Release 2.2.0 2008-05-08 Andrew Kornev * phunt: [1956480] Renamed ZooLog to ZooTrace. Major cleanup of tracing. * fpj: [1958274] got rid of unused vars in leader election * fpj: [1958361] Patch to fix NPE upon access to watcher * tedunning: [1951806] Added a sample startup script. * akornev: [1956499] Added the "dist" target to the ant buildfile. * breed: [1947090] Fixed improper timeout tracking at clients. * phunt: [1953737] Millisecond timing in the trace file. * phunt: [1949253] Move to log4j for logging. * phunt: [1942451] build optimization: uptodate check on jute * phunt: [1943392] Test environment changes: unit/func/perf/coverage test * mahadevkonar: [1934859] Performance enhancement for serialization of records. * phunt: [1931630] Fixed ZooKeeperServer loadData() method to optimally scan for the most recent valid snapshot. * akornev: [1917295] Root node watch not triggered * breed: [1912209] Session End Game handling * akornev: [1913967] code refactoring for JMX enablement. Added ServerStats and QuorumStats classes. Bug fixes: OutOfMemory under heavy load, disk I/O now uses buffered streams, NIOServerCnxn.Factory shuffles the selector keys to avoid starvation. Lots of formatting: replaced tabs with whitespaces, DOS eol style converted to UNIX. * breed: [1882928] Log the uncaught exceptions from the SendThread and EventThread * fpj: [1881204] New leader election algorithm over TCP. * akornev: [1898314] Added support for server version info at runtime; added the "release" target to ant build file * breed: [1892108] Configurable packet sanity check * akornev: [1889354] JAR manifest file now includes additional metadata: Built-By, Built-At, Built-On, Implementation-Title, Implementation-Version and Implementation-Vendor. Use SvnAnt ant task to extract SVN version number. * mahadevkonar: [1881545] fixed logging to output session id in hex Release 1.1.0 2008-01-28 Andrew Kornev * breed: [1875540] Make sure java client aborts the outgoing packets when a connection closes. * Jute compiler: emit the #ifdef extern "C" guards in the generated .jute.h * mahadevkonar: [1844561] fast sync between the leader and the follower. * mahadevkonar: [1849444] fixed session id generation routine to generate unique session ids. * breed: [1845696] fixed a race condition in the quorum server where it is possible that a create session request can be committed and applied at a follower before it is applied at the leader. * breed: [1841938] implemented the sync operation to flush updates pedning on the Leader. * vlarsen: [1835834] fixed a few compiler warnings, removed some @Override annotations used with interfaces. Release 1.0.0 2007-11-27 Andrew Kornev * Updated the jute compiler to emit int32_t vs int in the generated C code * Changed release numbering scheme to match that of the C client