SAX2 Bugs -*-Outline-*- * SAXException [FIXED] - should have default constructor (; retracts in following message, but it's probably a good idea [SKIPPED: cannot be reproduced] - getMessage() is not getting message from superclass correctly ( * InputSource [FIXED] - should document what getSystemId() returns if none has been supplied: null or empty string ( [SKIPPED: requires interface change] - no way to allow parser to close InputStream returned ( * DefaultHandler [FIXED] - resolveEntity() should throw IOException as well as SAXException (Matt Jones ) ( * EntityResolver [PASSED: explicitly mention that precedence is unspecified] - document what a processor should do in each situation (just systemId, just public Id, several, etc.), i.e. precedence (Andy Clark) * AttributesImpl [FIXED] - ensureCapacity needs to be more robust -- see 2000-07-19 message for details ( and 2000-07-17 message ( ( [FIXED] - removeAttributes uses index rather than index*5 and erases the wrong attribute -- see 2000-07-17 message for details ( ( * ParserAdapter [FIXED] - rejects Namespace prefix used before declaration ( * Attributes [FIXED] - in getIndex, use localName instead of localpart for consistency ( * XMLReaderAdapter [FIXED] - throws exception if no DocumentHandler set ( * XMLReaderFactory [FIXED] - synchronize static methods ( ==== SAX2-EXT Bugs - [FIXED] org.xml.sax.DeclHandler instead of org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler in JavaDoc ("Jason H. den Dulk" )