# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure. # # Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # $Log$ # Revision 1.3 2004/02/26 23:10:06 mhoyt # Update to Apache 2.0 License # # Revision 1.2 2004/01/06 02:41:25 dbertoni # Changes for Bugzilla 25914. # # Revision 1.1 2003/11/12 20:42:18 dbertoni # Patches for bug 13238. # # Revision 1.2 2003/09/19 20:33:03 dbertoni # Massive copyright update. # # Revision 1.1 2003/06/29 03:57:53 blautenb # Moved source for sane includes # # Revision 1.1 2000/02/10 13:09:19 jdonohue # Make dependencies file # # #=============== LINUX SPECIFIC OPTIONS ========================= # This makefile only supported with gcc on linux PLATFORM =LINUX CC = gcc CXX = g++ PLATFORM_COMPILE_OPTIONS = -fpic -D${PLATFORM} -D_REENTRANT CC1 = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(PLATFORM_COMPILE_OPTIONS) # We have to use the includes from the source distribution, since we use # headers that others normally wouldn't XSL_INCL = -I . -I $(XERCESCROOT)/src/ ################################################################### # IMPORTANT NOTE # ################################################################### # Before you try to run the Makefile, make sure you have two # # environment variables set. # # # # export XALANCROOT= # # export XERCESCROOT= # # # ################################################################### ifndef XALANCROOT noxalanroot: @echo XALANCROOT must be defined endif ifndef XERCESCROOT noxercesroot: @echo XERCESCROOT must be defined endif DOMSUPPORT_DIR = DOMSupport INCLUDE_DIR = Include PLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR = PlatformSupport TESTXPATH_DIR = TestXPath TESTXSLT_DIR = TestXSLT XMLSUPPORT_DIR = XMLSupport XPATH_DIR = XPath XSLT_DIR = XSLT XERCESINIT_DIR = XercesInit XERCESPARSERLIAISON_DIR = XercesParserLiaison XERCESPLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR = XercesPlatformSupport ALL_OBJECTS_DIR = ${XALANCROOT}/obj vpath %.cpp \ $(DOMSUPPORT_DIR):$(PLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR):$(TESTXPATH_DIR):$(TESTXSLT_DIR):\ $(XMLSUPPORT_DIR):$(XPATH_DIR):$(XSLT_DIR):$(XERCESINIT_DIR):\ $(XERCESPARSERLIAISON_DIR):$(XERCESPLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR) ${ALL_OBJECTS_DIR}/%.o:%.cpp $(CC1) -M $(XSL_INCL) $< >> xxxdepends echo "$< " | sed 's/\.cpp/\\.o/' | sed 's/^.*\///' >xxx1 echo "$@" | sed 's/\.cpp/\\.o/' >xxx2 paste xxx1 xxx2 | awk '{print "s#" $$1 "#" $$2 "#"}' >> xxxscr ALLSOURCE = \ $(wildcard $(DOMSUPPORT_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(PLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XMLSUPPORT_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XPATH_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XSLT_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XERCESINIT_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XERCESPARSERLIAISON_DIR)/*.cpp) \ $(wildcard $(XERCESPLATFORMSUPPORT_DIR)/*.cpp) ALL_OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(ALL_OBJECTS_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(notdir $(ALLSOURCE))))) all: prepare compile finish prepare: -rm xxx* -rm $(DEPENDSFILE) compile: $(ALL_OBJECTS) finish: sed -f xxxscr xxxdepends > $(DEPFILE) rm xxx*