module { class Id { ustring scheme; ustring id; } class ACL { int perms; Id id; } class Stat { long czxid; long mzxid; long ctime; long mtime; int version; int cversion; int aversion; long ephemeralOwner; } } module { class op_result_t { int rc; int op; buffer response; } class ConnectRequest { int protocolVersion; long lastZxidSeen; int timeOut; long sessionId; buffer passwd; } class ConnectResponse { int protocolVersion; int timeOut; long sessionId; buffer passwd; } class RequestHeader { int xid; int type; } class AuthPacket { int type; ustring scheme; buffer auth; } class ReplyHeader { int xid; long zxid; int err; } class GetDataRequest { ustring path; boolean watch; } class SetDataRequest { ustring path; buffer data; int version; } class SetDataResponse { stat; } class CreateRequest { ustring path; buffer data; vector acl; int flags; } class DeleteRequest { ustring path; int version; } class GetChildrenRequest { ustring path; boolean watch; } class GetMaxChildrenRequest { ustring path; } class GetMaxChildrenResponse { int max; } class SetMaxChildrenRequest { ustring path; int max; } class SyncRequest { ustring path; } class SyncResponse { ustring path; } class GetACLRequest { ustring path; } class SetACLRequest { ustring path; vector acl; int version; } class SetACLResponse { stat; } class WatcherEvent { int type; // event type int state; // state of the Keeper client runtime ustring path; } class CreateResponse { ustring path; } class ExistsRequest { ustring path; boolean watch; } class ExistsResponse { stat; } class GetDataResponse { buffer data; stat; } class GetChildrenResponse { vectorchildren; } class GetACLResponse { vector acl; stat; } } module { class QuorumPacket { int type; // Request, Ack, Commit, Ping long zxid; buffer data; // Only significant when type is request vector authinfo; } } module { class TxnHeader { long clientId; int cxid; long zxid; long time; int type; } class CreateTxn { ustring path; buffer data; vector acl; boolean ephemeral; } class DeleteTxn { ustring path; } class SetDataTxn { ustring path; buffer data; int version; } class SetACLTxn { ustring path; vector acl; int version; } class SetMaxChildrenTxn { ustring path; int max; } class CreateSessionTxn { int timeOut; } class ErrorTxn { int err; } }