NOTE: This material is now obsolete and dates to before the 3.1.2 release, at which point the V2 site material was removed, and the authoritative site definition was moved back into the 3.x source tree under doc/ ------------------------------------------------- Perform the following steps to build the web copy: 1. Make symbolic links in the xml directory with the names xerces-2 and xerces-3 that point to the source code of Xerces-C++ 2 and 3-series respectively. 2. Copy xerces-2 and xerces-3-specific entities from xerces-2/doc/style/dtd/entities.ent and xerces-3/doc/style/dtd/entities.ent to xml/style/dtd/entities.ent. 3. Run 4. Regenerate Doxygent documentation in xerces-2/doc/html/apiDocs-2 and xerces-3/doc/html/apiDocs-3. 2. Copy doxygen API documentation as apiDocs-2 and apiDocs-3 into html/. 3. Check around that nothing is broken (make sure you can navigate to the generated doxygen docs).