This file contains all changes done on the 1.4 version. Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.17 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-3488] - Form can't be replaced when submitted ** Bug * [WICKET-3466] - AJAX with prototype explample not working at IE * [WICKET-3467] - Upload example failing at localhost on IE * [WICKET-3469] - Referrer Leaking with ExternalLink * [WICKET-3473] - Inline Javascript evaluated is executed before head contributions are loaded * [WICKET-3477] - Exception when setting session default timezone with GatherExtendedBrowserInfo * [WICKET-3479] - Interface TestPanelSource isn't named correctly * [WICKET-3485] - Link tries to construct the URL when the link is disabled * [WICKET-3487] - RequestCycle.steps() creates a session on abort even if none exists * [WICKET-3490] - HybridUrlEncoding Strategy throws uncaught NumberFormatException if Integer value space is violated * [WICKET-3498] - Entering huge strings in TextFields causes IllegalStateExceptions not caught by the Framework * [WICKET-3500] - Method AbstractMarkupParser.removeComment() causes an endless loop * [WICKET-3503] - LazyInitProxyFactory using Class.forName(clazz) rather than Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(type) * [WICKET-3507] - Form Code causes Error in ValidatorFilter * [WICKET-3519] - DefaultJavascriptCompressor broken jquery v1.5.1 minified file * [WICKET-3528] - Javadoc typo in PropertyModel * [WICKET-3548] - Wrong exception type when readResolve fails. ** Improvement * [WICKET-3464] - Greek (el) * [WICKET-3553] - Reset the busy flag in Wicket.Channel if the execution of the callback fails for some reason * [WICKET-3558] - Expose active requests via JMX ** New Feature * [WICKET-3422] - Simplified visibility control of Enclosures in Ajax requests ** Task * [WICKET-3545] - Slovak version of Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.16 ** Bug * [WICKET-1886] - WicketTester Cookie handling * [WICKET-1973] - Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer * [WICKET-2056] - Modal CSS Overflow Auto Bug * [WICKET-3109] - Using PopupSettings creates page maps early * [WICKET-3135] - Improve JavaScriptPackageResource#toString() to show filename instead of default Object#toString() * [WICKET-3277] - CLONE -AbstractMarkupParser doesn't remove Comments correctly * [WICKET-3302] - Endless recursion if LoadableDetachableModel.load throws exception * [WICKET-3306] - OrderByBoder MArkup problem * [WICKET-3307] - UploadProgressbar doesn't work when nested in ModalWindow (using IE 8.0.7600) * [WICKET-3309] - unable to add nodes to an empty rootless Tree (e.g. LinkTree) * [WICKET-3315] - PackagedTextTemplate should set lastModifiedTime * [WICKET-3318] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel doesn't render correctly after form submit * [WICKET-3319] - AjaxEditableMultilineLabel generates invalid HTML * [WICKET-3321] - Ajax submit link does not show busy indicator under IE * [WICKET-3323] - TreeTable should call attachUpdate javascript on domready event. * [WICKET-3346] - Wicket examples still show a Graduated logo * [WICKET-3358] - Wicket-Guice integration fails - can't find application attached to current thread * [WICKET-3361] - Validation Error on AjaxEditableLabel causes ajax calls in loop on Chrome Browser * [WICKET-3383] - Strange writeObjectMethodCache in SerializableChecker * [WICKET-3398] - EnclosureContainer: configure() should be called on the child component before calling isVisible on it * [WICKET-3403] - Cannot convert 'this.content' to object in Opera * [WICKET-3413] - FLAG_INHERITABLE_MODEL and default model change * [WICKET-3416] - CheckGroupSelector does not inherit "disabled" property from parent form * [WICKET-3418] - Incorrect setting of AjaxSubmitLink's request parameter in BaseWicketTester.submitAjaxFormSubmitBehavior * [WICKET-3436] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior can render javascript before wicket-ajax.js is loaded * [WICKET-3437] - onselect script is not called for AutoCompleteTextField * [WICKET-3438] - 2xStatelessForm growing url when there is error validation * [WICKET-3444] - ChangeHandler fires in IE on POS1 and END * [WICKET-3455] - onremove() in RefreshingView.onPopulate ** Improvement * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative * [WICKET-3275] - Log a warn or throw an exception when an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior is added to an choice component * [WICKET-3351] - Add class for span with text in wicket-extensions\treetable * [WICKET-3354] - Improve SerializableChecker message * [WICKET-3391] - Extensibility of the Wizard component * [WICKET-3414] - Add break after finding Method in AutoComponentResolver invokeSetter * [WICKET-3457] - Add methods to IBehavior to listen for configuration events Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.15 ** Bug * [WICKET-1894] - AjaxFallbackButton: inconsistent submit order * [WICKET-3136] - JVM 1.6 crash caused by WicketObjectOutputStream, ClassStreamHandler, and Page.writePageObject * [WICKET-3196] - UrlValidator failes to validate urls that containt multiple dots in path * [WICKET-3202] - Form with UploadProgressBar and AjaxButton doesn't submit * [WICKET-3215] - AutoCompleteTextField does not work in an iframe under IE 6, 7 or 8 * [WICKET-3229] - Removing Child in IVisitor affects traversal * [WICKET-3244] - libxml2 splits large CData section. This breaks the processEvaluate js * [WICKET-3253] - NPE with nested property models * [WICKET-3255] - css/js files added as header contribution not added via ajax request * [WICKET-3259] - Filter path is occasionally null when forwarding a request ** Improvement * [WICKET-3154] - test for undefined in the same manner throughtout the code. * [WICKET-3184] - Make method getContentId of ModalWindow static * [WICKET-3226] - NavigationToolbar has table instance variable but so does base-class AbstractToolbar * [WICKET-3235] - AutoCompleteBehavior overwrites base class AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior settings variable * [WICKET-3254] - Add file name to the exception in case of an error during temp file creation for upload * [WICKET-3264] - MetaDataEntry set method traverses metaData even after key is found and data set/cleared * [WICKET-3265] - Component data_remove returns Object which is never used ** Wish * [WICKET-3237] - Exception when calling setOutputMarkupId/PlaceholderTag on wicket:container Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.14 ** Bug * [WICKET-3134] - Commons logging must die * [WICKET-3140] - Missing xml headers in localized SignIn pages * [WICKET-3141] - On multipart form, sendRedirect() with PageParameters are not working * [WICKET-3160] - Session causing memory leak after WICKET-3108 * [WICKET-3164] - executeAjaxEvent in WicketTester works although Component is not enabled * [WICKET-3166] - isVisibleInHierarchy() possibly unnecessarily checks children whose parents are invisible? * [WICKET-3171] - Form components that become visible during submit always set their model to null * [WICKET-3173] - Fix for WICKET-2903 causes NPE when HttpsConfig is intentionally null * [WICKET-3174] - SmartLinkLabel failing to process email with + * [WICKET-3175] - Radio uuid is calculated wrongly for heavy instalations. * [WICKET-3181] - UploadProgressBar does not show up on nested forms ** Improvement * [WICKET-1735] - Remove hard-coded text from the markup of PagingNavigator * [WICKET-3152] - Wicket tester should allow testing for enabled/disabled status and for fields being required. * [WICKET-3169] - Parametrize IFilterStateLocator * [WICKET-3170] - ModalWindow moved event (besides resize) * [WICKET-3179] - Default Component Behaviors * [WICKET-3180] - DropDownChoice should use IAjaxIndicatorAware like AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.findIndicatorId() ** New Feature * [WICKET-3144] - Extra client-side scripting before closing modalwindow Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.13 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-3069] - java.rmi not allowed on GAE * [WICKET-3112] - Fix of issue 2886 breaks all individual implementations of any AbstractTree ** Bug * [WICKET-2888] - Nullpointer when inserting [i.e. moving] a node in a TreeTable (AbstactTree, treeNodesInserted) * [WICKET-2912] - IE 8 gets 404 error after continueToOriginalDestination() when app is at root context * [WICKET-3052] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy probably uses wrong url encoding * [WICKET-3057] - NPE when deleting a TreeNode with visible children * [WICKET-3061] - Whole page returns 404 when resource cannot be found * [WICKET-3072] - Deleting only child of collapsed tree node doesn't update the node * [WICKET-3074] - CreditCardValidator throws NumberFormatException on non-numeric characters. * [WICKET-3075] - AJAX file upload fails in IE8 due to Wicket.Ajax.handleMultipart() sniffing wicket:body tags as an HTML body element when running Wicket in development mode * [WICKET-3076] - UrlUtils.isRelative returns false if URL parameter contains an absolute URL * [WICKET-3083] - Broken AbstarctCalendar dependency * [WICKET-3084] - CharSetUtil.getEncoding fails with an IndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-3087] - Form inside ModalWindow causes 'Submit Button not visible' exception in parent page's form * [WICKET-3095] - Adding AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to Form leads to "Error: too much recursion" JS Error * [WICKET-3098] - AjaxEventBehavior#onEvent is invoked on disabled behavior * [WICKET-3102] - WicketTester does not handle startPage(ITestPageSource) that contains a redirect/setResponsePage correctly * [WICKET-3106] - Security: Possible Redirection to foreign Page by using BrowserInfoPage's PageParameter * [WICKET-3108] - Problems with page maps stored in session * [WICKET-3116] - class cast exception * [WICKET-3119] - Localizer cache does not include style in cache key when no component is given * [WICKET-3120] - AbstractHttpSessionStore.bind throws null pointer exception * [WICKET-3127] - Adding node to a collapsed tree node should not cause it to expand ** Improvement * [WICKET-1779] - Palette component - make image URLs part of CSS * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map * [WICKET-2776] - Enhancing RadioChoice input items with individual title and css class attributes * [WICKET-2937] - AbstractPropertyModel getObjectClass don't consider nested IObjectClassAwareModel targets * [WICKET-3055] - Application fails to start when disk access