The following people have contributed to AxKit: Kip Hampton (moral support, Util taglib, docs, StyleChoosers) Vincent Cagnard (Apache::Filter support (although it was re-done)) Owen Stenseth (output filtering single point of exit, and others) Honza Pazdziora (many small patches) Brian Wheeler (Filter fixes, XPathScript improvements, AxAddDynamicProcessor) If I've missed anyone, please correct this list as my memory is poor. If you wish to contribute to AxKit, please join the axkit-dev mailing list, by sending a mail to: The list will show you all check-ins and allow you to discuss the features you want, and how to go about implementing them. Please bring things up there before randomly sending in a patch. Also note that all code submitted to inclusion in the AxKit project becomes the intellectual property of the Apache Software Foundation, and you may have no claims on code submitted to the project. However we will list you as a contributor for larger patches. Please also see the development guidelines on