Summary ======= 1) templates/committerVote.txt 1a) request lazy consensus from IPMC 2) templates/committerInvite.txt after they accept, then do: 3) templates/committerAccept.txt ... the normal process for dev-to-pmc 4) wait until we see that receipt of CLA is recorded 5) template/committerCreate.txt 5a) now wait until root says it is done 5b) chair to enable their svn access 6) template/committerDone.txt 7) chair send email to board@ asking for acknowledgement of new PMC member email-member-ack.txt 8) template/committerAnnounce.txt 9) add them to the wookie-developers group in Jira. Discussion ========== We do the vote on the private mailing list to enable a frank discussion. Start a separate Vote thread for each new person. This makes it much easier to review the mail archives. In most cases, we will be inviting people to go straight from developer to PPMC member. However, there may be extraordinary cases where we want limited work-related commit access. This will be resolved during the vote discussion. (yes, I know this is not the Wookie project, we need to create our own guidelines) We need to be sure that they are committed people that we can work with. They will be our peers. We will have already observed that they are committed to the project and graceful toward users and other developers. Don't wait too long before proposing and don't be too hasty. There is a trade-off and something about timeliness. A point is reached where it becomes obvious that we should invite them. This encourages them and keeps them enthusiastic. If we leave it too long, then we risk them becoming disillusioned. On the PPMC list we can each say exactly what we feel about each person, with no holds barred. Keep the discussion concise. The praise part can be done later in public. See the end of this document for some guidelines to help you to assess a candidate. Let the Vote thread run for one week. A positive result is achieved by Consensus Approval i.e. at least 3 +1 votes and no vetoes. Any veto must be accompanied by reasoning and be prepared to defend it. Other members can attempt to encourage them to change. New PPMC members can be either quiet or active as they choose. If we find that certain people lapse and don't ever contribute, then we can take steps to retire them. After a positive result, we give them a chance to decline in private. They can post a reply to the PPMC mailing list. After we reach a decision on the PPMC list, and after the steps above, we will announce it on the dev list. We can then each follow up with our praise in public. There are template emails for each stage of the process at ./templates/ These may need tweaks for each case. Also remember that these templates are just a guide, especially the announcement one. Other notes about the process are at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guidelines for assessing candidates ----------------------------------- When voting, you need to make up your own mind, perhaps search mailing lists and Jira, etc. The following are some tips that we developed on the private@ list. It seems that each time we discuss someone, then new ideas arise about what we should look for, e.g. private@ archives early July 2006. Also consider 0) Ability to work co-operatively with peers. Ability to be a mentor. - How do we evaluate? By the interactions they have through mail. By how they respond to criticism. By how they participate in decision-making process. 1) Community - How do we evaluate? By the interactions they have through mail. 2) Committment - How do we evaluate? By time, by sticking through tough issues, by helping on not-so-fun tasks as well. 3) Personal skill/ability - How do we evaluate? A solid general understanding of Forrest. Quality of discussion in mail. Patches easy to apply with only a cursory review.