Title: Apache(tm) FOP: History of Changes 2.3 #History of Changes 2.3 ## Version 2.3 (24 May 2018) { #version_2.3} See [Change list in Jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20FOP%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Fixed%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%202.3%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC%2C%20created%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC). - FOP-616: "visibility" property is not implemented - FOP-1969: Support for unicode Surrogate pairs - FOP-2251: PDF to Postscript not showing transparency - FOP-2527: RTF indent not being rendered by fo:block text-indent - FOP-2570: Fix border placement in r-l mode, if there are row spans - FOP-2572: Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if font supports kerninig - FOP-2628: Bugfix in URISpecification.java: 'a', not 'A' - FOP-2699: Fix subsetting large number of glyphs - FOP-2702: OTF fonts not working on Mac Preview - FOP-2707: Fix wrong bidi level, when creating new spans - FOP-2708: Set fop script as executable - FOP-2710: SVG Gradient missing - FOP-2712: NoSuchElementException on changing IPD - FOP-2713: Text missing on last page with changing ipd - FOP-2714: Infinite loop when region name not found - FOP-2718: sRGB.icc is missing from ant jar - FOP-2730: Invalid output for empty block and border-left-style=dashed - FOP-2733: Reduce dependency on Avalon Framework - FOP-2735: Use correct offset size for FDArray - FOP-2736: Change font table order depending on offset size - FOP-2737: OTF subsetting: Resize privateDict to fit op size - FOP-2739: Avoid rastering PDF with Smask to image - FOP-2739: Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.7 - FOP-2740: PDF to PostScript tiling pattern error in Acrobat - FOP-2742: SVG to PS NPE/text missing when using PFM file - FOP-2744: Allow unmapped flow for repeatable-page-master - FOP-2747: OTF subsetting: Resize entry to fit value - FOP-2750: Use streams for OTF subsetting - FOP-2751: OTF subset: correct charstring offset size - FOP-2752: Show name of font file on error - FOP-2753: PDF to PS allow fop fonts as fallback - FOP-2755: Unmapped XSL-FO Region can cause extra pages - FOP-2756: Merged IF has wrong Table of Contents page links - FOP-2759: NPE converting OTF to Type1 - FOP-2760: Make unique links for merged IF - FOP-2768: Reduced space for content after table - FOP-2770: Merge fonts not handling Truetype MacRomanEncoding - FOP-2773: Images inside a PDF not shown when goca=print-file - FOP-2776: NoSuchElementException for list changing ipd - FOP-2781: Use unique id for links in merged IF - FOP-2782: Bookmarks point to last page when run via IF - FOP-2789: Fix text overlapping issue in rl content - FOP-2792: Add boundingbox for OTF - XGC-98: UndeclaredThrowableException while loading images - XGC-111: Improve error message when language is empty ### Contributors to this release { #contributors_trunk} We thank the following people for their contributions to this release. This is a list of all people who participated as committers: - Adrian Cumiskey - Andreas Delmelle - Chris Bowditch - Clay Leeds - Glenn Adams - Luis Bernardo - Luca Furini - Matthias Reischenbacher - Mehdi Houshmand - Peter Hancock - Pascal Sancho - Robert Meyer - Simon Steiner - Vincent Hennebert This is a list of other contributors: - Alexey Neyman - Alexios Giotis - Athanasios Giannimaras - Gonzalo Vasquez - Jacopo Cappellato - Jeremias Maerki - Max Gilead - Morten Knudsen - Seifeddine Dridi - Stephen Moore - James Burton - Eric Lim - Chunlin Yao - Jerome Robert - Simone Rondelli - Stanley Santos de Araújo - Agneta Walterscheidt - Vlad Arkhipov