NAME xsltc - Sun XSLT Compiler SYNOPSIS xsltc [-o ] [-d ] [-j ] [-p ] [-u] ... DESCRIPTION The Sun XSLT Compiler is a Java-based tool for compiling XSLT stylesheets into lightweight and portable Java byte codes called translets. The XSLT Compiler can be run on any platform including UNIX, Windows, NT, Mac that supports Java 1.2.x or later. The generated translets can be run on any platform that supports a Java Runtime Environment, including a Palm Pilot with J2ME CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition, Connected Limited Device Configuration). OPTIONS The following options are supported: -o Changes the name of the generated translet class. By default, the translet class would be named , if -o is set, then the translet class would be named . Translet class files are written as .class files. -d Changes the destination directory. By default, any translet class files generated would be placed in the current working directory. If -d is specified, the files would be output to . -j Outputs all generated translet class files into a jar file named .jar. When this option is used only a jar file will be output. -p Specify a package name for all generated translet classes. -u Specifies that location will be a URI such as 'http://myserver/stylesheet1.xsl'. OPERANDS The following operand is supported: A path name of an input stylesheet file. EXAMPLES Example 1: Creating a translet from stylesheet 'hamlet.xsl'. example% xsltc hamlet.xsl would produce a set of class files such as 'hamlet.class', 'hamlet$0.class', 'hamlet$1.class'. Example 2: Outputting all classes into a jar file. example% xsltc -j hamlet.jar hamlet.xsl would produce a single jar file output, 'hamlet.jar' which would contain all the generated .class files for the hamlet translet. Example 3: Naming the class file. example% xsltc -o newhamlet hamlet.xsl would produce a set of class files such as 'newhamlet.class', 'newhamlet$0.class', etc rather than the default which would be 'hamlet.class', 'hamlet$0.class', etc. Example 4: Multiple stylesheets. example% xsltc hamlet1.xsl hamlet2.xsl hamlet3.xsl would produce a set of class files derived from the three stylesheets. Example 5: Package Specification. example% xsltc -p com.mycompany.translets hamlet.xsl would produce a set of class files such as 'com/mycompany/translets/hamlet.class', 'com/mycompany/translets/hamlet$0.class', etc. FILES file.xsl input XSLT stylesheet file.class byte code file file.jar java archive file SEE ALSO xslt, jar. BUGS Refer to the top-level README included in this release. AUTHORS Jacek Ambroziak, jacek.ambroziak@East.Sun.COM Santiago Pericas-Geertsen, santiago.pericasgeertsen@East.Sun.COM Contributors: Morten Jorgensen morten.jorgensen@Ireland.Sun.COM G. Todd Miller, todd.miller@East.Sun.COM