is denied * [WICKET-3056] - Upgrade pom reference for joda-time from 1.6 to 1.6.2 * [WICKET-3071] - Upgrade maven plugins and non-essential dependencies to newest version * [WICKET-3089] - onBeforeRender in NextButton should not be final * [WICKET-3090] - Make SecondLevelCacheSessionStore and its SecondLevelCachePageMap reusable * [WICKET-3128] - FormComponentLabel should open open-close tags like Label does ** New Feature * [WICKET-3082] - Introduce IComponentOnInitializeListener for cross-cutting concerns Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.12 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-3037] - InnerFeedbackTest test fails due locale issue ** Bug * [WICKET-1743] - WicketTester fires onSubmit for first form button prior to firing requested ajax event * [WICKET-3032] - WebApplication#mountBookmarkablePage with unicode path not works. * [WICKET-3033] - Stack Overflow in getBeanDefinition()'s of SpringBeanLocator and AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory * [WICKET-3040] - Ajax form submit fails in Wicket 1.4.11/Firefox3.6 * [WICKET-3043] - Ajax support broken under Firefox 3.6.x and Wicket 1.4.11 ** Improvement * [WICKET-2922] - AutoCompleteTextField should allow the generics specification for the getChoices iterator and the type of the model ** Task * [WICKET-3041] - Relative link in JavaScript Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.11 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-2625] - WICKET-2478 correction are break ** Bug * [WICKET-1094] - Values over-escaped by FormTester * [WICKET-1448] - SubmitLink bypass jquery submit eventhandler * [WICKET-1733] - WicketTester doesn't include form submitting component id in form submissions * [WICKET-1887] - 404 error page customize - with specified url-pattern (not /*) * [WICKET-1928] - Enter key submits form in AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel on Safari * [WICKET-1985] - AbstractTree breaks on multiple tree model events in the same request * [WICKET-2010] - InspectorPage doesn't show component tree * [WICKET-2254] - ModalWindow size may exceed browser viewport making it impossible to close * [WICKET-2262] - The starting of the ajax indicator don't respect AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior preconditionScript * [WICKET-2275] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy does not support parameters with a "." * [WICKET-2279] - Losing focus on Autocomplete field if DropDownChoice is updated using Ajax. * [WICKET-2353] - CLONE - bug: setObject(null) called for excplicitly invisible fields in a non-visible enclosure * [WICKET-2401] - AJAX indicator turns off when calls overlap * [WICKET-2712] - Wrong relative URL's when using Java EE 6 container with ERROR dispatching * [WICKET-2739] - Throttling breaks AjaxFormSubmitBehavior's precondition check * [WICKET-2765] - MarkupException on unclosed tag * [WICKET-2783] - FormTester.submit does not work with AjaxButtons * [WICKET-2793] - Incorrect decode parameters in AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#decodeParameters * [WICKET-2794] - Not all exceptions are properly handled by the WicketFilter -> results in empty response document with unset status code -> seen as HTTP_OK by client * [WICKET-2807] - AjaxSubmitLink not calling the onsubmit event handler * [WICKET-2826] - Wicket fails to read html markup from jar after updating and redeploying in jetty * [WICKET-2827] - Removed page might revive when push back-button * [WICKET-2828] - IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown in onBeforeRender when tabs is empty. * [WICKET-2848] - Rename yahoo-dom-event folder to something else * [WICKET-2850] - Wicket DateTimeField / DatePicker creates a memory leak on the browser when rerenderd using ajax requests * [WICKET-2851] - Ajax responses do not update DOM correctly on Opera * [WICKET-2852] - Palette nested in a ListView results in a NPE when an error feedback is logged when submitting form * [WICKET-2854] - 'this.document' is null or not an object after quickly opening and closing a modal window (modal.js) * [WICKET-2863] - MockHttpServletResponse does not save Session cookies (maxAge = -1) * [WICKET-2877] - PreCallHandler and PostCallHandler registrations are lost when ;jsessionid is removed in javascript files URL * [WICKET-2886] - Tree doesn't update correctly * [WICKET-2903] - CLONE -HttpsRequestCycleProcessor causes HttpSession to be created * [WICKET-2905] - Select.isSelected fails when Wicket application is using REDIRECT_TO_RENDER render strategy. * [WICKET-2931] - Form#getMaxSize - unsupported in the inner forms * [WICKET-2933] - Form.MULTIPART_HINT is not cleared correctly with nested forms * [WICKET-2941] - DatePicker fail with "firstDate is undefined" when an out of range date is written in the textfield * [WICKET-2944] - Application addRenderHeadListener causing error * [WICKET-2957] - Closing ModalWindow makes some form fields unclickable * [WICKET-2958] - Success handler not called when redirecting with Ajax * [WICKET-2972] - Some RepeaterView examples are not working * [WICKET-2974] - IFeedback that is child of IFeedback gets added to the FEEDBACK_LIST too late * [WICKET-2977] - AutoComplete onfocus behavior only working on last autocomplete field * [WICKET-2999] - Packaged Resource URLs encoded with jsessionid * [WICKET-3014] - unable to launch StartExamples from IDEA (eventually other IDE's as well) * [WICKET-3018] - CheckGroupSelector ignores disabled-state in Check * [WICKET-3025] - DateTextField converter does not honor current locale ** Improvement * [WICKET-2964] - Improve the code that uses copy-list-on-iterate pattern * [WICKET-2978] - Usage of SimpleFormComponentLabel in FormInput example * [WICKET-3002] - Resource.getResourceStream() javadoc improvements (patch) * [WICKET-3019] - Add getPath to MarkupExceptions to aid in locatin affected components ** New Feature * [WICKET-206] - Default page map is null, should be set to something more usable ** Wish * [WICKET-2967] - org.apache.wicket.util.value.Count: add decrement method Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.10 ** Bug * [WICKET-2844] - Make CheckGroupSelector Ajax friendly * [WICKET-2881] - Cannot substitute RelativePathPrefixHandler * [WICKET-2882] - Dynamically adding component via an IComponentResolver fails within an enclosure for versions after 1.4.1 * [WICKET-2885] - RequestLogger.SessionData methods aren't public * [WICKET-2891] - Typo in IllegalStateException when there are multiple beans of the same type * [WICKET-2892] - TextTemplateSharedResourceFactory should use template's content type * [WICKET-2895] - run wicket-examples application in 'headless-mode' * [WICKET-2897] - Javadoc for AbortWithHttpStatusException class constructor says 'true' when it should say 'false' * [WICKET-2900] - "isPrimary" check is not applied to beans in parent contexts * [WICKET-2901] - Always the first bean with primary=true is returned, even if there are more than one primary beans * [WICKET-2902] - WicketSessionFilter still broken: you can only locate or create sessions in the context of a request cycle * [WICKET-2904] - variations don't work when using wicket:link with images * [WICKET-2908] - BaseWicketTester should check for visibility in hierarchy when building param map * [WICKET-2909] - ListView removeLink method should remove items from list based on item index * [WICKET-2917] - WebResponse sets a negative Content-Length when length >2G * [WICKET-2946] - Exceptions raised in overridden sessionDestroyed() event (of WebApplication class) are completely swallowed by the session-store classes without even logging anything * [WICKET-2951] - Markup for AjaxLazyLoadPanel's is not valid HTML * [WICKET-2961] - Adding a component in Component#onInitialize() leads to StackOverflowError * [WICKET-2966] - "markupStream" field in MarkupException breaks Exception's Serializable contract. ** Improvement * [WICKET-1974] - render_to_buffer does not work for absolute URLs (with patch) * [WICKET-2846] - Store Application in InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal * [WICKET-2866] - Allow chaining with AutoCompleteSettings.setThrottleDelay(int) * [WICKET-2878] - BigDecimalConverter improvement * [WICKET-2884] - IRequestLogger interface requires that getRequests() method return RequestLogger.RequestData (public inner class) * [WICKET-2923] - Make form.getHiddenFieldId public. * [WICKET-2952] - Exposes Application DebugSettings related functionality for JMX * [WICKET-2954] - Add the ability to assert against BookmarkablePageLink in the same way you can with wicketTester.assertPageLink ** New Feature * [WICKET-2890] - Dynamic CSS and JavaScript resources * [WICKET-2899] - date picker calendar shown on text field clicked (patch included) * [WICKET-2925] - Model.of() * [WICKET-2943] - Introduce a good place to initialize components other than the constructor - Component#onInitialize() * [WICKET-2955] - Component#onConfigure() - Create a new callback to help manage states such as visibility, enabled, etc ** Test * [WICKET-2960] - Test initialization mechanism against one possible implementation using the onbeforerender method ** Wish * [WICKET-2950] - remove final from AbstractHttpSessionStore#getSessionId Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.9 ** Bug * [WICKET-2741] - non-performant Collections.synchronizedMap() should be replaced with ConcurrentMap * [WICKET-2843] - Palette is incompatible with ListMultipleChoice in its use of the model * [WICKET-2853] - ListMultipleChoice/CheckBoxMultipleChoice do not retain selected but disabled items * [WICKET-2856] - PackageStringResourceLoader.loadStringResource() causes NullPointerException when used in a Class within the root package (i.e. it has no package declaration) * [WICKET-2858] - WicketSessionFilter: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument application can not be null * [WICKET-2859] - Wrong package names in Examples * [WICKET-2860] - Wrong name for swiss * [WICKET-2861] - getConvertedInput() returns null and selectedValues.addAll tries adding it ** Improvement * [WICKET-2790] - wicketTester.executeAjaxEvent method does not check if form is multiPart * [WICKET-2840] - Remove final on AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#getMountPath() * [WICKET-2846] - Store Application in InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal * [WICKET-2855] - Constructor of RedirectRequestTarget does not validate URL * [WICKET-2869] - RangeValidator should use getMinimum and getMaximum * [WICKET-2870] - Fix