-210 Require Java 6
ZOOKEEPER-16 Need to do path validation
ZOOKEEPER-204 SetWatches needs to be the first message after auth messages to the server
ZOOKEEPER-205 Error on version-info when compiling from the tarball distribution
ZOOKEEPER-206 documentation tab should contain the version number (and other small site changes)
ZOOKEEPER-208 Zookeeper C client uses API that are not thread safe, causing crashes when multiple instances are active
ZOOKEEPER-209 nullpointerexception if election port is not specified.
ZOOKEEPER-212 snapshot is synchronous in 3.0
ZOOKEEPER-213 programmer guide C api docs are out of sync with latest zookeeper.h
ZOOKEEPER-218 error in barrier recipe example code
ZOOKEEPER-219 events.poll timeout in watcher test too short
ZOOKEEPER-221 log message in ZkWatchManager.materialize missing conditional
ZOOKEEPER-226 exists calls fails on server if node has null data
ZOOKEEPER-227 gcc warning from recordio.h
ZOOKEEPER-228 apache header missing in DBtest
ZOOKEEPER-232 testablezookeeper file is missing apache licence headers.
ZOOKEEPER-240 Yet another npe
ZOOKEEPER-241 Build of a distro fails after clean target is run
ZOOKEEPER-242 zookeeper c tests are faliling..
ZOOKEEPER-245 update readme/quickstart to be release tar, rather than source, based
ZOOKEEPER-247 fix formatting of C API in ACL section of programmer guide
ZOOKEEPER-249 QuorumPeer.getClientPort() always returns -1
ZOOKEEPER-250 isvalidsnapshot should handle the case of 0 snapshot files better.
ZOOKEEPER-251 NullPointerException stopping and starting Zookeeper servers
ZOOKEEPER-252 PurgeTxnLog is not handling the new dataDir directory structure
ZOOKEEPER-253 documentation of DataWatcher state transition is misleading regarding auto watch reset on reconnect
ZOOKEEPER-254 there is currently no way for a user to test session expiration in their code
ZOOKEEPER-255 zoo_set() api does not return stat datastructure.
ZOOKEEPER-257 Review logging level for WARN/ERROR log messages, some misclassified
ZOOKEEPER-258 docs incorrectly state max client timeout as 60 seconds (it's based on server ticktime)
ZOOKEEPER-266 KeeperState missing javadoc for values
ZOOKEEPER-267 java client incorrectly generating syncdisconnected event when in disconnected state
ZOOKEEPER-268 tostring on jute generated objects can cause NPE
ZOOKEEPER-272 getChildren can fail for large numbers of children
ZOOKEEPER-273 Zookeeper c client build should not depend on CPPUNIT
ZOOKEEPER-275 Bug in FastLeaderElection
ZOOKEEPER-284 JMX doesn't get the clientPort correctly
ZOOKEEPER-285 the stat command does not return the correct mode
ZOOKEEPER-211 Not all Mock tests are working
ZOOKEEPER-291regression for legacy code using KeeperException.Code constants (due to 246)
ZOOKEEPER-293zoo_set needs to be abi compatible (3.1 changed the signature), fix this by adding zoo_set2
ZOOKEEPER-302Quote values in JMX ObjectNames.
ZOOKEEPER-64 We should log system env information when intializing client/server
ZOOKEEPER-149 c interface is missing tests against java server (mock only)
ZOOKEEPER-177 needed: docs for JMX
ZOOKEEPER-214 add new "stat reset" command to server admin port
ZOOKEEPER-217 handle errors when parsing config file, throw illegalargumentexception rather than exit()
ZOOKEEPER-220 programming guide watches section should clarify server/clientlib role in data/child watch maint.
ZOOKEEPER-222 print C client log message timestamp in human readable form
ZOOKEEPER-223 default log4j root logger configuration has neg perf impact with no benefit, change default level to INFO
ZOOKEEPER-225 c client should log an info message in zookeeper_init detailing connection parameters
ZOOKEEPER-229 improve documentation regarding user's responsibility to cleanup datadir (snaps/logs)
ZOOKEEPER-230 Improvements to FLE
ZOOKEEPER-234 Eliminate using statics to initialize the sever. Should allow server to be more embeddable in OSGi enviorments.
ZOOKEEPER-243 add SEQUENCE flag documentation to the programming guide
ZOOKEEPER-248 QuorumPeer should use Map interface instead of HashMap implementation.
ZOOKEEPER-259 cleanup the logging levels used (use the correct level) and messages generated
ZOOKEEPER-260 document the recommended values for server id's
ZOOKEEPER-263 document connection host:port as comma separated list in forrest docs
ZOOKEEPER-265 remove (deprecate) unused NoSyncConnected from KeeperState
ZOOKEEPER-269 connectionloss - add more documentation to detail
ZOOKEEPER-286 Make GenerateLoad use InstanceContainers
ZOOKEEPER-289 add debug messages to nioserver select loop.
ZOOKEEPER-161 Content needed: "Designing a ZooKeeper Deployment"
ZOOKEEPER-69 ZooKeeper logo