Title: Download Batik # Download Batik There are several ways you can obtain Batik's binary or sources: ## Download a distribution Every Batik release provides three distributions: a binary distribution (named batik-*version*.zip), a source distribution (named batik-src-*version*,zip) and a documentation distribution (named batik-docs-*version*.zip). These distributions are provided as ZIP files on the Apache mirrors. Note that it is good practice to [verify the integrity][1] of the distribution files. After downloading the distribution, consult the [installation notes][2] for details on how to install. ## Current official release (closest mirror site selected automatically) You are currently using **http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache/**. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, then please select another. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors at the end of the list. See [status][3] of mirrors. The current release is Apache Batik 1.7 (see the [release change log][4]). Binary distribution for JRE 1.4%2B [batik-1.7.zip][5] [[PGP][6]] [[MD5][7]] Binary distribution for JRE 1.3 [batik-1.7-jre13.zip][8] [[PGP][9]] [[MD5][10]] Source distribution [batik-src-1.7.zip][11] [[PGP][12]] [[MD5][13]] Documentation distribution [batik-docs-1.7.zip][14] [[PGP][15]] [[MD5][16]] Squiggle Mac OS X disk image [Squiggle-1.7.dmg][17] [[PGP][18]] [[MD5][19]] Older releases are available from the [Apache archives][20]. However, we strongly recommend using the current release of Batik. As mentioned in the [installation notes][1], it is important that you verify the release that you download, using either the MD5 hash or verifying the PGP signature against the [PGP key of the developer who signed the release][21]. ## Current development snapshot Nightly snapshots of the source tree are available from the [Apache build server][22]. These snapshots represent the current state of development and may or may not be as stable as releases. There are two distributions provided: a complete copy of the Subversion repository trunk (named batik-svn-*date*.zip), including Batik's [regression testing utility][23] and reference images; and a snapshot of the aforementioned source code without any of the testing facilities (named batik-src-*date*.zip). ## Subversion repository To fetch the latest Subversion repository trunk, just run the following command: svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/batik/trunk/ You can also browse the Subversion repository using ViewCVS at . [1]: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/install.html#verify [2]: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/install.html [3]: http://www.apache.org/mirrors/ [4]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/README.txt [5]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7.zip [6]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7.zip.asc [7]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7.zip.md5 [8]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7-jre13.zip [9]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7-jre13.zip.asc [10]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-1.7-jre13.zip.md5 [11]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/batik-src-1.7.zip [12]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-src-1.7.zip.asc [13]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-src-1.7.zip.md5 [14]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/batik-docs-1.7.zip [15]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-docs-1.7.zip.asc [16]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/batik-docs-1.7.zip.md5 [17]: http://www.bizdirusa.com/mirrors/apache//xmlgraphics/batik/Squiggle-1.7.dmg [18]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/Squiggle-1.7.dmg.asc [19]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/Squiggle-1.7.dmg.md5 [20]: http://archive.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik [21]: http://www.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/batik/KEYS [22]: http://svn.apache.org/builds/xml-batik [23]: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/dev/test.html