hungarian translation for Wizard * [WICKET-2879] - delegate isVisible in PanelCachingTab Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.8 ** Bug * [WICKET-2075] - Pagemap is locked forever with some Page serialization exceptions * [WICKET-2424] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior + DatePicker do not work together * [WICKET-2764] - MarkupCache messed up when using MergedMarkup (e.g. for Page markup inheritance) together with IResourceStreams that do NOT also implement IFixedLocationResourceStream * [WICKET-2767] - DatePicker Calendar: wrong year format when 4 digits are used (yyyy), e.g. 2010 --> 0010 * [WICKET-2772] - Generate wicketpath attribute for RadioChoice * [WICKET-2779] - Submit a nested form via ajax to upload a file inside modal window does not work on IE. * [WICKET-2787] - ValueMap.getAsBoolean(key, defaultValue) always returns false for non-existing keys, instead of the defaultValue * [WICKET-2799] - @RequireHttps not switching to https when setting response page to non-bookmarkable page * [WICKET-2802] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in PortletServletRequestWrapper for some resource requests * [WICKET-2806] - Javascript looking for related radio in group is not working if css class is already assigned to radio * [WICKET-2822] - Small Bug in JavaDoc for SpringWebApplicationFactory ** Improvement * [WICKET-2771] - Please support "isPrimary" for @SpringBean * [WICKET-2776] - Enhancing RadioChoice input items with individual title and css class attributes * [WICKET-2778] - Set Application ThreadLocal in WicketSessionFilter * [WICKET-2796] - Improve error reporting on locked page maps * [WICKET-2803] - ListMultipleChoice's Constructors Should Accept IModel> * [WICKET-2813] - IndicatingAjaxButton should have construtors that take a IModel for the button text as does AjaxButton. * [WICKET-2817] - ChoiceGroup's Constructor Should Accept IModel> * [WICKET-2821] - More "IModel) shouldn't be final * [WICKET-2837] - Inaccurate AjaxSubmitLink Javadoc ** Wish * [WICKET-2847] - Make StringResourceStream non final Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.7 ** Bug * [WICKET-2510] - Radio getMarkupId not working correctly * [WICKET-2615] - URL mismatch with RENDER_TO_BUFFER when URL rewriting features of container are used * [WICKET-2648] - DatePicker javascript uses 4 symbols for year although pattern contains just yy * [WICKET-2657] - Multipart forms fails on Chrome during Ajax submit * [WICKET-2660] - Wickettester executeAllTimerBehaviors executes stopped behaviors too * [WICKET-2663] - Modal Dialog cannot add AjaxLink when UploadWebRequest is in use * [WICKET-2688] - Versioned form with FileUploadField will expire page if you submit the form twice. * [WICKET-2702] - update PropertyColumn Javadoc * [WICKET-2704] - FormComponent.MessageSource.getMessage(String) and getValidatorKeyPrefix() * [WICKET-2714] - SharedResourceRequestTarget sets Status 404 when not found, ignoring any 404 settings * [WICKET-2715] - AuthenticatedWebSession in wicket-auth-roles does thread-unsafe access to signedIn boolean * [WICKET-2717] - bookmarkablepagelink broken on ajaxupdate * [WICKET-2718] - RedirectPage does not work in IE * [WICKET-2721] - IE does not display ExceptionErrorPage * [WICKET-2726] - CLONE -Ajax multipart broken on mounted pages * [WICKET-2734] - Form#anyComponentError change in 1.4 breaks validation * [WICKET-2738] - setResponsePage doesn't work with MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2740] - DynamicWizardModel: setActiveStep is called twice * [WICKET-2744] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior cannot find the choice * [WICKET-2749] - multipart form does not call window.wicketGlobalPreCallHandler * [WICKET-2753] - Javascript in Form.registerJavascriptNamespaces() fails in Firefox 3.5.8 * [WICKET-2757] - MimeType/ContentType detection in ResourceStreamRequestTarget unreliable * [WICKET-2759] - libxml2 splits large CData section. this breaks the processing of components ** Improvement * [WICKET-2661] - Palette does not allow tracking the AbstractChoices components via Ajax * [WICKET-2698] - Page Parameters needs to implement equals * [WICKET-2706] - French translations for missing properties * [WICKET-2708] - Extend SwitchProtocolRequestTarget so it's possible to customize the redirect url * [WICKET-2709] - EmptySrcAttributeCheckFilter should check for src="#" * [WICKET-2719] - Extract lazy AbstractListDataProvider out of ListDataProvider. * [WICKET-2720] - Panel throws MarkupException without passing MarkupStream * [WICKET-2731] - provide hook to enforce fqn's leaking out from shared resources * [WICKET-2737] - reduce number of SpringBeanLocator#getBeanNameOfClass calls. * [WICKET-2748] - IE6 sometimes fails when using wicket ajax * [WICKET-2750] - Better error handling in modal window setContent() when a repeater is used Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.6 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-2678] - isEnabled called in AjaxRequestTarget for Behaviors even if component is not Visible in hierarchy ** Bug * [WICKET-1825] - url-escaping is not undone for requestcodingstrategy * [WICKET-2312] - RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath() not output hostname and url-pattern in AJAX * [WICKET-2567] - Images and stylesheets leave open file handles * [WICKET-2616] - BaseWicketTester chooses a disabled component as the source of an AjaxFormSubmit event * [WICKET-2619] - wicket should handle Enums like other primitives when injecting them. * [WICKET-2620] - DataTable generates two * [WICKET-2624] - MethodGetAndSet.setValue uses wrong source to determine which type to convert to when there's no setter * [WICKET-2629] - HttpsRequestCycleProcessor causes HttpSession to be created * [WICKET-2630] - MockHttpServletResponse doesn't delete cookies * [WICKET-2633] - AjaxEditableLabel fails to focus editor upon validation errors * [WICKET-2635] - Sucessfull login on SignInPanel causes HomePage to become stateful * [WICKET-2638] - Form.isMultipart() doesn't check FormComponent.isMultipart() on nested components * [WICKET-2639] - More pages missing xml prolog * [WICKET-2641] - EnumLabel misbehaves with anonymous enum * [WICKET-2645] - Resources aren't gziped by default * [WICKET-2647] - InspectorPage (from devutils) is stateful for no valid reason * [WICKET-2650] - Consistently create body for short tags. * [WICKET-2655] - WicketTester javadocs are referring in many places to a component's path but it's not documented anywhere * [WICKET-2666] - ConvererLocator.convertToString discards original cause of conversion failure * [WICKET-2667] - When multipart on form is set to true, setResponsePage() doesnt work * [WICKET-2668] - UploadProgressBar component can't be removed or replaced easily * [WICKET-2669] - DataTable mutiple bottom toolbars are misplaced because of bad html * [WICKET-2671] - Enclosure causes Nullpointer exception * [WICKET-2672] - FormComponent doesn't properly handle array model types * [WICKET-2675] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails in form with method="get" * [WICKET-2679] - checkRendering() throws Exception if TransparentResolver is invisible * [WICKET-2685] - MixedParamsUrlCodingStrategy ,classcastexception from Long to String * [WICKET-2686] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails in form with method="get" - 1.5 * [WICKET-2692] - DropDownChoice value may be lost after ajax submit call ** Improvement * [WICKET-2591] - Allow subclasses of AuthenticatedWebSession to set "signedIn" field * [WICKET-2626] - Make DatePicker on DateTimeField overrideable * [WICKET-2628] - SerializingObjectSizeOfStrategy should warn when unable to serialize the object * [WICKET-2637] - Lithuanian translation for the * [WICKET-2642] - Russian translation of SignInPage/SignInPanel * [WICKET-2644] - Hungarian translation for wizard * [WICKET-2646] - Better error reporting from StatelessChecker * [WICKET-2649] - Make SignInPage stateless * [WICKET-2653] - Make GoAndClearFilter.defaultClearModel and GoFilter.defaultGoModel internationalizable * [WICKET-2656] - Ability to add CSS style to table body in DataTable * [WICKET-2664] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice should use isEnabledInHierarchy() * [WICKET-2673] - TabbedPanel not generic * [WICKET-2682] - Maven 3 produces various warnings ** Task * [WICKET-2670] - Remove deprecated API calls from wicket-extensions Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.5 ** Bug * [WICKET-2598] - Some components still escape non-ASCII symbols by default * [WICKET-2599] - Missing XML prolog in wicket-extensions panel htmls * [WICKET-2600] - Redirect to home page still does not work (regression) * [WICKET-2606] - Enclosure reports incorrect component id for missing components inside the enclosure * [WICKET-2609] - EnumChoiceRenderer misbehaves with anonymous enum classes * [WICKET-2613] - Content-Length Issue with 1.4.4 * [WICKET-2617] - ModalWindow can't be shown when it is rendered with ajax request * [WICKET-2621] - Ajax buttons inside ModalWindows don't submit properly ** Improvement * [WICKET-1888] - FormComponents (and subclasses) should be able to provide their own resource bundles * [WICKET-2247] - IndexedHybridUrlCodingStrategy constructor should accept a redirectOnBookmarkableRequest boolan * [WICKET-2428] - AbstractSingleSelectChoice: custom resource key for null option * [WICKET-2592] - Add support for arbitrary PageParameters values in QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2597] - The PagingNavigator.newNavigation method does not provide a markup id of the element to create an navigation for * [WICKET-2602] - Display upload progress bar only when a file is selected * [WICKET-2603] - javadoc update * [WICKET-2604] - Add another german Wicket book Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.4 ** Bug * [WICKET-625] - Wicket doesn't clean up properly when hot-deploying; hangs onto Class references. * [WICKET-2080] - InjectorHolder is broken when wicket-ioc.jar is shared between multiple web applications * [WICKET-2317] - Deprecated JavaDoc for org.apache.wicket.behavior.HeaderContributor * [WICKET-2419] - AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel doesn't handle huge text properly * [WICKET-2491] - Ajax multipart broken on mounted pages * [WICKET-2518] - property file is incorrectly encoded * [WICKET-2519] - 1.4.2 enclosure problem * [WICKET-2534] - File Handle Leak in URLResourceStream * [WICKET-2545] - NullPointerException thrown from BaseWicketTester isComponent * [WICKET-2546] - DataTable does not generate "thead" tag * [WICKET-2548] - MetaDataKey does not meet hashCode() contract * [WICKET-2550] - DatePicker introduces a bug regarding the back button support of the browser. * [WICKET-2551] - Bug in WicketTester when submitting forms * [WICKET-2552] - CreditCardValidator accepts invalid inputs * [WICKET-2553] - Wicket-ajax.js: Javascript error on submitting of form with wicketSubmitFormById. * [WICKET-2554] - WebRequestCodingStrategy assumes that a shared resource URL should always be relative to the Wicket handler * [WICKET-2567] - Images and stylesheets leave open file handles * [WICKET-2568] - Unnecessary method calls in IDataProvider * [WICKET-2570] - Form submitting component is not checked for being enabled during submit * [WICKET-2580] - Javadoc of Component#setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag is wrong * [WICKET-2582] - org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Check should call Component.isEnabledInHierarchy() * [WICKET-2583] - Warnings flood if incorrect credentials endered on SignInPage * [WICKET-2587] - UploadProgressBar producing warning log messages incorrectly * [WICKET-2589] - FeedbackPanel in FormComponentFeedbackBorder throws ConcurrentModificationException * [WICKET-2593] - wicket:message can cause infinite loop in render * [WICKET-2595] - Ajax multipart fails for inner forms added via ajax ** Improvement * [WICKET-12] - open Modal Window without AjaxRequestTarget * [WICKET-2326] - Text on BrowserInfoPage should be customizable * [WICKET-2364] - CLONE -Make LoadableDetachableModel writable * [WICKET-2531] - Open DropDownChoice null value internationalization key * [WICKET-2533] - Behavior for accepted locales should fit the HTTP Specification * [WICKET-2536] - Guice 2.0 and its maven2 repository groupId * [WICKET-2539] - PackageStringResourceLoader does not look up to superclasses * [WICKET-2540] - Date Validation - message formatting of the date * [WICKET-2564] - Modify wicket-devutils DebugBar so it emits valid XHTML * [WICKET-2573] - Allow applications to chose not to use CGLIB proxies for @SpringBean injections * [WICKET-2575] - RepeatingView's Javadoc to include newChildId() and add() * [WICKET-2578] - Polish resource files for wicket 1.4.3 * [WICKET-2581] - French translation of Wicket-auth resources * [WICKET-2590] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel callback script rendering ** New Feature * [WICKET-1157] - Generic internationalization for Enums * [WICKET-2572] - Add capability for SpringWebApplicationFactory to create its own application context Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.3 ** Bug * [WICKET-2348] - always insert encoding in http response header * [WICKET-2436] - invalid DataTable markup breaks table layout * [WICKET-2497] - AutoComplete textfield ignores "visible" property within hierarchy. * [WICKET-2501] - BaseWicketTester clickLink calls onBeginRequest two times. * [WICKET-2505] - Button.onSubmit javadoc is misleading * [WICKET-2506] - Regression: "Could not find child with id: in the wicket:enclosure" for non-component tag * [WICKET-2507] - Inconsistent resource path using and HeaderContributor after second request * [WICKET-2508] - NullPointerException in BehaviorRequestTarget.processEvents( * [WICKET-2513] - wicket:enclosure does not work if child is a container and not a component (regression from 1.4.1) * [WICKET-2516] - Javadoc for Component.getMarkupId is incorrect * [WICKET-2518] - property file is incorrectly encoded * [WICKET-2520] - Use of Object instead of generic T in StringAutoCompleteRenderer * [WICKET-2522] - Easy fix suggestion: In BaseWicketTester 'IFormSubmitting' component should be the submitting component, not just a 'Button' * [WICKET-2525] - DatePicker consume too much memory * [WICKET-2527] - wicket:enclosure child attribute search path has changed * [WICKET-2528] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice ignores isDisabled() checks * [WICKET-2530] - Class not found when using OSGI class loader ** Improvement * [WICKET-2344] - Performance improvement: more efficient AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory cache * [WICKET-2459] - Add new German Wicket Book * [WICKET-2511] - Upgrade to SLF4J version 1.5.8 * [WICKET-2524] - Configurable Throttle delay for AutoCompleteBehavior ** Wish * [WICKET-2468] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel do not respect especific projects components configuration * [WICKET-2515] - ModalWindow javadoc improvent Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.2 ** Bug * [WICKET-2393] - Passwords should not be trimmed * [WICKET-2430] - Malformed \uxxxx encoding in * [WICKET-2433] - Ajax support for multipart forms broken in a nested form * [WICKET-2434] - RequestCycle urlFor ignores existing parameters when appending provided params * [WICKET-2438] - AjaxEventBehavior not working on feedback message components * [WICKET-2453] - Form.findForm(Component c) bug. When form is part of Border and form component like TextField is inside another Border , component cannot resolve its form. * [WICKET-2456] - DateTextField cannot work with default converter (or javadoc wrong) * [WICKET-2457] - Flash/ExternalInterface does not work in IE if movie is fetched via Wicket/Ajax * [WICKET-2458] - JavascriptUtils.escapeQuotes() misses escaping double quotes * [WICKET-2461] - AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink does not work without AjaxPagingNavigator component * [WICKET-2463] - Ajax miltipart form submitting ignores setDefaultFormProcessing(false) * [WICKET-2466] - javadoc the CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy needs to be update/corrected to reflect the usage of session-id for encryption and hence URLs which were bookmarkable before will NOT remain bookmarkable. * [WICKET-2475] - NPE after application hot redeployment * [WICKET-2477] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel does not detach choices model * [WICKET-2478] - TabbedPanel rendering bug * [WICKET-2485] - IComponentResolvers are not supported inside wicket:enclosure * [WICKET-2488] - QuickFix proposal WicketTesterHelper.assertEquals(final Collection expects, final Collection actuals) should compare list sizes ** Improvement * [WICKET-626] - profile Wicket for 1.4.0 * [WICKET-2435] - TabbedPanel extract factory method for tabs-container * [WICKET-2439] - Improve MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy, introduce Hybrid * [WICKET-2444] - Internal Spring beans should be ignored * [WICKET-2445] - needs the validators updated. * [WICKET-2449] - Fix javadoc biggest mistakes - mainly @Deprecated tags * [WICKET-2454] - IE8: be more verbose if ajax refresh fails * [WICKET-2469] - Allow using a different FileItemFactory by extracting a method in MultipartServletWebRequest class * [WICKET-2492] - path ** New Feature * [WICKET-2395] - add MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2483] - Access to WizardModel.conditions * [WICKET-2517] - adding class ExactErrorLevelFeedbackMessageFilter which displays exact one Error Level ** Wish * [WICKET-2120] - widen visibiliy of GuiceProxyTargetLocator and findBindingAnnotation * [WICKET-2462] - Would it possible add chinese resource label for WizardButton eg. CancelButton, NextButton and PreviousButton etc. * [WICKET-2489] - need to know if a component has been added to the AjaxRequestTarget Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.1 ** Bug * [WICKET-2316] - Form generates invalid html in appendDefaultButtonField * [WICKET-2378] - FormTester should call detach * [WICKET-2397] - text fields do not honor isrequired() * [WICKET-2402] - SetRowsPerPage with AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable * [WICKET-2406] - Palette component breaks XHTML validation * [WICKET-2407] - AbstractOptions of Palette may cause an HTML error with illegal chars * [WICKET-2415] - Estonian translation for StringValidator.minimum contains ${mimimum} instead of ${minimum} * [WICKET-2418] - NPE in ResourceReference * [WICKET-2422] - DefaultDataTable hides NavigationToolbar once and forever * [WICKET-2423] - Not all "domready" events are called when two wicket-event.js files are added to the page ** Improvement * [WICKET-2020] - Callback after detaching the page but before the PageMap lock is released * [WICKET-2290] - upgrade pom reference for joda-time to 1.6 * [WICKET-2374] - Model's factory methods are inconsistent * [WICKET-2410] - AjaxRequestTarget could skip component when its ancestor is added too * [WICKET-2413] - Better error handling when filterName attribute of WicketSessionFilter is misconfigured * [WICKET-2417] - FilterToolbar, FilterForm conformity to XHTML strict ** New Feature * [WICKET-2412] - Add dev time check for empty src="" attribute that can cause problems * [WICKET-2420] - Ajax support for multipart forms Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.0 ** Bug * [WICKET-2350] - Localization messages stops working with validators since 1.4-rc2 * [WICKET-2363] - Two minor quick-to-fix quality bugs in WicketTester * [WICKET-2366] - Refactor: org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#fromEscapedUnicode(String escapedUnicodeString) * [WICKET-2367] - ApacheLicenceHeaderTest fails checking non-project file * [WICKET-2368] - Page.checkRendering fails after setting BorderBodyContainer visiblity to false * [WICKET-2381] - IModel parameters of StringResourceModel not getting detached * [WICKET-2382] - Stateless problems * [WICKET-2384] - OutOfMemoryError occur for memory leak on FeedbackPanel & FeedbackMessages * [WICKET-2386] - JavaDoc: Some JavDoc examples still refer to WicketServlet * [WICKET-2391] - Tag ''has a mismatched close tag at '' * [WICKET-2392] - MarkupComponentBorder fails to close stream (?) * [WICKET-2394] - KittenCaptcha example broken ** Improvement * [WICKET-2362] - Update hungarian localization Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC7 ** Bug * [WICKET-2337] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when PropertyResolver is using an invalid list index * [WICKET-2346] - Problem with displaying expired page. * [WICKET-2354] - PropertyModel does not support index only property ("[0]") * [WICKET-2358] - EmailAddressValidator property has a typo in French version ** Improvement * [WICKET-2351] - Make TimeFrame, Duration, Time and related classes Serializable. * [WICKET-2360] - Checkbox: Make setters fluid Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC6 ** Bug * [WICKET-1897] - StatelessForm submitted to the wrong page * [WICKET-2127] - Javascript function Wicket.replaceAll is unbearably slow * [WICKET-2202] - Form gets submitted using AjaxSubmitBehavior when sub-form has error's * [WICKET-2268] - NullPointerException NPE in DiskPageStore after Session Timeout * [WICKET-2284] - German translation for NumberValidator.minimum is wrong * [WICKET-2294] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy fails while decoding parameters after the app has been up and running for quite some time. * [WICKET-2325] - IChoiceRenderer generic type parameters are wrong throughout the AbstractChoice class hierarchy * [WICKET-2330] - AjaxFormSubmitBehavior throws an NullPointerException when getForm() is overridden * [WICKET-2333] - RatingPanel doesn't "wrap" models * [WICKET-2334] - DebugBar throws an java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when Tomcat is restarted * [WICKET-2335] - JavaDoc inconsistent to the code * [WICKET-2336] - JavaDoc, point out the need of a super call. * [WICKET-2341] - AbstractSingleSelectChoice nullValid javadocs are misleading. * [WICKET-2345] - ModalWindow.setResizable(false) does not work after 1.4-rc4 * [WICKET-2349] - Time.valueOf(TimeOfDay) needs to use 24 hour clock ** Improvement * [WICKET-2321] - create a Component#onRemove() method * [WICKET-2332] - Open up Markup ctor and MarkupContainer#renderNext * [WICKET-2340] - Make ModificationWatcher replacable * [WICKET-2342] - Cryptic error "WicketMessage: Tag Expected" when wicket:panel tags are missing * [WICKET-2343] - Link: PopupSettings - overriding getPopupSettings has no effect ** New Feature * [WICKET-2306] - Extension for WicketTester to easily get AjaxLazyLoadPanel's to render their contents ** Task * [WICKET-2338] - Find and fix errata in 1.4 JavaDoc ** Wish * [WICKET-2314] - Custom css for Wizard Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC5 ** Bug * [WICKET-1912] - StatelessForm problems with query string * [WICKET-1922] - AbstractTree - setting root to null causes NullPointerException * [WICKET-2033] - & instead of & in javascript * [WICKET-2123] - org.apache.wicket.util.convert.converters.SqlTimestampConverter only renders the time part of the timestamp * [WICKET-2133] - DatePicker inserts incorrect format date * [WICKET-2188] - PropertyResolver$ArrayPropertyGetSet does not call setAccessible(true) on method * [WICKET-2245] - PageParameters always non-empty * [WICKET-2259] - The JavaDoc for IPageLink still holds a reference to PageLink which is deprecated * [WICKET-2261] - wicketTester.executeAjaxEvent(combo, "onchange"); works with 1.4-rc1 but not anymore with 1.4-rc2 * [WICKET-2270] - GET/POST mismatch with stateless page/form. * [WICKET-2272] - open/close div tags are rendered erroneously * [WICKET-2273] - wicket-devutils is missing in wicket-assembly-all.xml and not mentioned in README * [WICKET-2274] - WicketTester.executeAjaxEvent(AjaxButton, "onclick"); results in clicking of another submit button if its model value is not null. * [WICKET-2276] - isComponent in BaseWicketTester contains possible nullpointer exception * [WICKET-2277] - Radio#onComponentTag uses Objects.equal instead of model comparator * [WICKET-2278] - StatelessChecker is always offended * [WICKET-2281] - MockHttpServletRequest is broken when used with CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy * [WICKET-2286] - proper onBeforeRender() for NavigationToolbar * [WICKET-2292] - TabbedPanel uses too much generics (revert WICKET-2153) * [WICKET-2301] - When injecting more than one parm in a method, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown * [WICKET-2303] - [devutils] LiveSessionsPage is broken * [WICKET-2304] - [devutils] RequestsPage is broken * [WICKET-2305] - [devutils] Can only inspect pages in same pagemap as the inspector * [WICKET-2308] - Append lastmodified to Resources shouldnt append when the resource is a directory (ends with /) * [WICKET-2309] - ClassCastException in SqlDateConverter * [WICKET-2310] - FormTester.setValue should throw exception if not FormComponent ** Improvement * [WICKET-1837] - DiskPageStore: 32k directory entries. * [WICKET-2240] - Ability to enter ${...} like literals in property values * [WICKET-2271] - Make navigator ADA friendly * [WICKET-2293] - Form loadPersistentFormComponentValues condition fix * [WICKET-2307] - Throw specific RuntimeException in WebRequestCodingStrategy.decode ** New Feature * [WICKET-2260] - NavigatorLabel should support PageableListView ** Task * [WICKET-2287] - change JavaDoc of NumberValidator to point to newly created Validators Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC4 ** Bug * [WICKET-1960] - AutoCompleteTextField - gives a type mismatch error on IE - version wicket-1.4-rc1 * [WICKET-2241] - Guice integration doesn't honour optional bindings * [WICKET-2250] - IOptionRenderer getModel(Object value) should change to getModel(T value) * [WICKET-2251] - LoadableDeatachableModel onDetach() invoked after nulling the model ** New Feature * [WICKET-2255] - Simple changes for datepicker/datefield Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC3 ** Bug * [WICKET-1673] - Toggling visibility on nested Borders breaks page markup * [WICKET-1861] - Inevitable UnknownSizeException with HTTPS * [WICKET-2000] - AjaxRequestTarget escapes ] to ]^ * [WICKET-2005] - pb to access to this on event onchange on the AutoCompleteTextField * [WICKET-2015] - Empty File Upload field breaks validation of other fields in WicketTester. * [WICKET-2022] - wicket fails on WebLogic 9.2 clustered * [WICKET-2024] - AutoComplete ShowListOnFocusGain not working * [WICKET-2049] - beforeRender not called for behaviour added to ComponentTag * [WICKET-2060] - Invalid javascript when setStripJavascriptCommentsAndWhitespace is enabled * [WICKET-2061] - interceptContinuationURL with umlauts not encoded * [WICKET-2071] - Wicket-Examples Nested example fails with a NPE * [WICKET-2077] - SerializationChecker issue * [WICKET-2079] - Component Use Check always fails for visible components inside an invisible border body * [WICKET-2083] - NPE when clearing DateTimeField * [WICKET-2086] - setOutputMarkupContainerClassName() ... and wrong render mode in IE7 * [WICKET-2087] - typo in * [WICKET-2088] - ApacheLicenceHeaderTests fail after projects' metadata created by Eclipse * [WICKET-2091] - Error feedback is hidden by lower level messages * [WICKET-2092] - SignInPanel IllegalArgumentException exception * [WICKET-2093] - SubmitLink.onSubmit() is not called for submit links outside the form * [WICKET-2094] - Incorrect parameter name in SpringWebApplicationFactory's javadocs * [WICKET-2095] - error in modal.js wrong use of typeof * [WICKET-2096] - MultiFileUploadField.js can't find file input when serving pages as XHTML * [WICKET-2100] - DynamicImageResouce blocks loading of AjaxLazyLoadPanel * [WICKET-2102] - Localizer never caches resources when component is not given * [WICKET-2103] - SignInPanel.onSignInSucceeded call the correct method on IPageFactory * [WICKET-2104] - FormTester does not toggle selected values when using selectMultiple * [WICKET-2105] - Stripping comments causes StackOverflowError in XmlPullParser * [WICKET-2107] - Misplaced IllegalStateExceptions when accessing stateful URL with different session * [WICKET-2109] - IResourceStream.close is not called by ResourceStreamRequestTarget * [WICKET-2114] - WicketTester fails to execute AjaxBehavior (onclick) due to old requestCycle (this bug is caused by bugfix WICKET-254) * [WICKET-2124] - FormTester.setValue should throw excecption if the component does not exist * [WICKET-2130] - Pages stored in Session.touchedPages aren't detached when part of ModalWindow * [WICKET-2134] - Conversion Exception Thrown for Submitting A Page with Multiple Forms within A Border * [WICKET-2135] - PackagedTextTemplate uses default ResourceStreamLocator first * [WICKET-2140] - FormComponentPanel should not add a name attribute * [WICKET-2142] - Getting live sessions from RequestLogger results in NPE * [WICKET-2147] - Missing final semicolon in onclick JS for Link * [WICKET-2148] - AttributeModifier doesn't escape markup in model strings * [WICKET-2151] - WicketSessionFilter doesn't takes into account WebApplication#getSessionAttributePrefix(WebRequest) * [WICKET-2156] - StringResourceModel's Localizer cannot be overwritten * [WICKET-2159] - Resource key for validation message lookup is not the same as the component name. * [WICKET-2161] - DropDownChoice NO_SELECTION_VALUE static field is final * [WICKET-2163] - Make Palette's "Choices" Model More Generics Friendly * [WICKET-2166] - Invalid nested form tag name when the form is not visible and setoutputmarkupplaceholdertag(true) has been called * [WICKET-2167] - UrlValidator property is duplicated in * [WICKET-2171] - Base64UrlSafe claims to be RFC 3548 compliant, but isn't * [WICKET-2172] - PageParameters construced with keyValuePairs does not handle array values * [WICKET-2173] - quickstart archetype adds invalid maven-compiler-plugin configuration * [WICKET-2174] - Form#getMaxSize() -> no custom format * [WICKET-2175] - onBeforeRender() set visibility of NavigationToolbar prevents it from showing again * [WICKET-2179] - JavascriptResourceReference / CompressedResourceReference is "broken" * [WICKET-2180] - WicketSessionFilter assumes that the WicketFilter has already been inited * [WICKET-2181] - Bounds error in PageableListView#getCurrentPage() * [WICKET-2183] - Fix API documentation for DataTable * [WICKET-2185] - WicketServlet fallback() code should ignore query string params when resolving resources. * [WICKET-2189] - Generics for AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable * [WICKET-2191] - WebApplication is not thread-safe * [WICKET-2195] - DefaultObjectStreamFactory needs Application during deserialization * [WICKET-2196] - still doesn't seem to work - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer in newLabel(...) * [WICKET-2197] - BaseWicketTester should not hardcode UTF-8 in isComponentOnAjaxResponse * [WICKET-2199] - org.apache.wicket.settings.Settings#addStringResourceLoader(final IStringResourceLoader loader) does not conform to its JavaDoc * [WICKET-2200] - Unexpected RuntimeException: RestartResponseException in onBeforeRender of cached page * [WICKET-2202] - Form gets submitted using AjaxSubmitBehavior when sub-form has error's * [WICKET-2203] - WicketTester clickLink on submitLink fails with conversion error * [WICKET-2210] - AjaxButton and * [WICKET-2211] - MetaPattern.PERCENT matches an empty string * [WICKET-2215] - WebClientInfo does not set browerMajorVersion for IE8 * [WICKET-2218] - DatePicker pick up wrong word when we use LOCALE_WEEKDAYS with 1char in chinese. * [WICKET-2220] - YUI library used by Wicket Extensions - DateTime isn't IE8 compatible * [WICKET-2223] - DiskPageStore::convertToPage cleanup * [WICKET-2231] - DatePicker doesn't work when CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy is in effect * [WICKET-2233] - getPageSettings().setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(true); is said to be enabled by default in its javadoc but isn't * [WICKET-2234] - typo in pom.xml * [WICKET-2236] - Palette problem in IE7 Problem * [WICKET-2237] - DateTimeField throws NPE if date is cleared * [WICKET-2239] - AbstractColumn::isSortable() doesn't know about overrided getSortProperty() * [WICKET-2241] - Guice integration doesn't honour optional bindings * [WICKET-2242] - java.sql.Timestamp converter bug ** Improvement * [WICKET-1571] - Add a simple boolean datepicker.contributeDependencies() that a user can then override and return false. * [WICKET-2029] - AutoComplete - KEY_TAB should work like KEY_ENTER * [WICKET-2036] - Map getParameterMap() returns Map (no generics). * [WICKET-2072] - Allow for maps in the widgetProperties * [WICKET-2074] - Should the QuickStart archetype generated HomePage.html inlude the Wicket namespace in the html tag? * [WICKET-2076] - Need a way to programmaticaly configure the location of the temp directory for file uploads and the size of the chunk buffer * [WICKET-2082] - Conditional rendering for open-close tags of tag. * [WICKET-2085] - DateTimeField.HoursValidator relies on deprecated NumberValidator * [WICKET-2090] - Need reliable hook for storing/restoring data to/from page metadata that is tes compatbile * [WICKET-2101] - PageLink is inherently non extendable * [WICKET-2113] - Fix Compenent#setModelObject API documentation (or fix/remove call to checkHierarchyChange?) * [WICKET-2117] - Polish translations for wicket-extensions properties * [WICKET-2118] - Application adds a ComponentInstantiationListener that I don't want and can't remove * [WICKET-2137] - Synchronize generics between ListView and DropDownChoice * [WICKET-2139] - RequestLogger change - include Page Parameters for BookmarkablePages * [WICKET-2144] - Russian messages for file uploads * [WICKET-2153] - TabbedPanel accepts only ITab(s) * [WICKET-2160] - is outdated * [WICKET-2165] - Improve the API's Consistency and Flexibility With Respect to Generics and Collections * [WICKET-2168] - TableTree.html is not XHTML valid * [WICKET-2169] - Left-align text in Wicket Ajax Debug Window * [WICKET-2184] - Check component id against invalid chars ':' and empty IDs * [WICKET-2186] - PatternValidator could allow reverse matches * [WICKET-2187] - less dynamic or missing toString( ) methods in Component class * [WICKET-2205] - typo in ApplicationContextMock.putBean() exception message: "alredy" * [WICKET-2209] - IFormValidator and * [WICKET-2212] - Resource lookup/caching in OSGI environment spams errors for gone resources * [WICKET-2216] - DatePicker should not need to be extended to set a property * [WICKET-2217] - Add MD5 checksum to FileUpload component for uploaded files * [WICKET-2219] - More detailed error messages in wicket-ajax.js * [WICKET-2230] - Nested directory support for ZipResourceStream ** New Feature * [WICKET-2089] - Perform authorization for links based on the page annotations they refer to. * [WICKET-2170] - @StatelessComponent contribution by Marat Radchenko * [WICKET-2229] - Introduce Http/Https switcing support into core ** Wish * [WICKET-2073] - mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=... fails * [WICKET-2176] - i18n: German Translation of MultiFileUploadField * [WICKET-2222] - MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy constructor should be variadic Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC2 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-1678] - integrate code into extensions * [WICKET-1875] - create javadoc for existing portal imeplementation * [WICKET-2058] - Upgrade Wicket Portlet Support to only use native Portlet API 2.0 ** Bug * [WICKET-693] - What to do with the wicket dtd? * [WICKET-1314] - DateTimeField does not correct the timezone properly * [WICKET-1360] - Wrong path separator in reloading classloader patterns * [WICKET-1403] - Reinjection fails after Server restart * [WICKET-1483] - Unusual ClassCastException (SimpleAttributeModifier to IBehaviorListener) processing onError. * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type mismatch" in line 227 in IE * [WICKET-1513] - "input" tag with type="image" results in null pointer exception in AutoLinkResolver * [WICKET-1605] - onclick is null or not an object in IE6, IE7; Form.appendDefaultButtonField * [WICKET-1619] - PagingNavigator.setEnabled(false) doesn't work * [WICKET-1621] - Misleading example works despite error * [WICKET-1647] - SqlTimestampConverter drops the date portion of a Timestamp * [WICKET-1663] - Wicket tries to decode servlet path that already has been decoded by servlet container * [WICKET-1677] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior affects checkboxes even if component uses radios and vice-versa * [WICKET-1689] - style resources not looked up correctly in markup inheritance * [WICKET-1691] - StringResourceModel honors container's key (rather than its own) * [WICKET-1718] - WebPage#onAfterRender erroneously reports missing header * [WICKET-1750] - Inconsisting Handling of id mismatch on wicket:container * [WICKET-1781] - ParentResourceEscapePathTest fails on OS X using cmd line maven * [WICKET-1794] - WicketTester.clickLink and IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy don't work together * [WICKET-1812] - Header contributions occur even though rendering is not allowed by authorization strategy * [WICKET-1851] - Default lookup keys don't work when UseDefaultOnMissingResource is false * [WICKET-1855] - Using an AjaxSubmitLink outside of a Form does not set the form property * [WICKET-1863] - DateTimeField: small bugs * [WICKET-1864] - MockHttpServletRequest does not support absolute redirection URLs. * [WICKET-1868] - i18n package resource resolving depends too much on available locale * [WICKET-1871] - org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings#stripJSessionId StringIndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-1876] - RequestUtils.decodeParameters(String, ValueMap) doesn't follow the Servlet spec * [WICKET-1879] - Generics in DateTextField * [WICKET-1881] - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page's parameters * [WICKET-1886] - WicketTester Cookie handling * [WICKET-1890] - Palette.onBeforeRender() throws IllegalArgumentException in cases when Palette is invisible. * [WICKET-1898] - WebRequestCycleProcessor.resolveHomePageTarget for empty path with enforceMounts=true provokes 403 - "Direct access not allowed for mounted targets" * [WICKET-1906] - AutocompleteTextField throws javascript error Object Required * [WICKET-1908] - ResourceNameIterator problem with files with undescore in name * [WICKET-1909] - Wrong translation for StringValidator.range in * [WICKET-1914] - Form.appendDefaultButtonField produces invalid JavaScript if Ajax is disabled * [WICKET-1915] - wicket:message sometimes broken * [WICKET-1916] - setResponsePage(Application#getHomePage()) mounted as / (default) vs. ajax requests * [WICKET-1919] - MarkupContainer.setEnabled() doesn't enable/disable child components * [WICKET-1920] - Settings mounts as case insensitive causes 404 errors if case is included when mounting pages. * [WICKET-1923] - use of replaceComponentTagBody in onComponentTag MarkupException: Tag expected * [WICKET-1925] - SubmitLink javadoc is wrong. It states the javascript will be used in the href attribute of the tab, but it is actually in the onclick attribute. * [WICKET-1926] - UrlValidator doesn't working when using a hostname in the url * [WICKET-1927] - WicketTester.assertErrorMessages uses wrong encoding * [WICKET-1930] - FileUpload.writeToTempFile uses field Id as filename - Windows doesn't support some characters * [WICKET-1931] - FormTester doesn't correctly submit a form when a FileUploadField was not set (which is not required) * [WICKET-1934] - Hard coded size=8 attribute in DateTimeField.html is too small * [WICKET-1935] - SignInPanel_ja.html doesn't close span tag * [WICKET-1939] - ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn forces column type parameter and choice type parameter to be the same * [WICKET-1944] - Wicket-autocomplete.js does not invoke invokePostCallHandlers() when input string is 0 lenght or null * [WICKET-1948] - rc1 generics - RatingPanel * [WICKET-1953] - isEnabled called even if component is not Visible * [WICKET-1955] - Error about misplaced very uninformative and incorrect * [WICKET-1959] - PropertyResolver causes memory leaks with proxies * [WICKET-1961] - Bad javadoc for Request.getRelativePathPrefix* methods * [WICKET-1963] - Outdated JavaDoc content in MarkupContainer class * [WICKET-1976] - NPE when embedding * [WICKET-1977] - Generics: IOptionRenderer vs IChioceRenderer * [WICKET-1980] - Fixing JS error on autocomplete with preselect * [WICKET-1988] - DatePicker is not thread-safe * [WICKET-1989] - The method name 'renderOnEventJavacript' of IHeaderResponse is misspelling of 'renderOnEventJavascript' * [WICKET-1991] - SharedResourceRequestTarget logs ERRORs to the logfile on 404 (client errors) * [WICKET-1992] - SharedResourceRequestTarget allows access to almost arbitrary files under WEB-INF. * [WICKET-1994] - String.replaceAll(regex, replacement). The dot in ".html" I guess is meant to be literal * [WICKET-1995] - Method called unnecessarily in FormComponent * [WICKET-1997] - TextFilteredPropertyColumn needs different generic for FilterModel * [WICKET-2002] - Palette's Choice and Selection component break XHTML validation * [WICKET-2003] - Palette's AbstractOption component break XHTML validation * [WICKET-2004] - tests failed - last trunk revision - 731610 * [WICKET-2006] - The page set by setReponsePage does not process its own response. * [WICKET-2008] - org.apache.wicket.util.license.PropertiesLicenseHeaderHandler failed * [WICKET-2011] - FormComponent cookie persistent issue * [WICKET-2012] - Not possible to call getRowCount() in override of isVisible() for DataView * [WICKET-2013] - Session doesn't get invalidated when using RestartResponseException. * [WICKET-2016] - FormTester (BaseWicketTester.executeAjaxEvent[component,event]) submits also buttons that are hidden (isVisible=false) resulting