/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 flex-iframe contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: IFrameExternalCalls.as 195 2010-05-14 20:33:18Z Julien.Nicoulaud $ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package com.google.code.flexiframe { /** * A static class that holds the calls that can be made to the ExternalInterface * by the IFrame class. * * @author Alistair Rutherford (www.netthreads.co.uk) * @author Christophe Conraets (http://coenraets.org) * @author Brian Deitte (http://www.deitte.com) * @author Ryan Bell * @author Max * @author Julien Nicoulaud (http://www.ju-n.net) */ public class IFrameExternalCalls { /** * The name of the JavaScript function that creates an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME:String = "createIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that creates an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME + " = function (frameID)" + "{ " + "var bodyID = document.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];" + "var newDiv = document.createElement('div');" + "newDiv.id = frameID;" + "newDiv.style.position ='absolute';" + "newDiv.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';" + "newDiv.style.border = '0px';" + "newDiv.style.overflow = 'auto';" + "newDiv.style.display = 'none';" + "bodyID.appendChild(newDiv);" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that moves an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME:String = "moveIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that moves an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function () " + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME + "==null) " + "{ " + FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME + " = function(frameID,iframeID,x,y,w,h,objectID) " + "{" + "var frameRef = document.getElementById(frameID); " + "var swfObject = document.getElementById(objectID); " + "frameRef.style.left = x + swfObject.offsetLeft + 'px'; " + "frameRef.style.top = y + swfObject.offsetTop + 'px'; " + "frameRef.style.width = w + 'px'; " + "frameRef.style.height = h + 'px'; " + "var iFrameRef = document.getElementById(iframeID); " + "iFrameRef.width = w;" + "iFrameRef.height = h;" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that hides an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME:String = "hideIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that hides an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc) {" + "iframeDoc.body.style.display = 'none';" + "}" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.display = 'none';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that shows an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME:String = "showIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that shows an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.display='block';" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc) {" + "iframeDoc.body.style.display='block';" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that hides a Div. */ public static var FUNCTION_HIDEDIV:String = "hideDiv"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that hides a Div in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HIDEDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_HIDEDIV + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_HIDEDIV + " = function (frameID)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.display='none';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that shows a Div. */ public static var FUNCTION_SHOWDIV:String = "showDiv"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that shows a Div in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_SHOWDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_SHOWDIV + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_SHOWDIV + " = function (frameID)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.display = 'block';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that loads an Iframe. */ public static var FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME:String = "loadIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that loads an Iframe in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME + " = function (frameID, iframeID, url, embedID, scrollPolicy)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = " + "\"\";" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that loads content into a Div. */ public static var FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT:String = "loadDivContent"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that loads content into a Div in the * DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT + " = function (frameID, iframeID, content)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = \"
\";" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that calls a function on an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION:String = "callIFrameFunction"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that calls a function on an IFrame in * the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION + " = function (iframeID, functionName, args)" + "{" + "var iframeRef=document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc.wrappedJSObject != undefined) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeDoc.wrappedJSObject;" + "}" + "return iframeDoc[functionName](args);" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that removes an IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME:String = "removeIFrame"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that removes an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_REMOVEIFRAME + " = function (frameID)" + "{ " + "var iFrameDiv = document.getElementById(frameID);" + "iFrameDiv.parentNode.removeChild(iFrameDiv);" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the JavaScript function that brings an IFrame to the front. */ public static var FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT:String = "bringIFrameToFront"; /** * The JavaScript code to call to insert the function that moves an IFrame in the DOM. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT + "==null)" + "{" + "var oldFrame=null;" + FUNCTION_BRING_IFRAME_TO_FRONT + " = function(frameID) " + "{" + "var frameRef=document.getElementById(frameID);" + "if (oldFrame!=frameRef) {" + "if (oldFrame) {" + "oldFrame.style.zIndex=\"99\";" + "}" + "frameRef.style.zIndex=\"100\";" + "oldFrame = frameRef;" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the function that prompts the DOM objects to find the SWF object id. */ public static var FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID:String = "askForEmbedObjectId"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that prompts the DOM objects * to find the SWF object id. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID + "==null)" + "{ " + FUNCTION_ASK_FOR_EMBED_OBJECT_ID + " = function(randomString) " + "{ " + "try { " + "var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed'); " + "for (var i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) { " + "var isTheGoodOne = embeds[i].checkObjectId(embeds[i].getAttribute('id'),randomString); " + "if(isTheGoodOne) { " + "return embeds[i].getAttribute('id'); " + "} " + "} " + "var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object'); " + "for(i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { " + "var isTheGoodOne = objects[i].checkObjectId(objects[i].getAttribute('id'),randomString); " + "if(isTheGoodOne) { " + "return objects[i].getAttribute('id'); " + "} " + "} " + "} catch(e) {} " + "return null; " + "} " + "} " + "}"; /** * The name of the Javascript function that gets the browser measured width. */ public static var FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH:String = "getBrowserMeasuredWidth"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that gets the browser measured width. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH:String = "document.insertScript = function () " + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH + "==null) " + "{ " + FUNCTION_GET_BROWSER_MEASURED_WIDTH + " = function(objectID) " + "{ " + "return document.getElementById(objectID).offsetWidth; " + "} " + "} " + "}"; /** * The name of the Javascript function that setups the 'resize' event listener. */ public static var FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER:String = "setupResizeEventListener"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that setups the 'resize' event * listener. * * When a 'resize' event is received, it is queued and the Flex application is not notified * unless there is no new 'resize' event in the next 10 milliseconds. This is to prevent * unexpected behaviours with *beloved* Internet Explorer sending bursts of events. */ public static function INSERT_FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER(frameId:String):String { return "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document." + FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER + "==null)" + "{ " + FUNCTION_SETUP_RESIZE_EVENT_LISTENER + " = function() " + "{ " + "if (window.addEventListener) { " + "window.addEventListener(\"resize\", on" + frameId + "Resize, false); " + "} else if (window.attachEvent) { " + "window.attachEvent(\"onresize\", on" + frameId + "Resize); " + "} " + "} " + "} " + "if (document.on" + frameId + "Resize==null)" + "{ " + "var resizeTimeout" + frameId + "; " + "function on" + frameId + "Resize(e) " + "{ " + "window.clearTimeout(resizeTimeout" + frameId + ");" + "resizeTimeout" + frameId + " = window.setTimeout('notify" + frameId + "Resize();', 10); " + "} " + "} " + "if (document.notify" + frameId + "Resize==null)" + "{ " + "notify" + frameId + "Resize = function() " + "{ " + "document.getElementById('" + IFrame.applicationId + "')." + frameId + "_resize(); " + "} " + "} " + "} "; } /** * The name of the Javascript function that prints the IFrame. */ public static var FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME:String = "printIFrame"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that prints the IFrame. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{" + "if (document." + FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_PRINT_IFRAME + " = function (iframeID)" + "{" + "try" + "{" + "if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1)" + "{" + "document[iframeID].focus();" + "document[iframeID].print();" + "}" + "else" + "{" + "for (var i=0; i < window.frames.length; i++)" + "{" + "if (window.frames[i].name == iframeID)" + "{" + "window.frames[i].focus();" + "window.frames[i].print();" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "catch(e)" + "{" + "alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the Javascript function that loads the IFrame's last page in the history. */ public static var FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK:String = "historyBack"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that loads the IFrame's last page * in the history. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{" + "if (document." + FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_HISTORY_BACK + " = function (iframeID)" + "{" + "frames[iframeID].history.go(-1); " + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * The name of the Javascript function that loads the IFrame's next page in the history. */ public static var FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD:String = "historyForward"; /** * The Javascript code to call to insert the function that loads the IFrame's next page * in the history. */ public static var INSERT_FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{" + "if (document." + FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD + "==null)" + "{" + FUNCTION_HISTORY_FORWARD + " = function (iframeID)" + "{" + "frames[iframeID].history.go(1); " + "}" + "}" + "}"; } }