Welcome to ZooKeeper! ------------------- Documentation See docs/index.html New Users -- see the overview, getting started, and programmer guides Existing Users -- if you are upgrading to 3.0 review the releasenotes and upgrade guide ------------------- Quick Start Run "ant" command in this directory to build the server/client. "zookeeper-dev.jar" will be output to this directory on a successful build. ------------------- Starting the server: 1) in the conf directory make a copy of zoo_sample.cfg (ie zoo.cfg) and edit as necessary. Default values will support a "standalone" instance. 2) start the server with the following comand line: java -cp conf:zookeeper-dev.jar:src/java/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain conf/zoo.cfg Notice that the server is picking up the log4j.properties file from the conf directory (default). ----------------------- Starting a client shell 1) run the following command java -cp conf:zookeeper-dev.jar:src/java/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain : where server and port correspond to the ZooKeeper configuration. Notice that the client is picking up the log4j.properties file from the conf directory (default).