A complete DocBook XPathScript Example
AxKit.com Ltd
A complete example of a docbook stylesheet using AxKit
This aims to be a complete example of rendering DocBook documents
using AxKit and
XPathScript. It offers several different styles to render the document
in: Normal, Fancy and Printer. And also offers an alternative media to
render the document for: handheld. How you select the different styles
and media will be detailed later in this document.
First a disclaimer: I'm a complete "newbie" to docbook. I also haven't
tried rendering this document with the standard docbook tools, so I may
have some elements wrong. If I do, you have my appologies. Hopefully you
might be encouraged enough by this to fix the problems I've introduced
and do it right, as it were.
Note: This example remains unfinished. Please see the "Introduction to
AxKit" on the AxKit web site for a current better example of using