Ted Leung and Ed Staub will act as moderators. They will propose recommended changes each week, based on the input already received, with a goal of having requirements that are sufficiently clear to allow us to proceed with design and implementation.
Five to ten requirements will be opened each week. The moderators will propose a final version of each, and offer it up for a vote.
Proposals will sometimes be rejected. Sometimes we’ll need to make changes before voting again. Sometimes it will be impossible to get a consensus.
The votes will be based on standard XML Apache process. All votes are welcome, but only committer votes are binding.
First, a consensus vote will be taken. If a consensus cannot be reached, we'll attempt to rework the language so that a consensus can be reached by people withdrawing their "-1"s. Votes will be closed a week after the last _substantive_ language changes.
If a consensus appears achievable but needs more time, Ted and I may call for a second consensus vote. When a consensus clearly cannot be reached, a _majority_ vote will be taken.
The final votes of each voting committer will be recorded in the requirements document.