How to Build and Run the Demos in 5 Minutes** 1. Download Jetty from 2. Unzip Jetty to any folder. We'll call this folder JETTY_HOME. 3. Go to WICKET_HOME (where this QUICK_START.txt file lives) and type "ant". NOTE: Ant 1.6 is REQUIRED. Any 1.4.x version of Java should work, but testing has mainly been on 1.4.2. 4. Copy WICKET_HOME/build/examples/*.war to JETTY_HOME/webapps 5. Go to JETTY_HOME and type "java -jar start.jar" VOILA! You have built and are now running all 9 Wicket example applications. To see each app, go to http://localhost:8080// For starters, try http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/ Enjoy! Jonathan Locke --- ** Assuming your Internet connection doesn't suck