# This makefike requires Tools.ini file with settings # # Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Check parameters: # Should be defined: # LOCALE, in form of "en" or "en_US" # TYPE, possible values are "inmem" and "icu" !IF "$(BITS)" != "Win32" && "$(BITS)" != "Win64" ! ERROR Invalid configuration BITS="$(BITS)" specified. !ELSE !MESSAGE Used BITS = $(BITS) !ENDIF !IF "$(CFG)" != "Debug" && "$(CFG)" != "Release" && "$(CFG)" != "Release.symbols" ! ERROR Invalid configuration CFG="$(CFG)" specified. !ELSE !MESSAGE Used CFG = $(CFG) !ENDIF !IF "$(LOCALE)" == "" ! MESSAGE Locale is not defined. The locale can be defined in the command line or in Tools.ini file ! ERROR Locale must be defined !ELSE ! MESSAGE Used LOCALE = $(LOCALE) !ENDIF !IF "$(TYPE)" == "" ! ERROR Localization type must be defined.Possible values are "inmem" and "icu" !ENDIF !IF "$(TYPE)" != "inmem" && "$(TYPE)" != "icu" ! ERROR Invalid configuration TYPE="$(TYPE)" specified. !ELSE ! MESSAGE Used TYPE = $(TYPE) !ENDIF !IF "$(TYPE)" == "icu" && "$(ICUROOT)"=="" !ERROR Please define ICUROOT in xml-xalan\c\Projects\Win32\VC7\Utils\Localization\tools.ini file !ENDIF !IF EXIST ($(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT)) ! MESSAGE Used XLIFF file: "$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT)" !ELSE ! ERROR File "$(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT)" is required !ENDIF include ..\..\..\..\..\version.incl #== Commmon tools MKDIR=mkdir MOVE=move !IF "$(CFG)" == "Debug" PKGNAME=$(LIBNAME)_$(MS_VER)D !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Release.symbols" PKGNAME=$(LIBNAME)_$(MS_VER)S !ELSE PKGNAME=$(LIBNAME)_$(MS_VER) !ENDIF XERCESPATH=$(XERCESCROOT)/bin;$(XERCESCROOT)\Build\Win32\VC7\Release;$(XERCESCROOT)\Build\Win32\VC7\Debug;$(XERCESCROOT)\Build\Win64\VC7\Release;$(XERCESCROOT)\Build\Win64\VC7\Debug ICUPATH=$(ICUROOT)/bin #====================== INMEM part ================================================================= !IF "$(TYPE)" == "inmem" ALL : PREPARE $(TMPINCLUDESDIR)\LocalMsgData.hpp $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(PKGNAME).dll $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(PKGNAME).dll : $(TMPINCLUDESDIR)\LocalMsgData.hpp $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /NOLOGO /f ..\XalanMsgLib\XalanMsgLib.mak CFG="XalanMsgLib - $(BITS) $(CFG)" DLLNAME=$(PKGNAME) $(MAKE_PARAMS) $(TMPINCLUDESDIR)\LocalMsgData.hpp : $(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT) @set PATH=$(PATH);$(XERCESPATH) @if not exist $(OUTPUTDIR)\MsgCreator.exe ( $(MAKE) /f ..\MsgCreator\MsgCreator.mak CFG="MsgCreator - $(BITS) $(CFG)" $(MAKE_PARAMS)) $(OUTPUTDIR)\MsgCreator.exe $(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT) -TYPE $(TYPE) -LOCALE $(LOCALE) @$(MOVE) LocalMsgIndex.hpp $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) @$(MOVE) LocalMsgData.hpp $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) PREPARE: @if not exist $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) ( $(MKDIR) $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) ) #====================== End of INMEM part ============================================================= #====================== ICU part ====================================================================== !ELSEIF "$(TYPE)" == "icu" GENRB = genrb.exe PKGDATA = pkgdata.exe ALL : PREPARE $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(LOCALE).txt $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(PKGNAME).dll $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(PKGNAME).dll : $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(LOCALE).txt @set PATH=$(PATH);$(ICUPATH) $(GENRB) --package-name $(PKGNAME) -d $(INTDIR)\Icu $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(LOCALE).txt echo $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(PKGNAME)_$(LOCALE).res > $(INTDIR)\Icu\res-file-list.txt $(PKGDATA) --name $(PKGNAME) -T $(INTDIR)\Icu -v -O R:$(ICUROOT) --mode dll -d $(OUTPUTDIR) $(INTDIR)\Icu\res-file-list.txt $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(LOCALE).txt : $(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT) @set PATH=$(PATH);$(XERCESPATH) if not exist $(OUTPUTDIR)\MsgCreator.exe ( $(MAKE) /f ..\MsgCreator\MsgCreator.mak CFG="MsgCreator - $(BITS) $(CFG)" $(MAKE_PARAMS)) $(OUTPUTDIR)\MsgCreator.exe $(NLSDIR)\$(LOCALE)\$(MSGFILENAME)$(LOCALE)$(XIFFEXT) -TYPE $(TYPE) -LOCALE $(LOCALE) @$(MOVE) LocalMsgIndex.hpp $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) @$(MOVE) $(LOCALE).txt $(INTDIR)\Icu PREPARE: @if not exist $(INTDIR)\Icu ( $(MKDIR) $(INTDIR)\Icu ) @if not exist $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) ( $(MKDIR) $(TMPINCLUDESDIR) ) #====================== End of ICU part ================================================================== !ENDIF #====================== Commom part ================================================================= CLEAN : $(MAKE) /f ..\MsgCreator\MsgCreator.mak CFG="MsgCreator - $(BITS) $(CFG)" CLEAN $(MAKE) /NOLOGO /f ..\XalanMsgLib\XalanMsgLib.mak CFG="XalanMsgLib - $(BITS) $(CFG)" CLEAN -@erase $(TMPINCLUDESDIR)\XalanMsgIndex.hpp -@erase $(TMPINCLUDESDIR)\LocalMsgData.hpp !IF "$(TYPE)" == "icu" @set PATH=$(PATH);$(ICUPATH) $(PKGDATA) --name $(PKGNAME) -T $(INTDIR)\Icu -v -O R:$(ICUROOT) -k --mode dll -d $(OUTPUTDIR) $(INTDIR)\Icu\res-file-list.txt !ENDIF -@erase $(INTDIR)\Icu\$(LOCALE).txt -@del $(NLSDIR)\ICU\$(PKGNAME)_$(LOCALE).res -@erase $(INTDIR)\Icu\res-file-list.txt -@erase $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(PKGNAME)* PREPARE: #====================== End of commom part ==========================================================