setURL($url); $this->setApiKey($apiKey); $this->setSharedDataKey($sharedDataKey); } /** * Get the URL of the wookie server. * * @return String current Wookie connection URL */ public function getURL() { return $this->url; } /** * Set the URL of the wookie server. * * @param String new Wookie server URL */ public function setURL($newUrl) { //parse url, if host == localhost, replace it with // Bug causes Apache crash, while using file_get_contents function // with 'localhost' $urlParts = @parse_url($newUrl); if($urlParts['host'] == 'localhost') { $newUrl = str_replace('localhost', '', $newUrl); } $this->url = strrchr($newUrl, '/') != '/'?$newUrl.'/':$newUrl; } /** * Get the API key for this server. * * @return String current Wookie connection API key * @throws WookieConnectorException */ public function getApiKey() { if(empty($this->apiKey)) { throw new WookieConnectorException("API key not set"); } return $this->apiKey; } /** * Set the API key for this server. * *@param String new API key for connection */ public function setApiKey($newApiKey) { $this->apiKey = (string) $newApiKey; } /** * Get the shared data key for this server. * * @return String current Wookie connection shareddatakey * @throws WookieConnectorException */ public function getSharedDataKey() { if(empty($this->sharedDataKey)) { throw new WookieConnectorException("No shareddatakey set"); } return $this->sharedDataKey; } /** * Set the shared data key for this server. * @param String new shareddatakey for connection */ public function setSharedDataKey($newKey) { $this->sharedDataKey = $newKey; } /** Output connection information as string * @return String current connection information (url, apikey, shareddatakey) */ public function toString() { $str = "Wookie Server Connection - "; $str .= "URL: ".$this->getURL(); $str .= "API Key: ".$this->getApiKey(); $str .= "Shared Data Key: ".$this->getSharedDataKey(); return $str; } /** Test Wookie server connection * @return boolean true if success, otherwise false */ public function Test() { $ctx = @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 15))); $url = $this->getURL(); if(!empty($url)) { $response = new HTTP_Response(@file_get_contents($url.'advertise?all=true', false, $ctx), $http_response_header); if($response->getStatusCode() == 200) { $xmlDoc = @simplexml_load_string($response->getResponseText()); if(is_object($xmlDoc) && $xmlDoc->getName() == 'widgets') { return true; } } } return false; } } ?>