This directory contains sample FO files for testing the accessibility features of FOP. To every FO file in this directory correspond two PDF files in the pdf/ sub-directory: one generated by the painter, one by the renderer. For example, the file has been rendered into pdf/text_1_painter_orig.pdf and pdf/text_1_renderer_orig.pdf. The configuration file config-painter.xconf (resp. config-renderer.xconf) was used. The PDF files have been checked with Adobe Acrobat Professional 9, using both the full accessibility checker and the read-aloud feature. The checker reports no error /and/ the entire document can be read aloud. !! DO NOT MODIFY THOSE FILES, NEITHER THE FO NOR THE PDF !! ... Or at least, know what you are doing If the FO files are modified, the resulting PDFs must be checked again, both with the checker and the read-aloud feature. (Sometimes the checker reports no problem yet part or all of the document cannot be read aloud.) The purpose of this infrastructure is to be able to quickly re-test the accessibility processing chain when any change has been made to it. The configuration files disable the compression of the PDF streams, so it is possible to compare a re-generated PDF with the original one by using a simple diff tool. The files will not be identical because of the different creation dates (and the ID key in the trailer), but apart from that there should be no difference. The rationale is that using a diff tool is much quicker and less tedious than running Acrobat's accessibility checker and read-aloud feature every time. To re-generate the PDF files using the painter: ../../fop -c config-painter.xconf pdf/text_1_painter.pdf diff pdf/text_1_painter_orig.pdf pdf/text_1_painter.pdf Or, going through the intermediate format: ../../fop -c config-painter.xconf -if application/pdf text_1_if.xml ../../fop -c config-painter.xconf -ifin text_1_if.xml pdf/text_1_painter.pdf diff pdf/text_1_painter_orig.pdf pdf/text_1_painter.pdf To re-generate the PDF files using the legacy renderer: ../../fop -c config-renderer.xconf pdf/text_1_renderer.pdf diff pdf/text_1_renderer_orig.pdf pdf/text_1_renderer.pdf Or, going through the intermediate format: ../../fop -c config-renderer.xconf -at application/pdf text_1_at.xml ../../fop -c config-renderer.xconf -atin text_1_at.xml pdf/text_1_renderer.pdf diff pdf/text_1_renderer_orig.pdf pdf/text_1_renderer.pdf $Id$