/* Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 3.0.0pr1 */ YUI.add('dom-style', function(Y) { /** * Add style management functionality to DOM. * @module dom * @submodule dom-style * @for DOM */ var DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement', DEFAULT_VIEW = 'defaultView', OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument', STYLE = 'style', FLOAT = 'float', CSS_FLOAT = 'cssFloat', STYLE_FLOAT = 'styleFloat', TRANSPARENT = 'transparent', VISIBLE = 'visible', WIDTH = 'width', HEIGHT = 'height', BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 'borderTopWidth', BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = 'borderRightWidth', BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = 'borderBottomWidth', BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 'borderLeftWidth', GET_COMPUTED_STYLE = 'getComputedStyle', DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc, UNDEFINED = undefined, re_color = /color$/i; Y.mix(Y.DOM, { CUSTOM_STYLES: {}, /** * Sets a style property for a given element. * @method setStyle * @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to apply the style to. * @param {String} att The style property to set. * @param {String|Number} val The value. */ setStyle: function(node, att, val) { var style = node[STYLE], CUSTOM_STYLES = Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES; if (style) { if (att in CUSTOM_STYLES) { if (CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set) { CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set(node, val, style); return; // NOTE: return } else if (typeof CUSTOM_STYLES[att] === 'string') { att = CUSTOM_STYLES[att]; } } style[att] = val; } }, /** * Returns the current style value for the given property. * @method getStyle * @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to get the style from. * @param {String} att The style property to get. */ getStyle: function(node, att) { var style = node[STYLE], CUSTOM_STYLES = Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES, val = ''; if (style) { if (att in CUSTOM_STYLES) { if (CUSTOM_STYLES[att].get) { return CUSTOM_STYLES[att].get(node, att, style); // NOTE: return } else if (typeof CUSTOM_STYLES[att] === 'string') { att = CUSTOM_STYLES[att]; } } val = style[att]; if (val === '') { // TODO: is empty string sufficient? val = Y.DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, att); } } return val; }, /** * Sets multiple style properties. * @method setStyles * @param {HTMLElement} node An HTMLElement to apply the styles to. * @param {Object} hash An object literal of property:value pairs. */ 'setStyles': function(node, hash) { Y.each(hash, function(v, n) { Y.DOM.setStyle(node, n, v); }, Y.DOM); }, /** * Returns the computed style for the given node. * @method getComputedStyle * @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to get the style from. * @param {String} att The style property to get. * @return {String} The computed value of the style property. */ getComputedStyle: function(node, att) { var val = '', doc = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT]; if (node[STYLE]) { val = doc[DEFAULT_VIEW][GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, '')[att]; } return val; } }); if (DOCUMENT[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT][STYLE][CSS_FLOAT] !== UNDEFINED) { Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES[FLOAT] = CSS_FLOAT; } else if (DOCUMENT[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT][STYLE][STYLE_FLOAT] !== UNDEFINED) { Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES[FLOAT] = STYLE_FLOAT; } if (Y.UA.opera) { // opera defaults to hex instead of RGB Y.DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) { var view = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT][DEFAULT_VIEW], val = view[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, '')[att]; if (re_color.test(att)) { val = Y.Color.toRGB(val); } return val; }; } if (Y.UA.webkit) { // safari converts transparent to rgba() Y.DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) { var view = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT][DEFAULT_VIEW], val = view[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, '')[att]; if (val === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { val = TRANSPARENT; } return val; }; } /** * Add style management functionality to DOM. * @module dom * @submodule dom-style * @for DOM */ var TO_STRING = 'toString', PARSE_INT = parseInt, RE = RegExp; Y.Color = { KEYWORDS: { black: '000', silver: 'c0c0c0', gray: '808080', white: 'fff', maroon: '800000', red: 'f00', purple: '800080', fuchsia: 'f0f', green: '008000', lime: '0f0', olive: '808000', yellow: 'ff0', navy: '000080', blue: '00f', teal: '008080', aqua: '0ff' }, re_RGB: /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i, re_hex: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i, re_hex3: /([0-9A-F])/gi, toRGB: function(val) { if (!Y.Color.re_RGB.test(val)) { val = Y.Color.toHex(val); } if(Y.Color.re_hex.exec(val)) { val = 'rgb(' + [ PARSE_INT(RE.$1, 16), PARSE_INT(RE.$2, 16), PARSE_INT(RE.$3, 16) ].join(', ') + ')'; } return val; }, toHex: function(val) { val = Y.Color.KEYWORDS[val] || val; if (Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(val)) { var r = (RE.$1.length === 1) ? '0' + RE.$1 : Number(RE.$1), g = (RE.$2.length === 1) ? '0' + RE.$2 : Number(RE.$2), b = (RE.$3.length === 1) ? '0' + RE.$3 : Number(RE.$3); val = [ r[TO_STRING](16), g[TO_STRING](16), b[TO_STRING](16) ].join(''); } if (val.length < 6) { val = val.replace(Y.Color.re_hex3, '$1$1'); } if (val !