<% $t->{'dc:description'}{showtag} = 0; $t->{'link'}{pre} = ''; $t->{'link'}{post} = ''; $t->{'xlink'}{pre} = ''; $t->{'xlink'}{post} = ''; $t->{'blog:comments'}{showtag} = 0; $t->{'rdf:Seq'}{testcode} = sub {'rdf:li'}; $t->{'rdf:li'}{showtag} = 0; $t->{'rdf:li'}{pre} = '
{dc:creator} : '; $t->{'rdf:li'}{post} = '
'; $t->{'dc:creator'}{testcode} = sub {0}; %> <%= findvalue('/rdf:RDF/channel[1]/title') %>
<%= spacer(10,1) %>
http://axkit.org/ :: <% { my $uri = $r->uri; $uri =~ s/^\///; my ($file) = $uri =~ /([^\/]+)$/; $uri =~ s/\Q$file\E$//; my $local = ''; foreach my $part (split('/', $uri)) { $local .= "/$part/index.xml"; my $title = findvalue("document('$local')/descendant::title[1]"); if ($title eq 'Index') { print $part, " :: "; } else { print "", $title, " :: "; } $local =~ s/\/index\.xml$//; } if ($file ne 'index.xml') { my $location = "/$file"; $location = "/$uri$file" if $uri; print "", findvalue("document('$location')/descendant::title[1]"), " :: "; } } %>
<%= spacer(20,1) %>

Daily Churn

This page contains URLs and comments talked about on the AxKit IRC channel. The information is recorded by an IRC bot written using POE, and written out to an RSS 1.0 file, using RDF and dublin core metadata.

<% my $count = 30; foreach my $item (findnodes("/rdf:RDF/item[position() <= $count]")) { if ($item->findvalue('link')) { %>
<%= $item->findvalue('dc:creator') %> : <%= $item->findvalue('title') %>
<% } else { %>
<%= $item->findvalue('title') %>
<% } %> <%= apply_templates($item->findnodes('blog:comments')) %>

<% } %>
<%= spacer(20,1) %>
These pages are copyright © 2000 AxKit.com Ltd
<%= spacer(10,1) %>