in exception * [WICKET-2019] - Validation messages aren't cleared on success. * [WICKET-2025] - isVisible should not be called after detach * [WICKET-2026] - Forms are not validated correctly inside a border * [WICKET-2027] - FormComponentPanel does not work correctly inside a Border * [WICKET-2030] - BaseWicketTester can't find the pageLink field using reflection when you override the PageLink class. * [WICKET-2032] - CLONE -Wicket-autocomplete.js does not invoke invokePostCallHandlers() when input string is 0 lenght or null * [WICKET-2037] - Should adding AJAX behaviour to a page make it stateful? * [WICKET-2038] - Missing redirects in AjaxPagingNavigationLink and AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink * [WICKET-2039] - Fragment#getAssociatedMarkupStream() doesn't look for Parent in the proper way * [WICKET-2040] - Wrong log message text in RequestCycle#prepare * [WICKET-2042] - CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy produces Sessions on stateless pages * [WICKET-2043] - Tab (\t) character in a DropDownChoice value causes the returned selected value to be null * [WICKET-2044] - MarkupContainer - Method-variable children was stepping-on/masking the global-variable children * [WICKET-2045] - FileUploadField.onDetach() causes IllegalStateException() * [WICKET-2047] - typo in * [WICKET-2048] - HtmlProblemFinder documentation bug * [WICKET-2050] - KittenCaptchaPanel generates a Ajax callback image url which potentially breaks when used in a Portlet * [WICKET-2057] - AjaxPreprocessingCallDecorator calls the delegate decorator before itself (same behavior as AjaxPostprocessingCallDecorator) * [WICKET-2063] - Wizard buttons (previous / finish) aren't enabled when they should be * [WICKET-2065] - Generated urls for mounted pages contain redundant trailing "/" * [WICKET-2067] - SmartLinkLabel does not handle ~ in urls * [WICKET-2069] - KittenCaptcha filter declared twice in wicket-examples web.xml * [WICKET-2143] - Palette in Form calls onSubmit twice, model is erased on second onSubmit ** Improvement * [WICKET-543] - need javadocs embedded in the Wicket 1.3 zip file * [WICKET-910] - Add forXXX family of factories for StringHeaderContributor too * [WICKET-918] - allow for pluggable javascript compression algorithms * [WICKET-1192] - move static factory methods off of HeaderContributer and onto related classes * [WICKET-1206] - Change BaseWicketTester.getTagByXXX return value from TagTester to TagTester[] * [WICKET-1281] - DateTextField does not use user locale for parse and display data * [WICKET-1367] - Not all of SignInPanel is properly localized * [WICKET-1380] - (Simple)AttributeModifier abuse check * [WICKET-1431] - Make the Source Code pages for examples stateless * [WICKET-1490] - Small iprovement to the generated by the maven archtype * [WICKET-1538] - WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender rename to AjaxIndicatorAppender * [WICKET-1553] - Pass the event to the event handler in HeaderResponse.renderOnEventJavascript * [WICKET-1564] - filter-restore script-tag isn't xhtml-valid * [WICKET-1642] - Fix default localizations * [WICKET-1675] - Widen Generics for Lists/Iteratos * [WICKET-1763] - GuiceComponentInjector overhead for non-injectable Components * [WICKET-1784] - Enhance IDataProvider to support applications using the Transfer Object J2EE pattern * [WICKET-1850] - UrlValidator disallow http://user:password@host:port/path urls * [WICKET-1860] - Please provide Model.valueOf(java.util.Set) * [WICKET-1893] - Extend FormTester to easily handle CheckBox components. * [WICKET-1910] - ServletWebRequest.isAjax Should be cached * [WICKET-1913] - Upgrade spring dependency to 2.5.6 * [WICKET-1921] - Add an extension of AutoCompleteTextField which includes default css * [WICKET-1929] - PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationIncrementLink and PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationLink should return AbstractLink * [WICKET-1938] - Use XMLUnit for framework tests * [WICKET-1941] - Add getter and setter for data provider to AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable * [WICKET-1946] - Please make RequestLogger.log(RequestData, SessionData) protected * [WICKET-1962] - setters on FeedbackPanel do not return self, which prevents chaining * [WICKET-1982] - Palette's AbstractOptions should localize values as AbstractChoice does * [WICKET-1984] - MarkupContainer's add(final Component child) does not initially check for a child null reference * [WICKET-1986] - MarkupContainer's addOrReplace(final Component child) does not initially check for a child null reference * [WICKET-2018] - Buttom subclasses getForm with a different sematic * [WICKET-2020] - Callback after detaching the page but before the PageMap lock is released * [WICKET-2023] - Allow extending SmartLinkMultiLineLabel (remove 'final') * [WICKET-2028] - New Russian file ** New Feature * [WICKET-1584] - FragmentColumn * [WICKET-1610] - Kitten authentication * [WICKET-1666] - contribution: provide indexed urls for shared resources (with optional query string parameters) * [WICKET-1900] - Implement isEscapeLabalMarkup for RadioChoice * [WICKET-1917] - Automatically Load CSS files based on name matching * [WICKET-1918] - Automatically Load JavaScript files based on name matching ** Task * [WICKET-1993] - remove eclipse settings from svn ** Wish * [WICKET-1966] - Autocomplete assumes there will be other parameters in the callback url when appending its query Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-RC1 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-1624] - ServletWebRequest.getRelativePathPrefixToContextRoot() double decodes servlet path * [WICKET-1805] - Allow to change charset in StringRequestTarget: change CharSet used by the OutStream as well ** Bug * [WICKET-550] - Use WebRequestEncoder everywhere a query string is constructed * [WICKET-861] - NumberFormatException with UrlCompressingWebRequestProcessor in WicketTester * [WICKET-1120] - Problem closing a ModalWindow when used through an IFrame * [WICKET-1180] - Converters : final vs non final * [WICKET-1220] - Component.visitParents visits the calling component as well * [WICKET-1311] - Improper HTML escaping for most wicket components and extensions * [WICKET-1376] - Using AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and mounting that page gives exception * [WICKET-1425] - appendToInit() method is not called in class DatePicker * [WICKET-1436] - Unable to use properties file when generating XML files * [WICKET-1496] - DataTable.html does not validate (HTML 4.01/XHTML-Strict) * [WICKET-1535] - ExternalLink JavaScript not working in FF 3 * [WICKET-1565] - AbstractTransformerBehavior can't be added to a page * [WICKET-1582] - WicketTester executeAjaxEvent onclick generating non-AJAX response * [WICKET-1583] - NPE in EnclosureResolver * [WICKET-1627] - AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy improper user of URLEncoder.encode * [WICKET-1634] - ClassName needs conversion from Path to dotted notation in AutoLinkResolver * [WICKET-1648] - AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy(line 174) throws confusing exception. It would be better redirect to 404-page in this case. * [WICKET-1652] - Hard-coded quotes in xml prologue * [WICKET-1704] - ResourceStreamRequestTarget.configure set wrong ContentLength for non-ascii characters * [WICKET-1719] - StringResourceModel may fail to format numbers using MessageFormat * [WICKET-1728] - remove obsolete check from LocalizedImageResource * [WICKET-1730] - RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator accepts whitespace and tab * [WICKET-1731] - When used in inherited markup, tries to load a class with an illegal name * [WICKET-1736] - Allow Access to AutoCompleteTextField AutoCompleteBehavior * [WICKET-1737] - wicketTester does not find HTML mark-up if custom location is used. * [WICKET-1740] - RequestCycle.urlFor modifies page parameters * [WICKET-1745] - Get rid of raw Model usage * [WICKET-1746] - gecko: ajax javascript reference rendering problem * [WICKET-1754] - form action URLs in non-Wicket forms not rewritten * [WICKET-1755] - In html Include component isAbsolute method returns false for an absolute path in unix-like systems * [WICKET-1756] - Generify PropertyColumn * [WICKET-1759] - Typo in method name: AttributeModifier#replaceAttibuteValue * [WICKET-1765] - Extending from org.apache.wicket.Page causes StackOverflowError * [WICKET-1776] - Quickstart's archetype misses maven compiler configuration * [WICKET-1777] - Overflow when setting Expires header in WebResource * [WICKET-1780] - NPE in feedback panel * [WICKET-1787] - AjaxSubmitLink in Internet Explorer does not work with Wicket's automatically genreated id's * [WICKET-1788] - "Invalid procedure call or argument" on AJAX call with IE7 * [WICKET-1789] - Border fails to render if its contents are not visible by default * [WICKET-1796] - When markup type is XML, getLocalizer().getString( "xyz", (WebPage) ) throws Exception * [WICKET-1797] - Bug with default RadioChoice "for" attribute on label generation. * [WICKET-1799] - wicket-extensions has unused reference to commons-collections.jar * [WICKET-1809] - wicket does not compile for 1.3.x because of method usage > jdk 1.4 * [WICKET-1816] - Wicket 1.3.4 violates servlet standard, Glassfish spews warnings * [WICKET-1818] - wicket:id attribute with a value containing spaces generates invalid markup * [WICKET-1820] - Embedded forms do not support multipart * [WICKET-1829] - MarkupComponentBorder skips first tag in MarkupStream * [WICKET-1834] - Invalid Cookie Names for persistence used according to RFC (doesn't work in tomcat 6.x) * [WICKET-1836] - RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath() should handle dot paths in the url * [WICKET-1839] - IAjaxIndicatorAware/WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender with AutoCompleteTextField doesn't work * [WICKET-1843] - Disabling RadioGroup via authorization strategy does not disable contained Radio buttons * [WICKET-1846] - Dutch text message for NumberValidator incorrect * [WICKET-1857] - Unfound markup information is not entirely cached even in deployment mode * [WICKET-1870] - MinimumLengthValidator throws NullPointerException * [WICKET-1901] - Spelling error in fonts list in CaptchaImageResource * [WICKET-1903] - RadioChoice disable certain choice bug * [WICKET-1904] - CheckBox incorrectly converts its model value when a custom Boolean converter is installed - again ** Improvement * [WICKET-1055] - Add ability to have Radio and