== 'transparent' && val.indexOf('#') < 0) { val = '#' + val; } return val.toLowerCase(); } }; /** * Add style management functionality to DOM. * @module dom * @submodule dom-style * @for DOM */ var CLIENT_TOP = 'clientTop', CLIENT_LEFT = 'clientLeft', PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode', RIGHT = 'right', HAS_LAYOUT = 'hasLayout', PX = 'px', FILTER = 'filter', FILTERS = 'filters', OPACITY = 'opacity', AUTO = 'auto', CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle'; // use alpha filter for IE opacity if (document[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT][STYLE][OPACITY] === UNDEFINED && document[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT][FILTERS]) { Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES[OPACITY] = { get: function(node) { var val = 100; try { // will error if no DXImageTransform val = node[FILTERS]['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha'][OPACITY]; } catch(e) { try { // make sure its in the document val = node[FILTERS]('alpha')[OPACITY]; } catch(err) { } } return val / 100; }, set: function(node, val, style) { if (typeof style[FILTER] == 'string') { // in case not appended style[FILTER] = 'alpha(' + OPACITY + '=' + val * 100 + ')'; if (!node[CURRENT_STYLE] || !node[CURRENT_STYLE][HAS_LAYOUT]) { style.zoom = 1; // needs layout } } } }; } // IE getComputedStyle // TODO: unit-less lineHeight (e.g. 1.22) var re_size = /^width|height$/, re_unit = /^(\d[.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz|%){1}?/i; var ComputedStyle = { CUSTOM_STYLES: {}, get: function(el, property) { var value = '', current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][property]; if (property === OPACITY) { value = Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES[OPACITY].get(el); } else if (!current || current.indexOf(PX) > -1) { // no need to convert value = current; } else if (Y.DOM.IE.COMPUTED[property]) { // use compute function value = Y.DOM.IE.COMPUTED[property](el, property); } else if (re_unit.test(current)) { // convert to pixel value = Y.DOM.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(el, property); } else { value = current; } return value; }, getOffset: function(el, prop) { var current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][prop], // value of "width", "top", etc. capped = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1), // "Width", "Top", etc. offset = 'offset' + capped, // "offsetWidth", "offsetTop", etc. pixel = 'pixel' + capped, // "pixelWidth", "pixelTop", etc. value = ''; if (current == AUTO) { var actual = el[offset]; // offsetHeight/Top etc. if (actual === UNDEFINED) { // likely "right" or "bottom" value = 0; } value = actual; if (re_size.test(prop)) { // account for box model diff el[STYLE][prop] = actual; if (el[offset] > actual) { // the difference is padding + border (works in Standards & Quirks modes) value = actual - (el[offset] - actual); } el[STYLE][prop] = AUTO; // revert to auto } } else { // convert units to px if (!el[STYLE][pixel] && !el[STYLE][prop]) { // need to map style.width to currentStyle (no currentStyle.pixelWidth) el[STYLE][prop] = current; // no style.pixelWidth if no style.width } value = el[STYLE][pixel]; } return value + PX; }, getBorderWidth: function(el, property) { // clientHeight/Width = paddingBox (e.g. offsetWidth - borderWidth) // clientTop/Left = borderWidth var value = null; if (!el[CURRENT_STYLE][HAS_LAYOUT]) { // TODO: unset layout? el[STYLE].zoom = 1; // need layout to measure client } switch(property) { case BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: value = el[CLIENT_TOP]; break; case BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: value = el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight - el[CLIENT_TOP]; break; case BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: value = el[CLIENT_LEFT]; break; case BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: value = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth - el[CLIENT_LEFT]; break; } return value + PX; }, getPixel: function(node, att) { // use pixelRight to convert to px var val = null, styleRight = node[CURRENT_STYLE][RIGHT], current = node[CURRENT_STYLE][att]; node[STYLE][RIGHT] = current; val = node[STYLE].pixelRight; node[STYLE][RIGHT] = styleRight; // revert return val + PX; }, getMargin: function(node, att) { var val; if (node[CURRENT_STYLE][att] == AUTO) { val = 0 + PX; } else { val = Y.DOM.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(node, att); } return val; }, getVisibility: function(node, att) { var current; while ( (current = node[CURRENT_STYLE]) && current[att] == 'inherit') { // NOTE: assignment in test node = node[PARENT_NODE]; } return (current) ? current[att] : VISIBLE; }, getColor: function(node, att) { var current = node[CURRENT_STYLE][att]; if (!current || current === TRANSPARENT) { Y.DOM.elementByAxis(node, PARENT_NODE, null, function(parent) { current = parent[CURRENT_STYLE][att]; if (current && current !== TRANSPARENT) { node = parent; return true; } }); } return Y.Color.toRGB(current); }, getBorderColor: function(node, att) { var current = node[CURRENT_STYLE]; var val = current[att] || current.color; return Y.Color.toRGB(Y.Color.toHex(val)); } }; //fontSize: getPixelFont, var IEComputed = {}; IEComputed[WIDTH] = IEComputed[HEIGHT] = ComputedStyle.getOffset; IEComputed.color = IEComputed.backgroundColor = ComputedStyle.getColor; IEComputed[BORDER_TOP_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH] = IEComputed[BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH] = ComputedStyle.getBorderWidth; IEComputed.marginTop = IEComputed.marginRight = IEComputed.marginBottom = IEComputed.marginLeft = ComputedStyle.getMargin; IEComputed.visibility = ComputedStyle.getVisibility; IEComputed.borderColor = IEComputed.borderTopColor = IEComputed.borderRightColor = IEComputed.borderBottomColor = IEComputed.borderLeftColor = ComputedStyle.getBorderColor; if (!Y.config.win[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE]) { Y.DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = ComputedStyle.get; } Y.namespace('DOM.IE'); Y.DOM.IE.COMPUTED = IEComputed; Y.DOM.IE.ComputedStyle = ComputedStyle; }, '3.0.0pr1' ,{skinnable:false, requires:['dom-base']});