RadioGroup not related via component hierarchy * [WICKET-1103] - Support validator and package level resource bundles * [WICKET-1115] - DownloadLink fix that encodes non-ASCII file names properly * [WICKET-1138] - Better warning of design errors during development * [WICKET-1692] - on Java 6+ DatePicker.localize should use DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale) instead of new DateFormatSymbols(Locale) to support DateFormatSymbolsProviders * [WICKET-1696] - CaptchaImageResource - should take an IModel instead of String for captcha-text * [WICKET-1744] - RadioChoice , MultiListChoice, DropDownChoice, ListChoice - model handlers should take a Collection instead of the more specific List * [WICKET-1748] - 304 Last Modified responses should include an Expires header * [WICKET-1749] - Want to add SignInPanel_ja.html * [WICKET-1753] - Allow WicketFilter to be configured to skip certain paths * [WICKET-1767] - Protection against Session Fixation * [WICKET-1770] - PagingNavigation's javadoc contains malformed html snippet * [WICKET-1782] - Protection against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks * [WICKET-1801] - Make AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.findIndicatorId() protected * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative * [WICKET-1810] - StringRequestTarget is bloated and needs some care * [WICKET-1824] - AbstractDecimalConverter * [WICKET-1830] - Include Component Path in Generated Markup * [WICKET-1833] - Ungenerifying IConverter, because overriding Component.getConverter() generated warnings in user code * [WICKET-1844] - Wizard button implementations should not be final * [WICKET-1853] - Wicket should allow non-formcomponents to plug into form's FormComponent#updateModel event * [WICKET-1854] - What's the point of requiring IConverters to be superclasses of the objects they convert? * [WICKET-1891] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel shouldn't call getLoadingComponent(String) in constructor * [WICKET-1895] - AjaxButton should have a constructor to set the label ** New Feature * [WICKET-1720] - Add clearLocalizerCache to Application JMX bean * [WICKET-1877] - Provide Option to Specify XML Attribute Name in getDebugSettings().setOutputComponentPath(true); ** Wish * [WICKET-1758] - Make DiskPageStore#getSessionFolder protected (rather than private) Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-M3 ** Bug * [WICKET-613] - Prototype scoped Spring beans * [WICKET-1389] - Tests fail due to different order of attributes (under Java 6) * [WICKET-1473] - BaseWicketTester.isComponentOnAjaxResponse() test is too strong * [WICKET-1544] - Update Javadoc for AbstractValidator * [WICKET-1547] - Add getterfor IPageable to PagingNavigation * [WICKET-1636] - WebPage.onAfterRender compares configurationType String using == operator, not equals method * [WICKET-1643] - Bookmarkable / Stateless form submit bug * [WICKET-1645] - Syntactic errors in the manifest OSGi headers * [WICKET-1646] - AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior not working correctly when using IE 7 * [WICKET-1658] - WicketTester#clickLink doesn't update lastRenderedPage * [WICKET-1659] - Prolem with 'mouseactive' in wicket-autocomplete.js when AutoCompleteBehaviour is added (twice) during Ajax roundtrip * [WICKET-1667] - Memory leak in Localizer * [WICKET-1669] - TimeFrame.equals(Object) does not work as expected * [WICKET-1670] - Time.valueOf() does not clear miliseconds * [WICKET-1676] - NPE in BookmarkablePageRequestTarget * [WICKET-1682] - HtmlHandler can't handle tags not requiring closed tags if the tag names are uppercase * [WICKET-1684] - FileUploadField should return FileUpload as its converted input * [WICKET-1694] - wicket complains that ValueMap$NullSafeKeyComparator is not serializable * [WICKET-1695] - IValueMap redefines methods from parent interface Map which causes name clashes and redundancy * [WICKET-1697] - Bad caching in tag for the same key in same markup structure * [WICKET-1699] - NPE in RequestLogger * [WICKET-1701] - org.apache.wicket.markup.html.CompressedPackageResource$CompressingResourceStream.cache needs to avoid being serialized * [WICKET-1705] - GuiceComponentInjector mishandles static fields * [WICKET-1706] - org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Objects.convertValue returns null if it cannot convert the value * [WICKET-1713] - ModalWindow JavaScript does not restore tabIndexes correctly on IE 6 * [WICKET-1714] - PackagedTextTemplate does not load resource from application resource stream locator * [WICKET-1715] - Generified SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy violates its contract * [WICKET-1724] - Clicking on AjaxLink (when used on a page mounted through QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy) after session-expiry throws a NullPointerException in IE and Safari (i.e. in BookmarkableListenerInterfaceRequestTarget.processEvents) ** Improvement * [WICKET-488] - Allow more complex behaviour for AutoCompleter component * [WICKET-1592] - html.form.Form object should have method to obtain all FormValidator objects associated with * [WICKET-1622] - expose the IItemFactory in RefreshingView * [WICKET-1657] - AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable gives misleading error when fragment markup cannot be found * [WICKET-1662] - org.apache.wicket.util.resource.IResourceStream extends * [WICKET-1668] - (added translations) * [WICKET-1702] - WicketMessageResolver should use application settings instead of a static property to configure its behavior * [WICKET-1708] - Allow the module init parameter to contain multiple class names * [WICKET-1709] - Allow configuration of the guice Stage for GuiceWebApplicationFactory * [WICKET-1711] - Improve Locale fallback in BundleStringResourceLoader * [WICKET-1723] - Drop type parameter from Component while preserving it in IModel and specific Component subtypes ** New Feature * [WICKET-1428] - AutoLinkResolver and Parent-Relative (../) Links * [WICKET-1534] - Allow multiple URL coding strategies on the same mount path * [WICKET-1716] - make autocompleter more customizable Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-M2 ** Bug * [WICKET-1152] - MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.unauthorize() doesn't work * [WICKET-1292] - WicketTester continueToOriginalDestination() uses application home page instead of original redictor * [WICKET-1366] - "ava.lang.IllegalStateException: No Page found for component" when collapsing nodes in a LinkTree * [WICKET-1507] - MarkupCache style/variation/locale support broken * [WICKET-1521] - ClassCastException in MixedUrlCodingStrategy * [WICKET-1527] - WicketTester can not deal with null values in page parameters * [WICKET-1541] - PopupSettings' windowName fixes for IE * [WICKET-1549] - Memory leak with PropertyResolver (in running test suites) * [WICKET-1560] - MarkupFragmentFinder fails on transparent resolvers within Repeaters * [WICKET-1569] - AjaxButton break form data when IRequestSettings.#getResponseRequestEncoding is not UTF-8. * [WICKET-1574] - Palette does not support ajax behavior * [WICKET-1575] - AjaxEventBehavior does not check for component.isEnableAllowed before adding the ajax event to the tag * [WICKET-1581] - AjaxEditableLabel cancel broken on Safari * [WICKET-1598] - Typos in JavaDoc of * [WICKET-1607] - addDomReadyEvent unreliable for Safari * [WICKET-1626] - Typo in src/main/java/org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/ * [WICKET-1635] - Stripping javascript comments and whitespace breaks application when using prototype library * [WICKET-1649] - Manifests use incorrect Dynamic-ImportPackage header ** Improvement * [WICKET-433] - improved reporting on locked page maps * [WICKET-1559] - Widening Generics... * [WICKET-1568] - contribution for wicket 1.4 generics (IConverter) * [WICKET-1588] - Generics for Quickstart archetype * [WICKET-1590] - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer in newLabel(...) * [WICKET-1595] - AutoCompleteTextField: Scrolling down the Choice Menu Only When the Bottom of the Menu Is Reached * [WICKET-1596] - New convenience methods for ValueMap (code and tests included!) * [WICKET-1608] - make AutoCompleteBehavior's configuration more flexible * [WICKET-1618] - Localizer API should be enhanced so that the cache implementation can be overwritten * [WICKET-1656] - serialVersionUID Errors in Eclipse * [WICKET-1660] - Add isVisible() method to ITab ** New Feature * [WICKET-1603] - pass through url coding strategy * [WICKET-1609] - add RedirectToExternalException * [WICKET-1641] - provide OSGi metadata ** Wish * [WICKET-1562] - Autocomplete should display the selection list even if the input field is empty Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4-M1 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-1516] - Flatten project structure * [WICKET-1517] - Update release script * [WICKET-1523] - Update README ** Bug * [WICKET-1371] - cannot be found in OSGi * [WICKET-1418] - org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer swallows AbortException * [WICKET-1496] - DataTable.html does not validate (HTML 4.01/XHTML-Strict) * [WICKET-1499] - AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel + race condition / * [WICKET-1501] - MarkupCache.putIntoCache doesn't behave correctly!! * [WICKET-1504] - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type mismatch" in line 227 in IE * [WICKET-1508] - EmptyStackException parsing HTML * [WICKET-1512] - Widen Generics for Lists/Iteratos * [WICKET-1514] - DataView generified * [WICKET-1532] - Generified IConverter * [WICKET-1536] - Enclosure permanently hides direct children after it has been itself hidden once * [WICKET-1537] - SelectOption generates non xhtml compliant markup * [WICKET-1548] - PagingNavigator calls factory methods from constructor * [WICKET-1551] - javascript status variable hides the window.status variable because it is not declared as a far in wicket-ajax.js ** Improvement * [WICKET-1344] - BigDecimalConverter is not precise * [WICKET-1427] - make setAfter/BeforeDisabledLink return "this" for chaining * [WICKET-1509] - Add QueryString property to RequestParameters and Request * [WICKET-1524] - Disable javadoc plugin in regular build to make it faster ** New Feature * [WICKET-1486] - Allow child components inside of wicket:message * [WICKET-1505] - Package level properties file ** Task * [WICKET-1522] - Merge wicket-spring and wicket-spring-annot ** Wish * [WICKET-1506] - More Generics (IBookmarkablePageRequestTarget)